Class #2931

Strength and Precision Mat

50 min - Class


Fine tune your technique with this Mat workout by Niedra Gabriel. She focuses on precision to make sure your body is aligned for each exercise. This is a great class for those who are hypermobile as she offers tools that you can use to build strength rather than rely on your flexibility.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Yes. Good afternoon. I'm so excited to be doing a math class with two of my favorite friends and peers here, Jennifer and guider. Both of them are professional dancers, is teachers, athletes and just super, super, super fun people to be around. So we're going to be doing um, intermediate come advanced math class that's going to medium mediumly paste in order to kind of fine tune the technique. So let's have you two ladies coming to the front of your mat guy to come a little bit for the forward into a Palladio's v one elbow on top of the other.

Now I'd like pressure one arm down, one arm up and prefilled pressure into the back heel and then rock forward to come into the front heel and use it to lengthen up through the crown of the head, but stay grounded at the same time. Cross your arms the other way and with this up and down energy with control, bend your knees and bring the sit bones all the way to the mat. Lifting the powerhouse up as you go. So keep that box very squared all the way down. Very, very good. Under your hands. Move your hips back and roll down onto the mat, articulating through your spine.

Tell you're lying long and flat for the hundreds. So the knees are still bent here. We're going to do an interesting setup to get into the hundred. Bring your knees into your chest. Lift the leg straight up to the ceiling so the legs are completely heels above the sit bones.

Now lift your head and chest and reach your hands all the way up towards your shinbone so you will curl up. How high can you come? Can you come up even higher guide I yes. Try to touch the shins or your ankles. Really lift up. Now stay that high and slowly lower the legs down away from you staying up. Do not get lower so you find your own ankle.

Bring your arms just above your size though. You're a little higher up. Both of you. Higher up. Nope, not legs, arms. Lift your chest. Don't lose height. Start pumping energetically. Breathing in and out and in. Keep the pumps above your body. So keep going with the pumps.

Reach long into the fingers. Try not to have your body Bob at all. You should be like a little mummy with DPT. Breathing through the nose. Keep reaching those legs out. But don't tighten the feet.

Keep the strength in the powerhouse and keep pressing your back flat down. So the lumbar spine stays nice and long. Now one more set in in exhalation and slowly with control. Lower down. If you can roll the leg straight down. Lengthen the head down and feel from your head through the ankles.

Long beautiful length, nice and long on the mat. Beautiful. Lift the arms up, shoulder height right above your shoulders. So completely vertical. So guided. Move your hands a little more, little bit more towards your head. I want, that's it. I want exactly perpendicular to the ground. You should have a box. So think of this, your hips and your shoulders. Create a box.

Now lift your head up and soften the sternum down. We're going to start rolling up up to there. Can you lift a little bit more and then peel yourself off the mat, articulating and then reach forward. But I want that waist pulling back and the ribs pulling back. So you are opening up your lumbar spine.

All of this is back and the shoulders wrapped forward. Roll back down rounding. But keep the way strong so you see if you can articulate right through one bone at a time. Very nice arms just to the ceiling. Now as you come up, try to keep that relationship to the trunk. So curl your head in, chest up, peel off the mat to Jennifer. Keep the hands higher and the shoulders lower. There we go. So once you're here, they should be shoulder height. Lengthen forward, but pull back in the waist.

So don't let the ribcage flatten out. Roll backs. He want to fill up your back, lower ribs deeply as you do this all the way back. Arms come to the ceiling. Very good. And again, lift your head and chest up and soften the sternum. As you lift up, peel off the mat, keep this round shape so you're not flattening out the spine and then roll down articulating. And you're both doing very well cause you're barely moving back. There's always a slight amount. Now take an inhalation here and exhalation roll up a little faster.

Exhale. Inhale. As you reach forward, exhale as you roll back. Inhale here. Exhale as you roll forward. Inhale, deepening in the powerhouse. Exhale, rolling back. One more time. Inhale here. Exhale, rolling out. Inhale and roll down. Place your hands on the mat flat by your side and set yourselves up for rollover. Let's have both of you move towards your feet a little bit.

