High-Energy Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 637

High-Energy Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 637

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Jeannean M
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Love your classes Meridith! You have a fun way of teaching, makes it more like playing than working out :)
Thank you Jeannean...I feel like playing when I'm working out. That's what makes it so fun!
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Fantastic class. I felt I got a great work out on all parts of my body. Very well paced and complete balance body workout Thank you
Thank you Lourdes! I loved that class too, as I recall.
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Thank you Meredith! Loved the leg work and the snake progressions will certainly help my clients get closer - that is a toughie!!
Thanks Christie. Snake is, indeed, one of the toughest exercises to do well.
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Fantastic! Thank you for a great class. The break down of the snake is brilliant! What a great way to make an incredibly hard exercise become manageable movement!
Thanks, Annie. Hoping to see you around here someday soon!
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I definitely appreciate the snake prep work. I feel like I need it every time. My body just forgets how to move like that :)
Snake is tough. It's nice to work up to it. : - )
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