Total Body Burn<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 5556

Total Body Burn
Carrie Pages
Class 5556

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Chanda Hinman
Noureen any small Pilates ball should work. You may want to inflate or it deflate it to your liking. About 9" should work. I personally like this one -
1 person likes this.
Great class, I love workouts using the small ball!
Anna M
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Love your classes!
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Carrie Pages probably one of my favorite workouts yet, girl!!!  I was riding that struggle bus!  And can we talk about the knee pull with rotation?  You’re amazing, Carrie girl.  Love ya!
Gracie H
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Loved using the ball! Enjoying this series and, yes, am also sore!
Marithé Lessard
Fantastique 🤗🏌️‍♀️🙋‍♀️
Helen S
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My first class with you Carrie!  What a wonderful way to return to Pilates Anytime!  Loved it!  I will be back for more!
Cathrin L
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fantastic series of workouts with a lot of new variations and focus on core with every exercise. Love your queuing. hope there will be more
Thanks everyone so much for taking my class!
Loved it!
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