Class #2753

Fine Tuning Connections

35 min - Class


If you are new to Pilates but not new to fitness, then this Cadillac workout by Karen Sanzo is perfect for you. She works with her son, Eric, to give him lessons for his body, rather than a "workout." She shows how important it is to fine tune the connections you make to your body and how these connections will help in your other activities.
What You'll Need: Cadillac, Hand Weights, Pilates Pole, Reformer Box

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Sep 20, 2016
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Hi, I'm Karen Sanzo and I'm here today with my son Eric. Eric, um, has been working on his Polonius program and he's been having some fun with it. So He's new to Paul oddities, but he's not new to fitness. So my lesson for Eric today is not necessarily a work out, but um, kind of lessons for him and then we'll carry it over into another reformer workout in a future session. Um, but I want to show you how important it is to make some key connections and I think that he's been benefiting from some of the key connections and fine tuning, uh, some of his exercises so that then he can carry it into, uh, some of the other exercises. Uh, he does enjoy, I'm not saying he doesn't enjoy Polonius, but he is just new to Palazzo, but he's not new to fitness. Okay. So we're going to start with a little warm up.

So go ahead and I'm going to hold this starting with a dynamic warm up, something that you're kind of used to. I would just like you to just start jumping with both of your feet and then just jumping and then add 10 jumping jacks right here on your own. Jumping Jacks, jumping jacks. Here's three and four. Here's where I can really count. Five, six and seven and eight and nine and 10. And pause right there. Okay. Taking your right leg, take it up in the air and touch it with your left hand and then switch and then switch. Good. And then switch and switch. And one more time. Good. And then do just exactly the opposite. So take one hand and tap it behind you and really work on your thigh.

Getting to be an extension. Yes, very good. And lift the knee length in the chest as you do at good. Yeah, reach that other arm up. There you go. Keep going. One more time. Each side. Very good. And then come to this pole and bring this behind your back. Now I like to have the pole behind the back. I'm going to have Eric turned sideways just for a second so that you can see that it's going to help him maintain his upper back extension at while he pulls his abdominal wall. And who's going to do some hip hinges first?

So go ahead and do a hip hinge for me, Eric, and just bow yourself forward and then stand back up. So you want to be really careful when you do a hip hinge. Please. Hip hinge again, your chest will stay lifted, but I don't want you to arch your low back so much. Yes. So he pulls in his front ribs, door, his back ribs, using his hips to stack back up again. Do that one more time. A nice hip hinge. Hold that hip hinge. Take two breaths. Inhale, expand your lungs. Exhale, gently pull your abdominal wall back. Very good. One more time.

Inhale and then hip. Hinge yourself back. Good. Take the bar all the way up to the ceiling. Take an inhale and then now round yourself forward so that when you come all the way down, it's a nice long flection. That looks really good. Tidy up your legs here. Take a big inhale and then as you exhale, round, back up from your buttocks, dropping down. That's our lumbopelvic rhythm. Bring yourself all the way back up and then take the arms all the way up to the ceiling. Again, big inhale.

Be Very mindful that these front ribs stay to those back raves. There you go. And then up and over like a wave is coming right underneath your ribs here and rounding forward. Take as many breasts as you need. Inhaling and exhaling. Relax the shoulders here, crown of the head forward. Good juice up those legs again. Big Inhale here. Exhale, tailbone drops spine on wines to come all the way back up. Very good. Take the bar all the way up in the air. Take it behind your back.

One more time. Turn to your left. You Go. And now we stretch the shoulders forward and back. Come forward with the arms. There you go. And then bring your arms up and back. Good. And then take your arms up and forward. Stretching out the shoulders. Of course, if somebody didn't have this much mobility, just go partway.

Just go partway. That's it. And maybe just up over the head and then bring yourself back down. Okay. Last time. Take the arms up and put the hands behind your back and now add a spinal twist in. Inhale one way and then the other way. Very good. Inhaling twisting. Let your head stay in line with your sternum. Right?

