Extend Mat<br>Andrew Aroustian<br>Class 5437

Extend Mat
Andrew Aroustian
Class 5437

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1 person likes this.
Really enjoyed this. Extension is so needed for most of us. These were gentle, but complete. Especially liked the 3 hand positions for the kneeling push ups. Thank you.
Rondi L thank you! So glad you enjoyed the class. 
Super! Such a nice tutoring! Enjoyed it very much!
Great class! Thanks for this amazing tutorial. I got a lot of ideas for teaching my next class. Thank you so much. 
Monika H you are more than welcome! I'm so happy you enjoyed the class. 
Julie Lloyd
Great class, thank you Andrew!! I have overdone the flexion a bit lately, so this was very helpful. And, such a nice mix of moves, presented with just the right amount of technical information. I will look out for more of your classes.
Julie L thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so happy you enjoyed the class. 
Anna B
Thank you so much, Andrew. This class felt great and I didn't want the hip flexor and hamstring stretches to end. Any tips on modifying the shoulder press/hip lift for someone recovering from shoulder impingement? Thank you again.
Thank you Andrew-terrific cues and so very clear and encouraging
Hi Anna B, so glad you enjoyed the class. If you have clients with shoulder impingement issues, then I would recommend either reducing the height of the back support press, or being specific with the cueing. When the shoulder is in extension, as it is with this position, encourage your clients to draw the shoulder blades together and couple that with internal rotation of the humerus within the shoulder joint. This should encourage optimal placement and support for the shoulder. Let me know how you get on!
1-10 of 11

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