Full-Body Exploration<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 885

Full-Body Exploration
Meredith Rogers
Class 885

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Awesome, Sals...I love it when that happens.
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My only issue is I can't stop doing your classes!! I love your teaching style and composition!!
I don't see that as a problem, Paton... ;)
Thanks for taking class(es) with me!
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Great class! Thnx!
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Love this workout! I was surprised how tired my shoulders got just holding the ball over my head! And the ball makes me use my abs in a whole different way! THANKS, Meredith!
I feel the same, Carolyn! Thank YOU!
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Note to self: do NOT start this class under a lamp next time - you might almost destroy when you raise the ball ;)

Also, Meredith, may I ask what size are the balls you are using in the video? Mine is a 65cm ball (I measure almost 170 cm and was told this would be my size of ball) and I feel like it's gigantic compared to yours... Should I get a smaller one?
Hi Zombina,
I'm not sure exactly what size the balls are. I would guess 55 or 65cm. If you feel you need a smaller size, would listen to your body.
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Thank you Meredith - Listening to our bodies is probably the best answer, yes :)
Hi again Zombina,
Our balls are 65cm.
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