Spine Safe Mat<br>Erin Wilson<br>Class 5246

Spine Safe Mat
Erin Wilson
Class 5246

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Lovely class, thanks Erin:)
Silvia P thank you so much for taking the class! I am so happy you enjoyed it!
Excellent modifications and detailed verbal cues ; easy to follow and instructor excellent in verbal cadence: successfully able to follow and keep up :) Thank You kindly for sharing your pilates knowledge :) dpilates Prosper Physical Therapy 
Deanna L thank you so much for your detailed and very generous feedback 🙏🏻. I truly appreciate you taking the class and taking time to comment 😊
Lovely generous cueing. Thanks Erin :))
Anne P. Thank you so much for your generous feedback! 🙏🏻💜
Audtey F
Thank you, Erin, Loved the detailed cues. It was a perfect class for where I am right now.
Audtey F wonderful! I am so happy this class worked for you! Thank you so much for taking the class and taking time to comment on it. 💜🙏🏻
Very nice cueing and presentation!
Copycat thank you so much for taking the class and the time to comment 😊. I truly appreciate your feedback 🙏🏻
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