Quick Wunda Chair<br>Rachel Taylor Segel<br>Class 825

Quick Wunda Chair
Rachel Taylor Segel
Class 825

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Great class Rachel. The precision required and perfect cueing made this a challenging one for me for movements I would normally have no problem in achieving... would love to do a class with you in person Rachel! thank you PA!
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I agree that the spring tension needs to be addressed. I'm not a pro and need to have some clue where to begin with tension. I can then adjust based on my personal needs and strengths but need somewhere to begin. Light? Heavy? Some hints would be great. Thanks!!
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Great class Rachel. I liked your cues about pulling your hamstrings behind your calves. I immediately felt them engage. Thank you!
I enjoyed the class very much. I agree that it is important to say spring tension may vary depending on the chair, but let's start from this point and adjust as needed. I liked the way Rachel painted a beautiful picture of the exercises, nice work. Continue on!!!!
Thank you, Rachel! Just the trampoline boost that I need today, not only in my own body, but in my teaching. With you in spirit, miss my visit to Boulder. Coming soon! xo
Great class!! Such a powerful que! Can't wait for more classes with Rachel.
Thank you Rachel :)
Very well taught segment. I feel terrific and integrated. Rachel has a depth of kinesthetic expression. thank you
thanks Rrachel you make me feel a strong conection...you are so clear in your cues.beatiful class.please more class whith Rachel

Trying to make nice with my nemesis - the chair! Thank you for fostering this reluctant friendship!
Sarah N
Love your cuing, thanks for the fun workout!
11-20 of 28

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