Quick Shoulder Release<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Tutorial 676

Quick Shoulder Release
Niedra Gabriel
Tutorial 676

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1 person likes this.
Niedra you are a great teacher. And this shoulder workout is just what I need to work on my posture.
very nice, thankyou...great for my non-stop texting son!
Elsabe D
Thx Niedra! Ihave so many clients with tight shoulders! This is going to be so helpful!
1 person likes this.
Great little chest opening workout! I also really like the the model is a "real" person and not a super woman or another pilates teacher. Can we have more real-world, average models?
Elise, none of the people in the classes are models. It's true a lot of the classes are attended by instructors, but in fact, in those moments they are students. That said, I take your point to heart and will continue to encourage all to stop by the studio to practice with us. Thank you.
Felt like rehab for old shoulder injuries. Added to my favorites, thank you!
Unfortunately my video stops playing at 2:50?
Amy~ I would suggest restarting your computer and then watching this video using Auto-Detect, a video viewing option located below the video player screen. This should help with the problem.
Great explanation! How wonderful it is to see people who are not experts participate in class --- it truly helps the rest of the novices and their actual problems (instead of what most of the videos portray...where class members are experts). Great video - keep those coming!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all - and I appreciate the comments about the various types of clients in class - the studio and filming is always open to all types of people, and many of the teachers come to be part of the filming because we have so many exciting teachers here. But filming is open to all to participate. I get that so many extra fit bodies can be intimidating - This is not intentional, we are just a community of enthusiasts here! and that said, many normal people LOVE Pilates anytime, and I have been invited to teach in the most " normal' places, due to having " normal" looking students - so please, everyone, stay normal, this world needs all of us, right?
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