Rolling Mat Flow<br>James D'Silva<br>Class 4454

Rolling Mat Flow
James D'Silva
Class 4454

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Absolutely loved this class; I found myself moving in ways I didn't think I could anymore! Left me feeling spacious and fluid. Looking forward to doing the others. Thank you James
Sarah M
I was so focused and in the moment, I didn’t even notice your shorts!! A brilliant class, a masterclass of Garuda matwork, I’d say -but some people just have to criticise something. Bravo to you and your pioneering approach.
Cipriana H
1 person likes this.
In just one week of practicing your recent classes here on Pilates Anytime, I have found new freedom in my body. Racing and riding bikes for the past few decades has left my lower back and hip flexors tight to the point of pain. I started Pilates 3 years ago and found awareness, I started your classes 4 days ago and am finding relief! Thank you! As for the recent comment about the attire, I had to go back to look. I sincerely have no idea what that was about? But I spent my life with men in Lycra (and gasp, sometimes in speedos)! Love to be able to see what is happening in the demonstrator’s body. Love, love, love your classes!
Wonderful different class. Not sure I looked very graceful doing it but feel wonderful after it! Thankyou
What an amazing class! Really something to be grateful for. It felt like a treasure hunt - I’ve been streaming James’ classes from his website, and this class slowed the movements down a bit, with more detailed explanations. So it felt like finding treasure - “so that’s what that cue means!”  It’s absolutely wonderful to have more of these classes on PA.
The perfect practice a day after a massage.
Beautiful transitions. Amazing class. Thank you 
I love you James from Sophie !!~!!!!!!!~~~!!!! 
Michelle O
Loved this class - really helped my bad back !
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