Oscillation Rejuvenation Mat<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Class 5304

Oscillation Rejuvenation Mat
Elizabeth Larkam
Class 5304

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Wild. I always enjoy you Elizabeth Larkam. I love your variations, explanations, and that you gave a shout to Eve for her side imprint breathing. Thank you for class ❤
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different movements, love it, a little hard in my neck when my head is off the ground.
Genius! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much Kailey! Eve's workshops in Santa Fe and San Francisco take me back to the late eighties. Her teaching is timeless
Conce P, I understand that sustaining unsupported head and neck while oscillating is demanding for cervical endurance. Please try a cushion or folded towel to support your head and neck. I hope this will be more comfortable.
Sofie van der Sommen

hi Elisabeth, could you tell us a bit more about how the oscillation works? I notice that everything is set in motion, the humming effect can also be felt, my body tingles after the exercise.
Sofie, delighted to hear this class had beneficial effects for you. I integrated several practices to enhance resonance throughout the field. My Pilates Anytime  workshop on Spike Protein Conditions posted June 2023 includes detailed explanations and references. Coherent breathing brings heart rate and respiration into coherence. Humming stimulates release of nitric oxide from the parasinuses to support circulation and ventral vagal tone. Oscillations (rapid rhythmic compression and decompression) in each orientation - prone, side-lying, supine, bridging, quadruped and standing - activate proprioception that opens pathways of body-wide communication.
Sofie van der Sommen
Thank you, for the clear information! I am, curious about the workshop "spike protein conditions"!!!
Thank you so much Elizabeth. Always love your classes. Will do your spike protein condition workshop to find out more about this. Thank you so much again :)
Thank you so much Elizabeth. Always love your classes. Will do your spike protein condition workshop to find out more about this. Thank you so much again :)
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