Improving Bone Density<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2202

Improving Bone Density
Amy Havens
Class 2202

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This is a great question Joanne , really good. Mat based flexion exercises still are mostly loaded but we know there are a couple that aren't. Mobility and flexibility of the spine is still of high interest and necessary and limited lumbar and cervical flexion is certainly more acceptable with an osteo student. However, I agree -- we need to keep supporting flexibility and mobility of the entire spine as best we can. Length, length, length --- the some light flexion, in my opinion, is good. :) . No rolling though, too 'iffy' especially in a group class setting. Hope that helps a bit.
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Thanks Amy :)
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Did this class yesterday in my search for new ideas for my Osteo clients-sneaky tricep work in there-a bit sore today! (In a good way). And my clients loved these ideas.
Hi Stacy !! Wonderful, so glad you enjoyed this and found some useful bits for your clients too. Let me know if you need anything else, have questions etc. :)
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Amy, I keep going back to this class.  It's a great workout.  I really feel it the next day.  More please! 
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Amy love the workout.  I'm teaching a couple of very spry ladies who are 80 years young!  I was concerned with the jumping with some arthritis of the joints and one is very kyphotic.  Wanted your opinion on the jumping.  I'm a new instructor so trying to soak everything in!
Christine T
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Hi Amy, thank you so much for saying that having Osteopenia just means I need to do more bone workouts. Coincidentally I was shocked to be diagnosed just this week with osteoporosis and also osteopenia. I have already found a new doctor and am booked into a 12 month program at a Bone Clinic. The old doctor just told me to go on medication and the osteopenia will soon be osteoporosis so just accept it. No way will I do that. Thank you for this great workout and thank you to pilatesanytime!!!
Christine S
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Yet another amazing class Amy. Thank you x
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Amanda C Christine T -- ladies --- I apologize for not seeing your comments when you originally left them for me.  If you have any specific questions I can help answer, please let m know!!  Christine S that also ... all your comments are very important to me!
Robin P
What an insightful osteoporosis class on the reformer!  Clever way to bear weight on the wrists.  Love the constant change of direction.  Would love to see more of these.  Thanks Amy
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