Day 1: Discovery<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 3010

Day 1: Discovery
Kristi Cooper
Class 3010

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So perfect! Really needed to jumpstart again, and your class was exactly the thing to remind me of what I love about Pilates and need to remember! Thank you, Kristi, for your inspiring way of talking about why we do this.
Holly R
What a wonderful start! I am very close to committing to teacher training and this practice really felt great and was a great introduction to what I believe are the basics. I am getting addicted to this! Thank you so much! I do have one issue with my neck muscles getting very tired when my head is held up for extended periods. Any advice?
Hanna K
Fantastic! Looking forward to day 2!
Magda R
Awesome, great jump start after a long time out of practice.
This is great! I'm 8 months post part and have done all the post natal videos on pilates anytime (many times!) - this is the perfect introduction for me to get back into a regular pilates practice. Thanks Kristi Cooper
Louise F
Absolutely fabulous class Kristi
Thank you Louise! I love this challenge and so grateful for everyone that is taking/has taken it with me!
Moira M
What a lovely class! I feel energised and am looking forward to day 2 already.
Kelly S
I am excited to learn Pilates. The class was a good introduction. However, I found I had to constantly look at the instructor as her directions were not consistent nor were they intuitive. I hope that improves. I have used MyYogaWorks for over a year and did not have that problem.
Loved that class Kristi thank you. Just what I needed after rather too long a break from pilates.... body and mind feel so much better now, whoop! Had forgotten how wonderful pilates can make you feel, can’t wait to do the rest of the challenge 😃
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