Total Body Reformer Barre<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5403

Total Body Reformer Barre
Tracey Mallett
Class 5403

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Great workout!  I’m quite tired.😀
Chanda Hinman
Thank you Michele H for that feedback. We will work on adding an "optional" section so you know which pieces of equipment and props are optional!
1 person likes this.
Love the idea to do footwork here!!! 
1 person likes this.
I loved this class!!!   Makes me smile when I see your new content and remembering when I played your  barre dvds years ago 😊
Shannon H
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My lucky week... new and amazing Tracey classes!!  It is time for the portable bar I've been considering! GREAT CLASS!
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Amazing !! I loved it!
Sarah T
fun and challenging! 
Lynn S
The descriptor didn't lie - I certainly added heat to my body! I just love your classes Tracey, even though I may swear at you just a little bit occasionally They are the best. Thank you. 
Great class! I loved the box variations standing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge:)
Jen U
Love the class!  Super creative, fun and HARD!!
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