Now lift your legs to a 90 degree angle, so he noticed the box again. Hips on the mat, shoulders on the mat, lower back on the mat. See if you can keep the same angle between your thighs and your trunk. As you roll over. So deep, lower body work. Start lifting the hips up and float the legs over your head towards the floor.

Flex your feet here. See if you can touch the floor. Push the heels away. Open your feet a little wider than your mat. Lift your feet up hip height and try not to collapse in the lower back as you roll down. So your both lovely and flexible. So there's a tendency to keep the legs 90 degrees Gajda so you don't take too much advantage of the flexibility heals together. Lift up again, so up and over. Try Not to get that 90 degree angle to get more acute touch.

Open the legs, lift the legs, hip height and lower down. Articulating. Keep that lower back, long and controlled from the stomach. Legs down and together. Wherever you want to bring them. And one more time. Lift up and over toes to the floor. Flex. Open the legs and flex. Lift the legs up. That's the idea, Jennifer.

But you got into too much extension. Ah, hold the powerhouse front bodies what's working to control the movement legs together. Reverse it and open the legs out. Lift the legs up and over and toaster the floor. Flex legs together and flex or Jennifer right in this lower back is where you want to keep rounding and lengthening instead of extension. Deepen the central stomach muscles again. Open the legs up in over toes to the mat. Push legs together, push, roll down nice and long and one more time.

Open the legs up and over and toes to the mat. Press the heels away, press and then roll down, roll down, roll down and pause with the legs in the air. Open your legs, hip with the part. Lift your arms up to they are just above your shoulders. So there's your box. Take your right leg in, lowered all the way to the mat for single leg and flex. Set Foot on the mat all the way down. Guidance.

So you were going to do single leg circles. The hands in the air will be your focus points so that you're not moving the box at all. Take the leg across your body, down, around and up. So you're doing that. And again, cross keeping the hip down the whole time so the hands shouldn't move. The hips shouldn't move and up. And again guided to keep the left hip down and up. One more time.

Keep the left hip down as you cross over, better and up, reverse it out, down, across and up. So your keep going and up and over and and look at your own hands. If they're moving, you know you're not supposed to do that. One more time. Over and up. Good. Float the leg down. Get a sense of those squared hips. Lift the other leg up.

Lengthen it out and up and make sure it's right above the hip today. Just, there we go. So lengthen the right hip away from the right rib cage and start across your body, across, down, around, and up, across, down, around, in, to, across, down, around in three. Keep going down around in four. Now both of you relax your feet. Got One more time. Circle down, around and up. And now reverse out, down, across and up.

Keep going with the risen down across in two and relax the feet and three so the powers from the knees to the ribs and it's centered in the waist area and up. Float the legs down to the Mat. Lovely work. Lift your head up, flex your feet. Curl up in length in the heels away. And know, place your hands by your hips. Move your bottom to the front of the Mat for rolling like a ball. So let's see here. This, Ho you want to open up your lumbar spine as much as you can to create length and soften the sternum in. So let's just check to see if this works for you both.

Can you lift your feet off the Mat with your feet pointed? Can you bring your temples between your knees so you have to die the head down, round your body even more to get there. To open up the tissue in the back body, you want to clamp your knees to your temples. If you can stay in the shape, roll back to your shoulders, come up against the bottom, comes over the shoulders and up and again, roll back and come up ironing that back out and roll back and up. So keep going with the role. Just work at your own rhythm and start to notice if your back is flattening out of shortening anywhere.

Cause we're taking the whole spine and we lengthening it and restoring each vertebra to ability to freely move. So guided right in that lower back, right around the sacrum and just above it seeping could deepen into the stomach. Yes. So you keep it long. It's flection, not extensions. That's better. Here's your last run. Pause. Very good. Left hand to right knee, feet in the air off the floor and float back.

Can you float back for single leg stretches without falling back? Never mind. This is good. Lift your head in, chest up, and let's have you switch and switch and switch and switch and switch. Now keep the arms long. Keep going. And no hands at all. Keep the arms long by your side and alternate a push. Pull, push, pull, push, pull, push, pull, push, pull both legs. Then for double leg stretches, deepen the knees as much as you can towards your shoulders.

