Tactile Feedback Mat<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 5478

Tactile Feedback Mat
Kristi Cooper
Class 5478

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Thank  you very much, I really love the pace and simplicity in this class.  Bless you!
Annie R
Love ball work!!!!   Thanks.
That was just SO good! Loved it, thank you!
Enjoyed this mobility thank you 
Thank you, Kristi, for being so clear in all your cues, which makes them very helpful to step into the M.A.G.I.C. of the Overball. I enjoyed this class very much!
Really enjoyed this inner thigh and ab burner. Thanks so much for this class. 
Lina S
A fun way to end the day! Spine extensions with the ball feel good!
What a great way to work the body awareness in a class. Love your classes and your personality.  Your energy makes me happy. Thank you!
Issa H
Nice class! Very good explanations to connect with the subtle movements and muscle activations
Just what I needed. Such a queen for making it seem so simple. Incredible class as always!
11-20 of 22

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