Monica D

I trained in London in 1998 with Body Control Pilates the following year I qualified on the Reformer which I just love! In 2002 I qualified as a Alexander Technique Teacher which works very well with the mind body philosophy of Pilates. The wonderful Cadillac qualification was in 2006. I have also worked with The Franklin balls and the Feldenkrais method!!



Member Since: October 23, 2011
Videos Viewed: 299 (0 past week, 0 past month)
Comments Posted: 32

About me

I'm: a Woman
Where I Live: Lake District UK
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Cycling - Outdoor (Most days), Hiking (A few times a month), Stretching (Most days), Swimming (Occasionally), Walking (Most days), Yoga (Occasionally)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 20+
Practice Frequency: Most days

My Teacher Training

Body Control Pilates
Hanna Somatics - Comprehensive (2016)

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Rolling Like A Ball
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4 Years of Membership
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6 Years of Membership
7 Years of Membership
8 Years of Membership
The Starter Series: Reformer Fundamentals

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205,931 PA Points
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