So if you can guide a really deeply in Yass, hold your ankles [inaudible] right there. Pull your feet to your bottom and the knees to the shoulders. You're creating a sandwich. Keep this shape. Extend your arms and legs away. Reach the arms and legs away. Long, big circle and hug tight little ball and stretch long and big circle and tight and feed. Enhance hovering across, away from the floor if you can, and curl and reach and curl and reach and curl. Float the legs to the ceiling for scissors, long legs.

Drop your head down to the mat to relax. Roll your head to the right in the left just to release any tension you have there. Be Aware of where the pelvises and the lower ribs that you want them grounded as we go into the cer, scissors, curlier head and chest stop. Can you come a little higher for both of you? Take your right leg towards you. Left leg two inches from the mat for scissors. Pull.

Just pause here and guide the let's have the hand by the ankle and pull the leg as close towards you as you can. That works for you. Now the body will not move, so double pulse, pulse, pulse, scissors and legs quickly and pulse. Pounds. Other side. Pulse, pulse and pulse. Pulse, pulse, pulse and pulse. Pulse and pulse. Pulse, pulse, pulse. Keep on going. No hands at all. Hands by your side and pulse. Pulse. Try to keep the body nice and quiet. Lakes to the ceiling, hands behind your head. Elbows wide. Lift the chest up. Only 45 degrees.

Float the legs away and lift them up and float them out. Trying to anchor everything in the center. The body is flat pressing into the mat and float and up. Last one float and up in the knees in and put your head on the mat and down. Very, very good.

Let's have you both moved back on your maths now and we're going to do a variation of Chris Cross. So let's have both of you bring your legs up to tabletop. Yes. Now hands together here just for a minute, let's say and see if you can roll up and touch your toes without. So tabletop for me. Di guider right above the hips. Yes. Can you come up and touch your toes? High, high, high.

You have to come up in the air. Up to come down from Earth to there. Yes. And Go back down again just so you really check that whole ability to come up and come up again. Curl up, up, up, up and roll down. Yes. Now this time you come up and stay for a minute. Just to be prepared up. You come up, hands behind your head and twists to the right and twist to the left. Roll down an inch and twists to the right and twist to the left.

Roll down another inch and twist to the right and twist to the left. Roll down another inch, twist to the right, twist to the left and again, roll down and twist and twist. Rest. Okay, so interesting, Huh? That's your crisscross. And any area that you are feeling, either you are going to fall down from or was stiff and you're both very advanced and beautifully trained. That's the air I want you to focus on in spine stretch forward.

So let's have you roll up to a sitting position. So because each of you has your own kind of area, do you want to take to the next level? I can't even call it a weakness anymore cause you're so perfect. But hands up here, lift up through the spine and start rounding down and see if you can replicate that place and find it where you were struggling with and see how you can strengthen it and open it at the same time. So the eventually you could roll fully with control. Roll back up, sitting up nice and tall.

Take a breath in and breathing out. Roll down. Soften the sternum even more. Jennifer, I wanna see the chest moving into the back ribs and roll yourself back up. And let's have you both spread the shoulder blade forward to open up the back body and start rolling down again. They I want right here in this high part of the ribs. And then down here, opening open yas and roll back up. Roll back up. Roll back up. Roll back up. Very good. Open night.

Rockers had been the legs in and lift them up. Can you reach towards your toes? Just reached towards the toes. Let's have you have the feet soft. Find that powerhouse. Very good. Bend your legs into a frogs position and back up and into a frog.

And back up. One more time into a frog and back up. Now touch your shinbones with your fingers. No holding. Guide a touch. Roll back and come up. Just like that. Roll. Use that powerhouse to control the limbs up and roll back and come up and roll back. So keep working that powerhouse in the scoop. There you go. Back and up. One more time.

Back and up. Balance here. Deepen the powerhouse. Bring the legs together. Good work. Guider and walk down your legs. Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk and come like flat on your back for corkscrew. So going to basic corkscrew. Keep the legs in the air, arms by your sides. Legs are nice and long head is on the mat and you're just going to Smith. Assad, your sacred. We're not going to go up high.

So take the legs to the right, down, around and up. So the circle bar, pause here. The circle you will do is as big as you can without the sacrum. Really Rolling off. So you have to, as you take the legs to the right, yes, you want to feel the left side of the sacrum down. Now massage is circle around that sacred and back up and then reverse it.

