Flowing Tower Connections<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 2972

Flowing Tower Connections
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 2972

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Thank you shelley 

Shelley M
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Hi again Sarah, because you answered me, I thought I'd add what I really liked about your class. A lot of the classes on Pilates Anytime are repetitive, the cueing is kinds of cut and paste and there's not much creativity. Of course there are excellent, innovative teachers as well, but you have to look hard for that. At least, I do. I found your class creative, with relevant, not cliched cuing, with just the right amount of repetitions that made the exercises challenging but not gruelling, and lovely bits of unusual moves and ideas I haven't seen before. Your tone of voice is appealing,  you have the right balance between not talking too little - or too much! And overall I felt good throughout the class. I'm going to search out your other classes as you're a teacher I can learn from. And I can't say that about everyone so....big thank you again. 
Dear shelley, Thank you so much for taking the time to put your thoughts down and share with me.  I appreciate all feedback, even the challenging stuff.   Your message was a well timed gift.  With all the shifting to accommodate physical distancing, at times, I have questioned my ability to really teach effectively online.  You gave me a gentle reminder that good stuff has happened and good stuff is to come...big virtual hug! 
Diane Duvall
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Loved this!  I believe that the universe knew I needed more stretching and sent me your way.  I am immediately going to write down your name and search out more videos of you teaching.  As a Pilates instructor myself, I just loved your easy-going "listen to your body" way of teaching.  This was just the gift I needed.  Thank you Sarah!!  :)
Diane, your kind words filled my heart with joy today!  Thank you for taking the time to write.  I love to stretch and work and am so grateful that others benefit from what I share on PA.  Stay in touch. hugs! 
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Thanks so much!
thank youSummer G !! Glad you enjoyed the class. 
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Sarah, loved the variations on this tower workout. 
Wonderful to hear. Thank youLori M !
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I LOVED that workout! My left hip is a little funky right now and that was EXACTLY what it needed. Thankyou x
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