Exactly. So you don't want to over twist the neck too much. Good. Take your abdominal wall back away from your t-shirt. Keeping that in. Yes, there you go. And then one more time. Very good. And then I'll take the stick and then you will come to lie down on the Cadillac bed. So what didn't bend your knees and put your feet flat. The first lesson that we want to give in the lengthening is a lengthening of your latissimus muscles. I'm going to have you move down this way just a little bit. Okay.

And just to review again is, let me see that you can gently pull your abdominal wall in and curl your, your bottom up a smidge. Very good. And then roll it back down. So at no time are you really smashing your back, right? You're just pulling your belly, curling the bottom right to hold that right there. When you curl the bottom like that and the knees are bent that low area, hold this arm up in the ceiling for me. That low area of your latisimus there starts to get lengthen through the Lumbo Dorsal Fascia.

Then go ahead and put your arm back down and then lower your arms back down. Now we're gonna add a lot movement, which is humeral extension. And you're going to take these handles, take your arms up to the ceiling and then start to press your arms down towards your pelvis. And depending on the tension of the spring, we may change his body position. But this is looking pretty good. And then release up. So just some fine tuning here that I think is so important. Pressure, arms down. Pause right there please.

And imagine that this part of your arm bone, beautiful job goes down. And notice when he did that, he didn't arches back or anything long through the collarbones broadening and then taking your arms all the way back up. Now does that feeling make sense to you? When I talk about dropping your shoulders right here, hold where the arm bones. Go back to the mat without overarching the chest.

Such an important concept there and then release. And then do that one more time. Present. Hold broad shoulders. Now hold that straight. Now your elbows good. And now add a pelvic curl. Small Pelvic Curl. Good. Hold right there. Big Inhale. Hold right there. Big exhale.

And then lie your pelvis down. Release your arms, come back up three times in a row on your own. Inhale, curl. Exhale, hold, release. Good. [inaudible]. Inhale, arms, press, trunk curls, scooping in the belly. They're very good. And then lower down. And then one more time. Hold that right there. Broad in those shoulders. One last time. Lengthen the low back. He's lifting up his buttocks, lengthening the low back. Everything goes down.

Arms come up and pause right there. Okay. Now I'm going to do the same exercise and I'm going to put his feet in the trap. He's there is a different action that happens in the hamstrings when your legs are straight versus when they're bent. So go ahead and put this leg up in this trap.

He's here and then take the other leg and match it in there as well. Good. So when your knees are straight and your toes are softly pointed, and I don't mean pointed from the feet, I mean a point of the toe is really from the entire front of the thigh. Okay? Arms down by your side first. Now you're going to do the same bridge, so you're going to curl your bottom, lift your pelvis up almost as high as your pelvis. Good. Press down on your feet. Very good. And then take time to drip this down. Very good. Lengthening out legs. Stay long and strong.

Pressing yourself into the trap ease as you lower your body all the way down. Hands come in this trap and we'll add that variation. Now, this may seem like a lot of redundancy, but the awareness that it gets to the back of body is really key here. Arms go up, long arms press down on an inhale, you lift. Now inhale, you lift, exhale, you drip and lower, very good. And then the arms start to come back up as the bottom goes down.

Very nice control there. And then again, inhale yourself up. Arms Press, bottom lifts, toes lengthen to wake up, back of the thighs, and then lower yourself all the way down, all the way down. And pause yourself right there. So again, when the legs are long and the toes are gently pointed, that pointing of the toe occupies the calf muscle so that the hamstring can really work a lot more right there. Okay, so now take your feet out of there please. And now with the knees bent bridging, I'm going to take these away and we're going to do one of my favorite exercises. And I do it with a box. I call it an uneven bridge. I'm going to put the box on this side first so that you can see it. So Eric, go ahead and put your left foot down on this box here.

