Creative Cadillac Variations<br>Cecile Bankston<br>Class 568

Creative Cadillac Variations
Cecile Bankston
Class 568

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Great session! Some great moves. Different from any I've seen
1 person likes this.
Agreed, great variations. Still feels traditional which I love, and great detail for how to progress exercises safely.
So glad you liked it! Reformer workout will be up soon.
Really enjoyed the variations and exercises in this class! The ab series with the roll back bar is wonderful. Looking forward to your reformer class. Thanks Cecile!
Very effective full body workout! I have enjoyed Kathy's chair work and so delighted to see the exercises expanded here! Fun to challenge clients on the the cadi rather than allowing them to "stretch out". Oh, and love that wonderful southern accent! As a southern girl, nice to hear :)
That ab series with the roll down bar is one of my favorites. And glad to hear that someone likes the southern accent!
Wow! J'ai adoré ce cours, pas compliqué mais
intense. J'ai apprécié la série d'enroulement avec
la barre ainsi que le travail des épaules. Merci!
Another reason I love PA....great variations built a wonderful session. Thank you!
This was a wonderful !!! what a terrific workout. Thanks!!!
I hope these exercises are good things to throw in to your existing Cadillac class as well.
1-10 of 21

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