Innovative Pilates Arc<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Class 829

Innovative Pilates Arc
Elizabeth Larkam
Class 829

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Very exciting indeed to have Elizabeth Larkam on PA! Looking forward to more classes and material!
Cathy M
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OMG, I think she might have the best cueing skills ever. Wow, can't wait for more classes. I want to take a class live too!
Such a pleasure to join you on PA. Grateful to my on camera colleagues Gay Barnes, Dannielle Holder, Ronda Priestner. Delighted with the gorgeous studio and superb skills of the PA group. I'm teaching this weekend in Pilates On Tour Boston, Sept 14-16, with a Live Arc class Sunday morning 7:30 am. Or come to classes in San Francisco or Marin. June 30 I shot 4 additional programs for PA. These mat, reformer and chair classes are coming up next.
Watching Elizabeth, Ronda, Gay and Danielle work ALL DAY was such a wonderful experience for me. I have been so excited to share this and her other classes (that are still to come) with you all. Here's the best part... we are already looking to set a date for Elizabeth's next trip to PA!
Thank you Elizabeth!
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Love, Love LOVE! Elizabeth Larkham! You were my first reformer teacher via the VHS tapes that came with my Allegro. The way you are able to communicate what we are trying to do with our bodies and why amazes me. Thank you for your creative choreography! What is the rationale for bending the knee in side lying lateral bending with the inhale as we rotate from front to side or back to side?
As amazing as allways !!
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Can't wait to try. I bought a Pilates Arc.

Kristy, can Elizabeth teach a foot corrector class?

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Wow! Who knew there was so many exercises using the Pilates Arc upside down? I fell in love with my Arc all over again. I love the way Elizabeth teaches. It's like Pilates storytelling! I can listen to her all day! Can't wait for more classes with Elizabeth! Thank you!
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Ah thank you pilates anytime :)) she has been my inspiration and first teacher with my BB reformer, lots of love from Turkey.
In answer to your question above: Side lying lateral flexion on the Arc addresses the lateral myo fascial meridian ( read Thomas Myers' Anatomy Trains). Adding rotation toward the front & rotation toward the back accesses adjacent fascial vectors, creating more mobility in the thorax for breathing, comfort & ease in daily life & sports. On the inhale, put a little slack in the lateral line by bending your ceiling elbow and your ceiling knee. As you exhale, reach your ceiling hand and foot far from each other, searching for even more range of motion via fascial glide. Rotation toward the front is paired with hip extension. Rotating to the back is paired with hip flexion. Reach on the diagonal, hand forward, foot back or vice versa. Whew - Feels amazing! (ps, no 'h' in my last name)
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