Arms and Glutes<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 4844

Arms and Glutes
Tracey Mallett
Class 4844

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Great class, you are an amazing instructor, thanks so much
Great class, you are an amazing instructor, thanks so much
Great class, you are an amazing instructor, thanks so much
Sarah H
This class was so much fun!!!! Great job
Sarah H
This class was so much fun!!!! Great job
I absolutely love this class with weights Tracey and manage to do it at least once a  week. I am a skier and it strengthens my quads, glutes, arms, everything. Please dream up another soon. You are the best!!!
Always so brilliant Tracey.  Love love love your classes
Toni S
You are amazing, Tracey! You always inspire me! Thank you!
Saphira B
This is a a wonderful class, with great strengthening exercises, pacing, and cues. I watch it often, and thank you!
Susan Chaityn Lebovits
FANTASTIC class if you're looking for a 30 minute flow that keeps you moving!!!!
31-40 of 42

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