Thrive Mat<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 5365

Thrive Mat
Erika Quest
Class 5365

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Lina S
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A great class... right on the day of my birthday!  I've really enjoyed the creative use of the foam roller and flex band. Thank you!
Sue S
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As more of a beginner rather than true intermediate, I found it tough but survived most things. The hardest bit was really just that my theraband is so much shorter. I had to do some movements without it. All in all I enjoyed the challenge and variety, thank you Erika Quest , I will look out for more of your classes.
Erika Quest
Lina S Awesome, Lina! Thanks for taking THRIVE with me and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Much love, Erika
Erika Quest
Sue S I'm SO glad Sue. Yes, my theraband is nice and long in this one and they are such a great tool for so many things. I'm so glad you took class with me and appreciate you THRIVing along the journey with me. Much love, Erika
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great class, love your energy
Erika Quest
Silvia F YAHOO, thanks for the love, Silvia! Glad you enjoyed THRIVE with me! xo, Erika
Anna B
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Thanks, Erika, for another great class. I appreciate your enthusiasm and positivity so much! Such a joyful class; I feel great!
Erika Quest
Anna B You bet, Anna! Thanks for taking class with me. xo, Erika
Martine Q
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Thank you Erika! So creative, loved the functional movement and creative foam roller exercises, I love teaching pilates abs on the roller but loved your rolling like a ball and appreciated your energy and enthusiasm it kept me engaged!
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I loved this class, thank you. I really enjoyed the pause...breathing and letting go, letting in. Oh how I wish there was more creative videos like this ! 
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