Circle around so it's not too big a circle. Keep going, but you're really checking the mobility that you have in the socket and at the same time the control of the movements. It's very detailed in fact, and one more time or you even. And if you're not even do the other side cause I don't remember. Okay. And then when you're done, you roll your legs to the Mat and you come sitting up for your saw. So let's start with the hands behind the head for a little warmup. I would like the feet wider than the mat as though you had moon boxes.

Really flexible feet strongly nice. Lift everybody. Both of you twist to the right and left elbow to left knee, left elbow to left knee more. Both of you are not listening. Come back up, twist in the other direction and right elbow to right knee. Yes, Yay. And come back up and first no one ever does this one.

Now pause. Take this elbow as high as you can and work the rotation, work it and come back up the SEO and up twist to the other side to really opening your sidewalk. It's more like mermaid than it is Sol. Right now we're just warming up. One more time. First side, go down, open that elbow and come back up. Others like twist and take it down, down, down, down, down and come back up. Very good. Now traditional saw arms to the side, lift up and twist to the right. Now take the left hand towards your right little toe.

This hand, that very good little finger goes to the city. I would like your head going to the nose, goes to the floor and you go into the outside of your knee. Saw, saw, saw and come back up, twist to the other side and your head goes down. You're looking forward, not sideways. Yes, and come back up. First side twist and now as you go forward, you reach that left hip back. It shouldn't be rocking. And so your working opposition twist to the other side and right hip goes back so you don't swivel into the hips. It's all spinal work and up. One more time, but slow anchor. The hips twist as you go down, pull the hip back, pause and start opening your chest to the right so the hand will come towards a ceiling. Yes guy, Duh. And you work a rotational twist. Lovely.

Come back up and other side twist and reach long. Work the hip in opposition and slowly open your chest. I'll get that hand floating up the open, the rotation of the chest and come back up. Awesome work. Bring your legs together. Roll down on your backs and onto your stomachs for single leg kicks.

So just roll down. Yeah, let's have you face a center. That's really good. So I'm sorry not thinking like kicks. We're going to start with Swan. So let's have your hands under your shoulders. We're going to do swan prep. So feel the hip bones into the mat, right? The legs are going to be long.

They can be hip with the part or they can be together. Jennifer UK together. I just want you straight because I'm anal. You have to be lined up with the mat before lined up with your body for my excellent. So it feel the length in your lower back. You want it long. You want the sacrum long, not talked about long.

Now lift your head, lift your hands, lift your elbows off the mat and see if you can lengthen up. Very good and come back down. Excellence. You want to activate this upper back muscles and lift up up you. Come now place your hands on the mat. Stay here and you can press a little higher, but make the back muscles work.

You want the upper back to work excellent and come back down. That's beautiful. Long muscles along the back. One more time. Lift your head in, chest in hands. Press the hands down to continue the float coming up. Upper back, opening, lengthening up through the hips and come back down. Now you ladies are lovely.

Let's have a go with the full swan dive. So going to lift up this way and then you're going to fall forward to up. You calm. Now when you fall forward, your arms, your legs are going to go to the ceiling. You're going to do three rocks. So here we go. Fall forward, arms reach forward. Feet and lift feet and lift feet and lift and lower back down.

Lower down. Stretch your arms out in front of you on the Mat. Little Finger into the frost to the pumps. Face each other. Yas. Lift your head, look between your hands and slowly glide the elbows in towards your armpits and make fists with your hands. Bring the knuckles together. So knuckles all the way, Jennifer. This way. So elbows are a little bit wider, too close a guider. You want to be? Yes. You want more of a round shape? Yes. Now can you lift your ribs off the mat? Both of you. See that's it.

So you have length from the hips. It's almost like you're not too much in extension. The lakes are hip with the part or together. So both of you. Jennifer, can you bring your feet a little closer together? There we go. Now keep your stomach lifted. Take your right foot towards your bottom to open up the hip flexor and quad.

Flex your foot and kick twice. Kick, kick. Lengthen the leg out. Other leg comes in. Just the test. Flex, kick, kick. And now we'll keep the foot pointed and we're going to go fast. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick, kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Lower back down. Now hands under your shoulders.

