Dance-Based Mat<br>Melissa Connolly<br>Class 629

Dance-Based Mat
Melissa Connolly
Class 629

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Karen M
Great class, enjoyed the balance work, which reminded me to practice that more. The pace was perfect and easy to follow, however, challenging. Thank you.
This was so fun, I wish I was there with you guys!
Oh my. I have some balance work to do! LOVED IT
Amazing class! Cant wait to do it! Love the music too!

Thanks for this,

Fun, fun, fun! Doing an accelerated pace class for a change was a great challenge for me. I liked the "feel like a dance" inserts. Once a dancer, allways a dancer, I think. Thank you Melissa!
very intense and invigorating! Great!
i really loved this class..challenging and very enjoyable..thanks loads...would love more of this sort of thing!
LOVED it! More please!!!
Enjoyed this class. It made me think and sweat. I am not a dancer but enjoyed trying to be one for a little bit!
Loved Loved Loved this class. Thank you!

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