BASI™ Reformer Flow<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 595

BASI™ Reformer Flow
Ed Botha
Class 595

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Ed, do you always use 2 red early on in session or was this just something you had in mind for this class? just curious. Thanks, Jamie. Please come back to PA , really enjoyed your class.
Raymond Harris
Thank you! Good class and cues. Always good to see and hear a few variations on the exercises I teach daily to my clients. Thank you Ed and Pilates Anytime.
Hi jamie. It really depends who i am teaching. Those were two strong girls. Enjoy
Hi jamie. It really depends who i am teaching. Those were two strong girls. Enjoy
Love Ed...thank you for this session. Love it as a reformer session and love it as a Mat session too - using light weights and the ring!
I really enjoy Ed's cueing and presence. Very inviting. Also want to comment on how courteous Kristi is. Kristi you go above and beyond in responding and working to accommodate all those that comment on the site.
Thanks Ed. I am so used to working with 3 red. When I started it felt so heavy, now its easy to me. But in your opinion, if you are strong and have no issues , should you be working on a lighter spring to get more into abs? I know some of the exercises if you drop springs it really does get much harder!! But on the footwork can that work much the same way?
Hope I am making sense here.
LOVED this class! Thank you Ed!! Come back soon.....
Thank you Lee
Love the pace. Thanks for a great workout!
21-30 of 61

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