So the uneven bridge is really good to wake up, kind of a sleepy glute. So he's going to be in this neutral position now and, and um, he's going to pick his pelvis up in neutral so you're not gonna roll back into your pelvis this time. It's like I have a string through your belly button back to your sacral area. And when I pull up my hand like that, you got it. Just like that. Very good, big inhale. I love it when it works. Hold yourself right there.

Take your hands to the ceiling because we don't want any arm involvement here. Is it true that you feel here? Left bottom. Very good. Now not gonna roll down. You're just going to crease your hips and drop down. Very good three times. That's one. It's an uneven bridge. Really Waken up this left side. Crease yourself down. That's two. And then last time pick it up.

Big Inhale, big exhale. And then bring your sacrum down. Very good. Bring your leg onto the table and then you move to the other side. I'm going to take this box and we're going to put it on the other side. Uneven bridging. Okay. Does that feel good there? Okay, so long pelvis, long action here in the abdomen. Arms to the ceiling. Okay, so press down to lift up.

Very good. So make sure your knee kind of hugs, midline, meaning that's going to hug to the inside. Very good. And then drop yourself all the way down. That's one. Good, very good. And then press the feet, lift up. Good.

And then lower down. You're going to be surprised when you do this. Do it one more time. It doesn't make you get off kilter. It really just juices up the leg that's on the down box. Very good. And then lower yourself all the way down. Nice job. Bring your leg back up on the table. Move back to the middle of the table and we're going to take the glute and the hamstring activity and we're in.

Take it into parakeet. Again, new to Plati is not necessarily new to fitness. I can add some fun challenging exercises because his body listens. Okay, which is really good. So go ahead and take your feet. You're going to put them right here on this bar, and I'm going to measure your distance. You may need to, yeah, you need to scoot down this way just a little bit more. Good.

And then press your feet straight. Now you have to back just a little bit. This is real life, right? We've got to get it measured, right? We don't want this to go past that circle of danger here. Good. Put this leg right back up on the bar and now bend your knees in. Listen as if you're pulling this bar towards your bottom as if you're pulling it. Good. Now you feel the load back here in your thighs. Can you feel that?

Got a little cramp. Okay. You can take your feet down the stretch for a second. There you go. Good. Okay, so a lot of times when the cramp comes in the calf, it's because he's using his foot in his calf too much. So we got to, we've got to get into the fire a little bit. Does that make sense there? It's all the bottom of the foot. Okay, so let's let your feet rest just a little bit there. Okay. So press the legs away and then bend your knees in and use your thighs to pull. There you go. Can you kind of feel when I give you that resistance, I'm going to put a little resistance here. Press the bar away, some education into the thighs to kind of take it away from his feet a little bit. Pull the legs back in. Good. Okay. Just hold that right there for a second.

Okay, big inhale. You can take your arms down by your side here. Now the legs are going to come pass 90 degrees. Your knees will straighten, the bar will go up, and now your bottom lifts. Press the feet, lift your bottom, hold there, hold there. Good. And then drip your spine down, lower your bottom, bend your knees, and then bring your legs back in. Get readjusted right on the pole here. Very good. So I'm going to resist this. As you push away, feel your legs working. Okay, cause that's a common you, you, you have really strong legs. And then bend your knees back in. Pull the bar towards your bottom. Good.

Come pass 90 press the bar away. There you go. Get Nice long legs. That's it. And then lift up and you're going to hold that right there. Big Inhale, big exhale. And then take your right leg to the ceiling and count to one and then put it down. And then press the right, lift the left good and then put it down. And then drip your spine down, lowering your spine, taking your bottom down. And then when your bottom touches, the knees will bend in.

Okay, push the bar down and then push it all the way through. Push me away. Very good. Now take your hands on your belly here. Bend and straighten your knees a couple times here. Creasing at your hips. This action of the parakeet movement is so similar to a light spring on the reformer. I think it's really important that they understand this is not really a strengthening exercise here for the legs, but it's a strengthening relationship builder.

