Full-Body Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 663

Full-Body Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 663

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Thank you Amy. Lovely class! Always a new awareness in the exercises when I work with you. Nice footwork and transitions...it's great to keep moving through the workout.

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I also have Peak equipment. I used 2 yellow when Amy used the two red but could have used one red and one yellow ( my reformer only has one red). Spring use is really dependent upon the level of the user and the intention of the teacher in a particular exercise. In this class, when Amy explains in stomach massage the intention with one red...it is a totally different experience from the traditional exercise but brings more awareness to the abdominal action...I loved it! For peak: Red=heavy Yellow=medium Blue=light. Gratz machines have only one weight in the springs so the variance in describing spring use can be confusing to users of different equipment. But for me, I go with what I traditionally know from teaching the exercise or how I am feeling that day :) unless the teacher specifies the variation and how more or less spring will bring the desired result. Hope that is helpful. Again, thanks PA and Amy! You are a really great teacher!
Hi Kristen....first, thank you for your feedback on the class and your liking of variation. I love variation....so you'll see a lot of that from me. Second, thank you for your breakdown of spring differences on Peak vs. other equipment. You're absolutley right.....spring tension can vary greatly and yes.....what's the intention of the exercise? This is where the choice of spring can vary so much. Choosing a tension that is different than traditional is important also because not everyone can perform the exercise correctly on the original spring tension that was designed. Giving an option of something different can help the student/mover deepen their connection to the intention of the exercise...thereby...they have a different and hopefully a positive movement experience! We're wanting to promote health both mentally and physically!!
Amy, you're quickly becoming a favorite! : ) I enjoyed one of your jumpboard classes, and now this one. Love your varaitions, and your cues made such a difference in where I felt the exercises. I can't wait to try more of your reformer classes!
Joan...thank you so much, so nice of you to say! Let me know what you think of some of my other Reformer classes!
So good! Thank you Amy. This was my first time doing one of your classes. Your voice was so soothing, and your instruction was right on as to what I needed to feel! Thank you!
Connie, thank you!! If you watch other classes of mine, you'll see that I enjoy variations and have tried to offer a nice mix of traditional and contemporary pieces. Some are slower paced, others move along. Let me know what you think. Thanks for taking class with me, nice to meet you!
Amy, you are brilliant! I love the attention you bring to the feet and all the little details and tools you give to take it all to a deeper level. Thank you. I needed that today.
Hi Miss Sarah.....thank you so much! I love working the feet....SO important. And as you know by know....I am a bit of a detail 'freak' --- thank you for appreciating that part of my teaching! "It's in the detail"! Hope you're well!
Loved your class, can't wait to take others! Your cues came right when I needed them! Enjoyed all the variations. Thanks so much.
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