Day 4: I am Adaptable<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4721

Day 4: I am Adaptable
Kira Lamb
Class 4721

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I really think this whole series is phenomenal!
Amy S
So glad to be attending this challenge!
Becky B
I'm loving this! 
…..if I weren’t afraid I would let go more and return to my carefree self. Thank you so much for these wonderful sessions Kira - I’m loving them, and really enjoying them. Unlike other challenges I look forward to each one.
If I weren’t so afraid I would have better control of my anxiety and stop looking for things to worry about….I would lace up the running shoes and head back out and try ,or Pilates inversions without doubt…..thank you for these classes
Elaine O
If weren’t afraid I would be fearless about taking my idea of a nonprofit and making it real, jump in with both feet☺️
Your cues are excellent. I love taking new classes with different teachers to help spice up my pilates routine and to learn new ways of doing moves I am familiar with. I feel like I have been able to deepen my power house with your cues - so thank you! I will complete this challenge and then look up more of your classes in the library.
Amy W
I love this series! Thank you for sharing your energy and passion with us!
If I weren't afraid I would go on Safari
Lyn G
brilliant face paced class..just what i needed now
11-20 of 27

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