Can you kind of feel through your trunk and through your legs? Good. And now bring it in one more time and I'm not really helping him. Just spotting the bar, which is really important. Hold that right there. And I'm going to take my hand away and you can feel kind of the back of your legs. Just quivering here. This is, this is so good. Now can you just unweight this leg a tad and then put it back down and then unweight the other leg. Very good. And then put it back down.

And then one more time on weight the left and then put it down. And then one more time on weight that way. Very good. Go ahead and take your legs off of the bar and then bring yourself up to kneeling facing your handles. Okay. Facing this side of the bar. Now take your hands in the handles. I think you need to move forward just a little bit. Okay.

So this is like a kneeling chest expansion. The piece here that's so important. If you look at the shins, when the shins press down, you'll see there's a little space here that will actually not maximize his hamstring connection. So I'm actually gonna take this little, this is like a half mat and I've cut it in half and we're gonna put this right underneath the lift your feet up please for me. And you're going to put that right there. And then this is going to fill the empty space. I actually have another tutorial called fill the empty space where we find little places that we feel that helps us get a connection.

When you press your shins down and you, you, you kinda burrow your knees down, that kind of feeds these hamstrings and these hamstrings be in fed, come right underneath the glute. And I refer to that sometimes as the connection that your buttocks and your thigh. So holding that lift again, ankles, knees, thighs, pelvis, such a big relationship to build down below to provide a support for the top. So go ahead and just pull your arms back. And so here we are again using these lat muscles here, straight elbows, and pull your arms back and then they release. And then as you pull your arms back, inhale, grow tall, bar, very nice, and then release. And you're going to do that one more time.

And then pull the arms back. Inhale, release. Again, being careful that these back ribs stay right here over the pelvis. Very good. Did you see his front ribs come back? That's very good. Hold that for just Oh, maybe another 20 minutes or so. And that gives us a really good connection and then release. And now we're going to add that dynamically with the head twist. All right, so inhale, pull your arms, turn your head to the right center. Exhale, release. Feel my hand right here. Don't change the shape of your spine. Inhale, pull your hands, turn your head to the left, very nice. And then center.

And then release. One more time. A huge inhale as you pull. Look right, look left, and then center release. And then last time, inhale, big, big, big, big, big look left. Look right, very good. And then exhale. Center. Very good. Now we're going to add thigh, stretch arms, pull shins. Press. The angle at your knee is what changes. This whole shape of your torso goes backwards. Inhale, thighs, stretch. Exhale, return. Fabulous job.

Three times. Inhale, press the shins, engage the glutes, yes, and then return one of my favorite exercise. Now you're going to go back and stay back there. Now arch over my finger here. Lift the chest. Very good, and then come out of the arch and then return yourself forward. And then release. I like to also do it. Adding the arch first yet for that. Okay. Arms pull.

Add the arch. Here's what you're doing really nicely. The arch over my hand here, his occiput is still staying long away from his C7. It's the chest lifting. Oh my goodness. That's fabulous. And now take that into thigh stretch. Take that whole package of extension into five. Stretch. Then return, then come out of the arch. Very good. That one's a tough one. Really? Sure.

Arms Pause. Getting ready now for some flection. Okay. Some cat. So with your hands in the handles, you'll pull the handles back and start to round your torso forward towards the Mat. Your shins are still pressing. [inaudible] very good. Just hold that right there. I want a little rounding here so that yet. Oh man, that is good. Now I'm going to touch his head. Reach the crown of your head into my hand.

Can you feel that some resistance into your trunk and then unwind your bottom down as you return yourself. Opto vertical. Very good. And then do that three times. That's one. And then arms pull. Chin nods or lengthens the neck. And depending on how verbally you understand this. Good. So Paul, yeah, you go. So you still want this occiput to be away from this?

C7 good. Press the Shins and then take that whole shape and just unwind it up and you're going to feel connection through your buttocks. Connection through your back. Very good. And we'll do that one more time. I think this is the last one. Pull back. Finding the flection connection, right?

