Daily Dose Shoulder Health<br>Andrew Aroustian<br>Class 5430

Daily Dose Shoulder Health
Andrew Aroustian
Class 5430

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Taryn Upchurch
I really enjoyed this! Thanks so much.
Excellent! So glad you enjoyed it. 👏👏
Lina S
Perfect break after working on the computer!
Lina S exactly! I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. 
Gracie H
Needed this today! Have a tight left shoulder and these movements helped my shoulder feel more opened. Looking forward to your shoulder care on the reformer. Thank you!
Gracie H I’m so happy you enjoyed the class! Thank you for your comment. 
Thank you Andrew Aroustian . My upper body feels awesome :)
Maryam amazing! So glad you enjoyed it. 
This felt great!  Great shoulder/upper body work. Thank you. 
Lacey thank you so much for the comment. So happy you enjoyed it. 
1-10 of 12

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