Full-Body Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 663

Full-Body Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 663

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Thank YOU Holly........for taking class with me and for sharing your comments!! :)
This was a good class, but there was a lot in it that I could not do- as I am recovering from whiplash/being rear-ended in the car.

I spent a lot of time watching and not doing much because there was no variation or ability to not lift my head. Especially on the box series.

I enjoy your classes otherwise Amy!
Hi Fawn, sorry to hear about your whiplash. I taught a level 1/2 class here....didn't put thought into modifying if someone couldn't lift their head. I tried to stay true to the traditional sequencing.

Hope you're healing well.
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This was one of my favorites! Do you have more level 1/2 classes? Most of my clientele need 1/2. I hope you make more of this level. Fabulous!
Hi Jeannine.....thank you! Yes I do have quite a few level 1/2 classes up on the site. You can do a search for the level of class you desire and/or look under my class inventory and find them there. I love teaching this level....very gratifying for me! Let me know what you think of some of my other classes and/or if you have specific requests! I love helping in that way too!
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Awesome!! I love your style Amy but this class was especially brilliant! Very clever modifications, even the long box was interesting for me!
Thank you for taking the time to comment Nancy, it truly means a lot to me as a teacher.

Great class. Pace perfect and Amy cues beautifully. New to PA & discovering so many wonderful classes & instructors. Checking out other Amy reformer classes.
Hi Laura...and welcome to Pilates Anytime! Thank you for taking the time to comment and I do hope you're finding your way through our site. So many wonderful teachers and classes to choose from! Hope to hear from you again soon!
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Thank you Amy! Great, wonderful session w variations- loved the hip hinge- always looking for back extensor exercises- used the search engine on PA and found this class- exactly what i needed to incorporate into classes- perfect!
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