Creative Foam Roller<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 716

Creative Foam Roller
Niedra Gabriel
Class 716

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Wow I needed this so bad to releve stress in my shoulders so thank you! Excellent as always!
Niedra Gabriel
So happy to read this comment Julie, yes, shoulders can get pretty stressed with our modern life style. enjoy...
Fantastic class to finish a long and tiring day with. Really released alot of tension and stiffness in my shoulders and generally opened up my body. Thanks!
Niedra Gabriel
You are soooooo welcome.
Second time I've done this class and it works wonders for my shoulder which has a very old and cold injury and flares up on a regular basis. I feel so much better afterwards. Starting off stiff and unable to release in to the shoulder stretches and finishing able to fully release without pain. Also really releases my hip flexors and psoas which have a tendancy to be very tight. You're an amazing teacher Niedra.
Wonderful variety of excercises with the roller.loved the use of it under the head for mat excercises and loved the double leg kick.
Thank you for sharing all the steps without skipping even one and making me focus on the exercises without looking at the are an amazing  instructor Niedra
Your classes are always excellent. The variation of saw was so awesome - how do you create a sequence? What is your process? I like the basi Block system- but you are more classical? Thanks 
Niedra Gabriel
Elizabeth  I am classically trained so my base line is that , but I am extremely creative and cross reference different orientations that I use to help expand on a point of view or a physical experience. Mostly from my own bag of tricks ( have been teaching for 30 years so I have accumulated many tricks or ideas to keep my mind and body stimulated)
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