Strengthening Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5500

Strengthening Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 5500

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Absolutely brilliant in every way Courtney. I am a long time raving fan of you and your work. You have such great energy and positivity as well as fantastic teaching skills and exceptional creativity.
This is so fun - creative 
Gracie H
That. Was. So. Much. Fun!! Loved the challenges especially the single leg in strap work. Thank you and am looking forward to the next challenge!
Yes! Sweat! Single leg short spine to double leg stretch…love!
1 person likes this.
I was at first disappointed this class was only 40 minutes. Then about 15 minutes in,  I was SO glad it was only 40 minutes--haha. Wow, what a sweat challenge!
Zuzana F
Great class. Thank you Courtney 🙏🏼
wow. what a great workout and flow. More like this
I like your flow
Frances L
Should add modifications for people who’s feet don’t touch the floor
Jen U
That was amazing choreography!  Tough workout!  I am sweating!

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