Full-Body Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 691

Full-Body Tower
Amy Havens
Class 691

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Mary L
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Thank you Mary!! What about it did you like, very curious!
Amy your cueing is fabulous! Great class, loved the side lying work. Thank you!
That was fun! Great class and fabulous cueing, as always!
1 person likes this.
Love it Amy! I just love your work ... Thank you!
Thank you so much ladies...your feedback means a lot to me!
Great side lying leg series with the push thru bar!
Sharon O
Thank you, Amy! Love your strong cues and very balanced sessions. Your side work here is awesome--flowing & strong. Thank you
Thank you so much Yoly!!
Shanron.....I so value your feedback, thank you!! I was on a roll with the side lying work here, yes. It felt good to me too!
1-10 of 55

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