Reformer Strength Training<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5408

Reformer Strength Training
Tracey Mallett
Class 5408

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Grace K awe lovely, I was just in the London area teaching a reformer course. Will be teaching again soon you need to come. There were a few gals from VirginActive in my training. Lovely to hear from you xo
Lynn S
1 person likes this.
What an amazing class! I love both weights and Pilates, and so what an amazing combination! Thank you so much. 
amazing class Tracy as always. love getting that awesome strength work in with pilates!!
amazing class Tracy as always. love getting that awesome strength work in with pilates!!
Tracey, you are an iron woman. Loved it!
Grace L
Amazing class. So fun! I got so sweaty. Thank you :)
Jill S
Thank you! Please do more of these! 53 here 😀
Great strength + reformer flow!!
your workouts are the best !!! Love it! Thank you
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