So the occiput lengthens flex here. Little more. Fill this up with some breath. Fill this up with some breath. There you go. Shins are pressing. And then on wind yourself all the way back up. Very good. And release that. So keeping with our idea of that flection connection, um, take yourself and turn around please face the other direction.

Okay, you're going to straddle this. We're doing our seated push through now. So what happens in push through when somebody is long and tall or they have a tight back or you don't exactly know to leave the legs in or take the legs out? Well I like to use the spine for not use the spine but connect with the spine first. I think you need to move back just a little bit. Okay, so you can also do this sitting on a long box and somebody can straddle the long box or put like a little, you know, half barrel like you do on horseback for the reformer. There's one red spring on here. He's gonna hold this down and just feel that little connection there.

Again, the crown of the head nod, your Chin is smidge. There you go. Very good. Just like that. So feeling the connection here. He's just going to bend and straighten his arms. Bend and straighten your arms just a little bit. Good, and you're going to Tuck your elbows in. That's it. So they work in the sagittal plane here, then in the elbows. Good.

And then press it away. It's kind of surprising, right? That that that actually is a core connection. Can you kind of feel that a little bit? Good. Now hold right there. Keep your elbows tucked in, kind of lift in your dominant wall. Hover this hand off and just hold that there. [inaudible] very good, very good. Really important here. Don't want to grip into the back.

You want to connect into the front. Good switch hands. Can you feel that? If you're not careful, your body may want to go into extension. Okay, and then that comes down as well. Now you're going to press the bar down. Nod the head to lengthen the back body, right? This occiput away from C7. Now keep that and then start to round here. You're doing the push through going forward. There you go.

Soften the shoulders here. Very nice. Hold yourself right there. Go ahead and hang onto this bar. You don't want it to get away from you. You can do a hook grip or grab grip. I'm going to press into the crown of your head. You're going to feel the resistance come under your trunk and then unwind yourself back up, leading from way low here.

Good segmental slicing the spine back up. I love to say that word segment lies. I think it's a fun word. And then you bring yourself all the way up. Good. And now we're going to do that again and then we're going to add the leg stretch. This is the one that's the challenge. So this comes through big inhale, big exhale, start to round and then add another inhale. That inhalation inflection is so important to fill these back lungs, these back ribs expanding. Good. Good there.

Now stay right there. Keep the pulling in of your abdomen. You're going to take this left leg here and you're going to start to stretch it out to me this way so we, oh, nice. Ooh, that's better than it was before he's been practicing. And then bringing that all the way down and then do that again. Inhaling, belly stays back. Yes, yes, yes. And then that comes down, relaxing the shoulders. Get connected through the flection here, and then do the right leg. Inhale and then bend. And then one more time on the right. Good. So what we're maximizing here is the flection. Now he's going to do both legs, kicking them out long. Good. Hold right there.

The abdominal walls pulled in and then both of your knees and then unwind the spine, bringing it all the way back up. So you'll see from that exercise, he really has a nice connection through the spine and then adding the flection with the legs. That is a little bit better than, than you've done it before, doesn't it? It does seem that way. Now we do the up phase. Take the arms up to the ceiling. [inaudible] now what I'd like you to do here is put your thumb, this little webspace, you hold that there and then explain it right here. Because then when your fingers reach apart, so yeah, yeah, yeah. So you open up your fingers and then they reach away. Yeah.

And then what that does, can you feel that kind of externally? Rotate your shoulder a little bit. So we want this, this all Nour deviation and the pinky gets extra gentle rotation in the shoulders. And then you're going to lean forward in your hips. Release here a little bit. There you go. And then fill these back ribs up a little bit. Take your front ribs to your back. Yay. Yeah, go and just hold that right there.

Less shrugging. Nice and lengthen. Very good. Whoops. Head dropped a little bit. I know it sounds so picky there. And then bring yourself back to vertical from there. [inaudible] very good. And then you do that again. Inhale. And then lean forward to hip hinges, right?

