Beginner Foam Roller<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5100

Beginner Foam Roller
Tom McCook
Class 5100

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Ewa K , You’re welcome, enjoy!!😊🙏
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Tom McCook that was an awesome class. Cueing was fabulous - soooo much in this roller work. I cannot wait to bring it into my class many times because the work and your explanation of the muscles used is so  useful and necessary in our daily life.  Thank you.
Margaret R, Great to hear you enjoyed and got that there's a lot of useful pieces here! Enjoy sharing it with your students and all the best to you!
Wow!!! Loved this class Tom . Such fresh ideas with the roller and a little challenging too. Will practice and use in my classes. Many thanks 
Beautiful class to calm mind & body. Thank you for the excellent,  thoughtful cues.
Sharon C  & Julia H, you’re very welcome!! Thank you for your great feedback and all the best!🙏
Libby K
This is a sublime class Tom - thank you so much.  I used it as a 'reset' after a very long journey from Australia to Canada (and a four week holiday during which I did little exercise).  I feel wonderfully reconnected with my core (both body and being) by your beautiful 'work-in'.  
Libby K, you’re so welcome! Great to hear it helped you to reset and connect to you!! Warm regards 🙏
brilliant. Thank you.
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