Tutorial #5758

Benefits of Strength Training

5 min - Tutorial
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Join Jamie Isaac for an enlightening discussion that explores the benefits of incorporating heavier weights into your workout routine. Jamie provides expert guidance on selecting the appropriate weight for your fitness level, ensuring both safety and effectiveness in your practice. With a focus on proper form and technique, this class promises a rewarding learning experience that will enhance your practice, session after session.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 01, 2025
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Hi. I'm Jamie Isaac, and I've really enjoyed sharing some weights and strength training with you all. So I wanted to talk a little bit about why we why we do this, why we're sharing these workouts, and how they can benefit you. And reasons why I really do think it's it's something for a lot of people here. So we often think of of weights and strength work as a way of, you know, extending our athletic programming perhaps, and and that's great for sure. But a lot of people don't realize it's really, really good for a lot of people as well. For so many reasons, it it can help us have stronger bones, better bone density, There's, the way it can help you gain lean muscle mass, make you feel stronger.

It brings longevity to to your life. There's also the way it can improve our balance. And that also which is a real bonus for me and I've loved is that it helps you with with your sleep and it boosts your mood. And on top of that, we've got that energy boost that it can bring as well. It can increase your metabolism and and also I've even heard that it helps your cognitive function, alright, but most importantly, it can be a lot of fun and a great way to challenge ourselves.

So how do we choose the weights when we're working out? Cause that's another key thing. I know it can be very imitate. And when we're looking at a workout and going, well, what weights am I gonna use? Do I and what weights do I have to go out and buy? Well, I often advise people who try the movements first, maybe without weights or if you wanna substitute a weight in, you can even use you know, some tins or, you know, full bottles of water, which are a great substitute. Get a feel for whether you feel that this is for you or not, and then you can go out and choose the weights that you're gonna use for your workouts going forward.

And then when we're thinking about those kind of ways, start light is my advice or with none at all. Get the movement patterns go in so you're feeling familiar and you're moving with quality and control, and then you can start to implement by bringing in the weights. And those weights you can choose, and you can swap them at any time. There's no rules on whether you should be you started with one way and you gotta finish with one way. That's not the case. We can look at the how your body changes from workout to workout Some days you just don't feel as strong as others, and that can even be from repetition to repetition.

So it doesn't matter if you're mid mid movement and you're and you're working and you're starting to feel the quality go when you're using your body instead of your arms, perhaps for a curl, in which case, just swap out for a lighter weight, mid workout. You can always swap back up and turn the heat up again as the workout progresses. Alright? It's also a really good way of staying safe, which is really important. No matter what, you're the expert with your body. You know how you're feeling. And if it doesn't feel right, then just stop. It's as simple as that.

You can even hit pause, take a break, hydrate, get some water on, and then return to the workout later. It's also, aside of, like, stopping if it doesn't feel right. You're also in control of your workout to turn it up as well. You can return to these workouts, add some extra weight, add some repetitions. And in some of them, I'll even encourage you to think of some of the exercises that you like doing and bringing them and adding them into the mix as well. So you're getting this really personalized workout.

So add some weights to your workout, all those bonuses and benefits for it. Be careful when you're taking weights overhead. You might wanna, you know, try that with a lighter weight, but as long as you're staying connected to your center, your movement and is is with quality in mind rather than just progressing and pushing and pushing, and you feel that you can give yourself the grace to stop whenever you want, then you're gonna stay safe. These are gonna be a lot of fun, and I really recommend you come and join us, do some of these workouts, have fun, challenge yourself, And you'll find that you'll come back for more, and this is gonna help you not only just getting stronger, but also improving in all your other practices, like your yoga, your pilates, your hiking, walking, day to day life, and just living with more vibrancy and just feeling better, more efficient, more effective, and more energized through your everyday life. So I'm really looking forward to sharing these workouts with you. I want you to come and join me It's a really great space.

There's a forum there so you can connect with us and ask questions so that we can help you and support you along this journey. The ideal here is that you enjoy these workouts. You experience all the benefits that we've talked about of working with weights. And therefore, you're gonna wanna come back and and push your workouts further and increase the challenge for yourself and have as much fun as you can. So reach out ask questions.

Start the journey with us here, and let's continue on it together. And I really do look forward to sharing every step with you along the way.


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