Pre-Pilates Mat Conditioning<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 5424

Pre-Pilates Mat Conditioning
Niedra Gabriel
Class 5424

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2 people like this.
This workout is very helpfull, thank you so much Niedra, I can feel how much effort in yourself to give the right positioning. 
Great class Niedra, thank you!
Niedra Gabriel
Elisabeth Pantelidou and Ayse D Thank you for your posts. So pleased that you enjoy this angle into the powerhouse. 
2 people like this.
What a wonderful class! You’re such an inspiring, amazing teacher. Thank you!! 
Julie Lloyd
1 person likes this.
This is incredibly educational and insightful Niedra, thank you! I wish I was in your part of the world and could have some in-person classes with you. I always find your teaching so very helpful.
Amy P
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Thank you Niedra, great (and challenging!) conditioning to get us moving from the proper areas/muscles of the body!
Erika S
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Thank you for this excellent addition. The explanations, cueing, and demonstrations were so helpful to encourage the thoughtful connection. 
Niedra Gabriel
Deborah B,Julie LAmy PErika S thank you all for your comments. so pleased you enjoyed this approach to the work.
Taghrid K
Oh Wow!! Thank you so much Niedra Great  conditioning class  that I feel so many clients will benefit from to get the right connections and get the right muscles recruited. I always loved your classes, I learn a lot from your cueing and excellent explanation.  A Big Thank you

Taghrid K
Would i be able to use the weights and straight legs  roll down with someone who has issues in the back (very tight and gets spasms) very stiff lumbar and tight hamstrings? Ok to start with 4-6 lbs first? Is it ok to bend the knees a bit till she gets strength and flexibility?
Thank you 
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