Benjamin's Reformer Practice<br>Benjamin Degenhardt<br>Class 5612

Benjamin's Reformer Practice
Benjamin Degenhardt
Class 5612

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Shona Croft
Always jump on whatever class you offer us. Always great. Thanks… x
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Beautiful practice!!
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Wonderful class wonderful queuing. Thank you, Benjamin. I feel great!
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This was challenging and good reminders to work eccentrically - I like the moves you picked. What is your go to lateral hip exercise or series please? Thanks! Elizabeth 
Karlin A
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Excellent - the detailed cues are a perfect reminder to maintain the correct alignment through out the exercises.
Excellent class and cueing as always, thank you very much :)
Becky C
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Excellent class!  The sweat is real!  Thank you. 
Great workout thank you Ben!
Judith R
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i appreciate  these slow Workouts sooo much! thanxx benjamin
1 person likes this.
Thanks so much for sharing your class Benjamin loved the technique and cues and the slower pace was great
1-10 of 16

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