Return to Life Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 957

Return to Life Mat
Amy Havens
Class 957

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Thank you Paola!!
Kavita....thank you for such honest and supportive feedback!
Thank you Jessica.....we get a considerable amount of positive feedback and response with the shorter classes for your very reason! We'll take this to heart and I will continue to offer shorter classes myself. It's a nice challenge for us teachers too!
Hi, way to go! So proud of you for making it through this workout! Happy to hear you know your modifications due to your scoliosis. I'm impressed!
Thank you Myriam!!
Amy I have enjoyed all your classes. I just did this yesterday at the Pilates Conference, it reminded me that just the plain mat is very hard and such a great workout.
Great 30min challenging and fun class!
great workout. i must not even be a level two after all this time doing pilates, because i found the last 10 minutes a bit too hard. i know i baby myself a bit when it comes to harder exercise. this comes from me injuring my back and frankly whole body doing p90x a few years ago. wish i had the chance to work with someone one on one- tell them my injuries, and see for sure how far i can really go.
thanks for this Amy, i will keep trying!!!
Learn something new every - loved both ends pulling in for rolling like a ball and finally get why neck pull is called neck pull! Loooove Amy & PA. Continue to...rock on!
Thank you Lauren, Sarah, Cindy and Jennifer! Glad you're all finding little gems in this classical Mat session. Thanks for taking class with me!

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