Day 4: I am Adaptable<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4721

Day 4: I am Adaptable
Kira Lamb
Class 4721

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Be like Ruth Gordon and go for my first Oscar at age 72.
Lina S
I appreciate your detailed cueing. If I weren't afraid (to ask what may seem a silly question), I would ask you if you use journaling with your clients and how you started this practice. I'm curious and I'm wondering what journaling can bring to the practice.
Erica Young
 If I weren't afraid, I would...challenge my skiing
Sofie van der Sommen
If I were n't afraid I would take more place for being totally me including the ying & yang site :)
Ivana S
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If I weren't afraid I would tell my friend that I have a crush on him..that I love him deeply... :O)
If I weren't afraid I would sometimes tell people immediately what I think about their behaviour.  
Rachel P
Ok day four was FIRE. I'm a few days behind but loving this challenge. Thank you so much @Kira Lamb 🙏
Donna H
If I weren’t.t afraid I would backpack the same route that I fell and broke my wrist. (And a lot more places, too)
Ruth S
If I weren't afraid I would open my heart to love again. That was a challenging session and I am learning so much. Thank you Kira.
I would join my kids when they go cliff jumping.  (I can manage the low cliff, but not the high cliff). 
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