So he's doing a little hip pinch here. There you go. Chest. Nice and lot. Very good. And then bring yourself back. Do that one more time. We'll add some rotations. So hip hinge, forward [inaudible] and actually I changed my mind right before we add rotation. Let's allow him to shrug and un-shrink his shoulders. Go ahead and shrug up and then kerplunk down.

Sometimes if you just allow something to happen, then it'll know what it means to not do that. Okay. One more. A little tidbit on that is the opposite of shrugging up. Can you shrug up is not just a lock and pull down. Go ahead and lock it down and pull down really hot. Yeah, because that's just another mess waiting to happen. Okay, so instead release that connect in through here. Go ahead and shrug up and then just stop shrugging.

That's what that is. And now take your left arm away and twist your body to the left. So you're going to add a big inhale, twist, and then exhale, touch, and then do that again. Inhale, twist in, rotate. Very good. And then exhale. And then one more time each side. Inhale, twist. Yes, good connection back here through that, that all nurture deviation. I know it's a fancy word, it just means you're turn your wrist towards your pinky fingers. Good.

And then come on back and then lower the bar down and pause right there. Very good. So we've entertained the spine a little bit, add in the leg challenge because if he were to have his legs up on here for traditional push through, wouldn't be happy with the legs and the pelvis. Okay, so I'm going to take this down. We're going to take the trap piece and put it up here again as we kind of round out this little workout session. Can you help me put that up there? Very good. Okay, so let's make sure these are tight. I always teach my clients, I mean I tighten them, they tighten them, we all get it all kinda tightened there. Very good. Okay, so back just a little bit, and that is an important thing. Even when you teach your beginner clients or your beginner clients who are new to [inaudible] or new to fitness, teach them about the equipment.

I think it's important to teach them safety factors and stuff like that. Okay, so two hands come right here. One Hand here, one hand here. I call this a little sway. So as you lean your body forward, the whole line of your torso stays and then you press down to return yourself back. Very good. As you do at this time, can you lift your feet up off of the mat? So you got, yeah, that's it. Yeah, you go hold right there. Whoa. Beautiful job. And then return. And you're going to do that two more times. Inhale, go forward. Exhale. Think about lifting your left arm. You don't have to, but it just means more weights going on the right. Very good. Return yourself back. And then last time go forward.

And this time on weight, the other arm just hugged yet it's still there, but you're just unweighting it. Good. Yes. And then bring yourself back. Starts to get you a little old bleak awareness from there. Okay. Turn yourself around. Now. This is one of your favorite exercises. Well, it's one of my favorite exercises. Uh, Eric, put your hands down on the mat. You're getting ready for your little plank series here. Hands down.

Your right leg is going to come back up into this trap. He's here. Now you have to press down with that leg, pulling up with the belly. Take your other leg back into that trap piece to match it. Good. It's just a holding. Now you're going to drop this piece down right here. Yes. So too much. [inaudible]. There you go. Just right there. Front legs, back, legs, everything. Take one leg out.

Take the other leg out and then drop down to your knees and rest right there. You started with the right leg. That time. This time you'll start with the left leg. Okay. It does make a difference. The leg you start on. Alrighty. Give me your left leg back here. Right before you lift it up. It straightens. It tightens pelvis, lifts, belly lifts, other. Oh my goodness. Very good. Squeeze those heels.

Breathing. Drop this down to Smith. Holding big inhale. Think more in your right arm. Boom. Good thing more in your left arm. Yes. And then take one leg out. Take the other leg out and rest right there. So whenever there's a plank, there's always a side plank waiting to happen. You Ready? Okay, turn and face me when I like to do this side plank, I like to take the top leg into this now. Um, when you have clients that get kind of sweaty, there's towels and everything like that. I also use this other half mat sometimes and I'm going to put it under his hand.

Okay. You can use a sticky pad, but I just like this just adds a little extra here. So come on, hop up here again. Okay, so right hand and top left leg in here. [inaudible] and we do one get up in the side plank. I call it a non-discussion exercise. Okay. So it's like I have a handle right here and this side of your obliques lifts up to the ceiling. [inaudible] there you go. And then lift yourself up. [inaudible] hold five, hold four, hold three, hold two. And then bring yourself down. Very good.

