Full Body Infinity Bar<br>Christine Crooks<br>Class 5723

Full Body Infinity Bar
Christine Crooks
Class 5723

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I enjoyed the new ideas to use the infinity bar.  But I have a question:  Why not always leave the locking pin in?  I’ve done this for over 10 years and have used the infinity bar in ever location many many times.
Christine C
Brigid D glad you found some new ideas in the class! As for the locking pin, you can always put it in for safety and consistency :) I chose to highlight the moments where that safety is truly needed for certain exercises/positions. Thanks for the input! 
Christine C
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Connie M I’m glad you enjoyed and found some new ideas! If you continue to have issues with it sticking, I urge you to contact Balanced Body :) They want you to be happy with your reformer! 💗
Christine C
Christine H Thank you for the feedback. I’ll consider that for next time :) 
1 person likes this.
Fantastic use of the footbar - confirmed how happy I am I chose the allegra 2 for that reason...soaking it all up!
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Loved this class and that I get to incorporate the infinity bar!  More of these classes please!  =)
Christine C
Wendy Thank you 😊 and Love to hear you love your reformer! ❤️
Christine C
BeCav Yay! I hope for more, too! ❤️
loved it. please more infinity bar!
Annie G
Christine !!!! I really enjoyed this class. Love everything about the infinity bar.  we need more of these.  Thank you so much 
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