Full Body Infinity Bar<br>Christine Crooks<br>Class 5723

Full Body Infinity Bar
Christine Crooks
Class 5723

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2 people like this.
YAY! An infinity bar workout - love it!!!
2 people like this.
Lovely class! Good ideas for using the infinity bar
Patricia W
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Love these ideas with the infinity  bar!
Christine C
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Dorit T so glad you enjoy it! 💗
Christine C
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Rachel P glad you enjoy it! It’s such a fun piece to the Allegro 2 😍
Christine C
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Patricia W so glad you found them useful! 💗
2 people like this.
Great ideas for using the infinity bar! I’ve had my Alegro two for over two years now and I rarely use it. This class gave me the opportunity to learn some new things. My bar seems to stick though when I get it to the opposite end of the reformer. It’s pretty frustrating. Anyway thank you for the great class!
Angelina K
3 people like this.
It was AMAZING! More like this pleeeeease! I barely use my infinity bar
Shona Croft
Oh more infinity bar classes pleeeease that was great! X
Christine H
I think there was too much spring change and getting up and down.
1-10 of 21

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