Pilates Barre Classes to Move You

Lengthen, strengthen, and tone your entire body with online Pilates Barre classes! Join Pilates Anytime to access premium ballet-inspired workouts and thousands of other on demand Pilates videos. Let's get moving!

Introduction to Pilates Barre

Pilates Barre combines Pilates foundations with classic Barre moves for an energizing, full-body workout. Some of these exercises include deep pliés and lunges to work the legs and glutes, balance exercises for a strong core, and graceful, lengthening exercises for toned arms. You don't have to be a dancer to do Pilates Barre, but you may feel like one after just one class!

What Can I Expect?

Pilates Barre is a full-body workout that lengthens and strengthens your muscles. Pilates and ballet emphasize breath, posture, alignment, and fluid control of movement. In Pilates Barre classes, you will move through high-repetition bodyweight exercises using the arms, core, legs, and glutes. Similar to a challenging cardio workout, you're likely to "feel the burn" afterward. You may even feel the infamous “shake” - a positive sign that your muscles are working hard and getting stronger! Luckily, Pilates Barre is gentle on the joints, ligaments, and spine, making it great for injury prevention.

What are the Exercises?

Pilates Barre exercises emphasize small, low-impact movements that target specific muscle groups in the arms, core, legs, and glutes. Classes often begin with a warm-up to prepare you for upcoming sequences. Depending on whether the Pilates Barre class is more classical or athletic, common exercises include pliés, standing work, arabesques, lunges, and a variety of stretches. You will also engage your arms through graceful movement.

Pilates Barre Classes

Explore some of Pilates Anytime's class offerings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Equipment Do I Need?

You will need something to hold onto for stability and a flat surface where your feet can glide. If you have a ballet barre at home or in the studio, fantastic! If not, the back of a Table Chair or a kitchen countertop is a suitable substitute. Some Pilates Barre classes may incorporate props such as the Overball, Magic Circle, Resistance Bands, and light Hand Weights.

What Should I Wear?

Regarding proper footwear, going barefoot is often preferred for Pilates Barre classes. You may decide to wear ballet slippers, jazz shoes, or dance sneakers to offer extra support and stability. If you plan to wear socks, make sure they have a grip so you don't lose your footing. As for clothing, opt for comfortable activewear that will allow your body to move freely.

Will Pilates Barre Help Me Get in Shape?

Definitely! Pilates Barre is a full-body workout that emphasizes strength training, balance, flexibility, and endurance – all while controlling your breath and alignment. These ballet-inspired exercises will help you develop long and lean muscles, which continue to burn calories after your workout. More important than weight loss, though, are the improvements you will see in your posture, core strength, and muscle tone. As you progress in your Pilates practice, you will feel more confident in how your body moves and feels.

What If I Can’t Do Some of the Exercises?

It’s okay to skip or modify an exercise based on your fitness level or how your body feels on a given day. To keep your body engaged in class, try some breathing exercises or a modified version of the exercise being taught. Some days may be tough, but don't give up! Focus on your own progress rather than comparing yourself to others in class. If you experience pain or physical discomfort, skip the exercise or stop for the day. It’s better to miss one exercise than risk injuring yourself.

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