As more of a beginner rather than true intermediate, I found it tough but survived most things. The hardest bit was really just that my theraband is so much shorter. I had to do some movements without it. All in all I enjoyed the challenge and variety, thank you Erika Quest , I will look out for more of your classes.
Sue S I'm SO glad Sue. Yes, my theraband is nice and long in this one and they are such a great tool for so many things. I'm so glad you took class with me and appreciate you THRIVing along the journey with me. Much love, Erika
Thank you Erika! So creative, loved the functional movement and creative foam roller exercises, I love teaching pilates abs on the roller but loved your rolling like a ball and appreciated your energy and enthusiasm it kept me engaged!
I loved this class, thank you. I really enjoyed the pause...breathing and letting go, letting in. Oh how I wish there was more creative videos like this !