Foam Roller Chest Opening<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 911

Foam Roller Chest Opening
Niedra Gabriel
Class 911

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Excellent teacher!
Nice start to the NY ~~ great gentle workout for me today. Thanks.
Wonderful class! Love the use of the roller and the short but really challenging glute work.
Great class! Loved the pink pants!
Great class! Loved the pink pants!
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Ana, Sabregirl Candace and Josephine, so glad you are enjoying this workout - keep up with your training and classes, 20 13 will open up wonderfully this way.
Question - I love this class. How often should I or can I do it per week. Looking to develop and move up the levels. Just trying to figure out a good plan.
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Shannon, You sound so diligent and committed to your workouts- wonderful. You can "do" Pilates every day as it is not the type of workout that breaks down muscles the way weight training does. If you enjoy this specific class and find it beneficial, I would repeat it 1 - 2 times a week till you feel you have mastered it and are wanting stimulation or something new. Do trust your own body, if a workout benefits you it is productive for your body and your mind, if you feel bland about it, not much is happening. sometimes specific exercises are VERY effective in shifting your energy. Those are the classes/movements you really need for a while. Of course the basics of using your core, working in a symmetrical manner and moving with control and flexibility are daily requirements for health and vitality. I hope this helps?
Great collection of movements, well instructed with good pacing and enthusiasm. I appreciated the hands-on tips and the range of abilities of the class attendees. Thank you Niedra, I will look for your other available classes.
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Zakrah, Glad you enjoyed the class.
1-10 of 35

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