Real life planking. The goal is not to stay completely still. The goal was to be okay with a wobbling other side. [inaudible] right? Like it's non-discussion be wobbly. Go for it. If you fall, it's not very far. You're ready. Okay.

Pick yourself up. Pick this up. Pick this up. Oh yeah, that's it. Whole five, four, five, four. I can't count three, two, one. Bring yourself all the way down. I was just doing a jokey thing anyway. It's really good a way to get all those core pieces in. Okay, so we'll take this trip. He's down.

And now take your mat off of there please. And you're going to turn and face the roll down bar. So we're starting to wind down the session now. So come and sit here facing your handles and go ahead and press your legs out here. And then this is not a sit up tall exercise.

So it's okay that he's not sitting up tall here. This is a roll down and roll up so your arms will press down a little bit and you just roll your body down to the mat. Just roll your body, your head will fall wherever it needs to. Your roll your body down, all the way down, all the way down. Good. And then drop the shoulders. Good. Now lift your head, look towards your feet and then curl your trunk. Ribs cord. Come towards the pelvis. And then bring yourself all the way up and then press down.

Rolling yourself down. Rolling here. Good. Nice alignment here. Very good. Now this time as your shoulders come back, lift your chest a little bit towards your chin. Good. And now you're going to pull your arms up over your head like that and sit up with your chest. Yes. Beautiful job. Good. And then lower the arms down. Roll yourself back down.

So we take turns with the spine in different directions. Very good. Or different. Rounding versus hinge. Arms pull up over the head. Lift the chest. So great that your head is not just flying back of very good. Just like that. And then lower your arms all the way down. Turn to the side.

Come to standing over there. Okay, so our last little closing exercise, I just always like to tie something into a little opera in lower body. Um, some static or isometric hold. I'm going to grab this little weight here. Okay. And you're going to stand up here with your right leg and put this in your right hand. And when you stand up on the box, the left leg is not going to touch anything. You can take your left hand behind your head, stand up on the box, take your right arm out to me.

[inaudible] hold this isometric cold to get shoulder stability. Isometric exercise is really good for the joint left leg out and in 10, nine, eight, seven. Good long five and four, three and two and one step down other side. And you can do these exercises with the hands in various positions, but we're just going to do it with the hand and abducted position right now. So step up onto the box.

[inaudible] [inaudible] and then left arm out, right elbow open. Good and move the right leg. [inaudible] you'll see is actually a little less stable on this side for whatever reason. Ankle, hip. Here we go. Five more and four and three and two, and then one. And then bring yourself all the way back down. Very good.

Thank you for joining me for this workout. Oh good.

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Karen I so enjoy all of the work that you have done on PA! Your words and tactile cuing are so easily understood and remembered for me. I work with many different clients that have benefited from your many presentations here on PA. Thank you and love the work you did with your children! Look forward to more from you!
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Clear uncomplicated positive cueing giving a great movement experience for the athlete... loved this Karen thankyou 😀
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Karen - thanks so much for your amazing work on PA. I learn something every time you present.
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Thank you so much for using the "real client", it helps teach so many real cues that we need to use. So very different than when we teach the pilates instructors that know what to do. I appreciate you bringing in your family!
3 people like this.
Very much love all your classes and today giving us the aspect of connecting with the athletic, male client with such clear cues. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Another awesome one from Karen! Thank you!
Love the bilateral work, Karen, especially the "lazy glute" exercise.
1 person likes this.
Love this, there is a lot of good stuff here. I find the more I teach the more I become you. I've even adopted the term "rib package" lol love you!!
Karen Sanzo
Brenda!!! You're too funny. Thanks for commenting!!
Carolan A
2 people like this.
great instruction..i loved the spirit of your son..xo
1-10 of 15

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