Brett's Daily Mat Class<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 5502

Brett's Daily Mat Class
Brett Howard
Class 5502

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Saphira B
Really nice class. Great cues expertly delivered.  Feels great afterwards. Thank you!
Thanks Brett,  for making traditional movements feeling and looking new.
Straight to the point.  I liked it!  No fluffy stuff, just straight to the movement.  I felt like I was back in a dance studio again.  haha Thanks Brett!
Thanks, Brett. I always enjoy your counting and rhythm as well as your precise cues, with no judgment.
What a great routine!  Thank you so much!
Sara P
Loved it, I'm feeling energized !! 
Allison M
I am obsessed with this class! This is such a great flow to do on busy days or in between meeting for a quick reset! 
Hi Brett! I just loved this class! You are an amazing teacher! I added your class to my favorites. 
Shona Croft
You’re the best with making classical do-able and seemingly(!) simple. Great clear and precise ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for coming back. I always feel inspired after your class
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