Rotation Focused Mat<br>Erin Wilson<br>Class 5244

Rotation Focused Mat
Erin Wilson
Class 5244

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Anna S
1 person likes this.
I love this series!  Very gentle and needed for recovery to an injury or just maturing bodies.  Thank you
Jessica G
Give me a twist any day of the week! Thank you for this Erin!
Thank you so much, Erin! 
I like the Smell the Armpit Stretch! Or is it Smelly Armpit Stretch? 😄
Loved the class, you are so giving so much useful extra cues and also enough time to respond and follow.
X Erica
it was a very nice class thank you
Meira H
Lovely class, thank you Erin :)
Julie Lloyd
Great class, thank you again! I really loved the one-sided bridge move. I feel more balanced in my spine after this class, much appreciated!
What a pleasure! Though I’ve been practicing Pilates for years, as I age I seek a gentler approach. This was just what I wanted today.
What a pleasure! Though I’ve been practicing Pilates for years, as I age I seek a gentler approach. This was just what I wanted today.
Anna S thank you so much for your feedback and for taking the class! 😊
Jessica G me too! Ha! Love a little twist! Thank you so much for taking the class!
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