Cardio & Strength Jump Board<br>Melissa Connolly<br>Class 5733

Cardio & Strength Jump Board
Melissa Connolly
Class 5733

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Robin S
3 people like this.
Thank you Thank you! Rare is the jumpboard workout on this app. That was super awesome. I will lean into it on the reg! 
Laurie G
Loved this class!  Would like to see more jump
board work outs on Pilates Anytime.
Natasha T
Love the strength + cardio. Thank you :)
1 person likes this.
Your foot bar needs to be up when using the jump board .
This was a great class! Thank you!
Wonderful class
Marie W
I love a great jump board class, we need more of them! This was a great way to get your heart pumping and thighs burning!

Sara P
nice workout !! More classes like this please !!
Jessie B
ohhhhh my quads were burning up with those jumps!!
thank you for a fun and well executed class!
Excellent flow!!!
1-10 of 12

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