Lift your head and chest off with the hands off. The mats are gonna lift up like you did for Swan preps. Same thing. Hands off the Mat and single kicks. Here we go. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick, kick, kick and down. Kick, kick and down. Kick. Kick in, down. Pause. Legs down, arms long in front of you. Reach them out, reach them to the side, breech and behind you. Clasp your hands behind your back and place them high upon the waist. Lower your head down to the right.

So I would like one hand holding the other, not a finger clasp. Can you get your hands all the way up between your shoulder blade? How high up your back can you get them as high as you can. Then you press the elbows to the mat. Gajda all the so you have a big stretch in the shoulders, right, legs along and together for double leg kicks.

So feet together if you can. And let's go kicking the feet three times and kick two, three and now stretch back with the arms. Lift your chest and hands kick two, three and lift and first side kick two, three and open the chest. Other side kick two, three and lift and first side kick two, three feet. Stay down. Guider for this part and kick two, three and lift. Very good. Lie Down. Sit back into your heels and stretch your backs out. Beautiful work. Come to a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you for neck Paul.

So your feet will be hip with the part one hand on top of the others. So the hands of at the base of the skull and gently use your thumb to wrap around the neck and give the neck a bit of a stretch. So you kind of feel how you having this natural lift. Now Jennifer, soften the sternum. Yes, just a little bit. And then curl forward and dive your head down between your knees. Roll yourselves back up.

And we're going to do a variation of around the world as well as nick will now dive down and bring your head towards your right knee and outside the right knee. Now roll down on the right side of your spine all the way to the mat. Roll all the way down on that right side to flat and square. Yes. Roll yourselves up the middle, up the middle, up the middle earth and head down in the middle. Roll back up to an upright position. Lengthen.

And now take your round yourself down again. This time you go into the laughed and roll down on the left side of your rib cage and spine to flat. So you'll cut, that's it. And then you square yourself to the flat and you roll up the center. So you're doing it and roll yourselves up. And if you can, you roll up with your elbow, dive down, sit up tall. And before we do the other side too. The goal is to always have the elbows y, which will not always happen, but that's the goal.

So we know that we're more to work on now, right head to the outside of the right knee down again. Here we go. Down, roll down on that right side to flat. All the way to flat. Roll up the center, dive down in the middle. Roll yourselves back up. Roll down to the left. You roll down on the left side. Roll up in the middle. Dive down once, lift up tall and roll down flat to finish. Very good work. Now bring yourself down to the mat again for bridge.

So you're lying flat. Lie Down flat on your back. Place your arms nice and long by the side of your size. Bend your feet up so your feet are going to be hip with the part and you want your heels touching your fingertips. So that's about the place you want your heels to be. Fida going straight. Yes, that's it. So again, notice where your boxes, you want to have your shoulders, your stake room, your hips.

Long guidance at the feet, just a tad turned in so you have pressure to the big toe. And so as you roll up the front of the size as long and even so just tuck the tail it can go to, can you get your feet closer to your fingers? Yeah. So if you were stretching your heels, touch your fingers, Tuck your tail on, roll yourselves up, roll the pelvis up all the way up so you from your armpits to your knees, you have length focusing and opening the hips. Roll yourselves down. Okay. Roll yourself up, rural yourselves down. Roll yourselves up and shift the weight slightly towards the right leg without the hips displacing and lift your left leg up to the ceiling.

If you can flex a foot lower down towards the floor and up and down and up and down and up. Then the foot, put it back on the mat and lift your hips. If they collapsed, get them back in the center. Gently shift towards the other leg slightly to prepare. Try not to let the hips drop. Lift, flex down and up and down and up and down and up. Put the foot back on the mat. Bend it, roll everything down.

So you warmed up the hips, you warmed up the shoulders. Let's have a go into full bridge. We'll build it. So you want your feet close to your fingertips, right? Place your hand, curling them under your shoulders. If you can get the elbows pointing for, to your boxes set, roll your hips up in the air and then see if you can pop yourself onto the crown of your head, onto the crown of the head.

Bring those elbows to towards each other. Don't let them flay out. Make sure they hips a square. Can you go walk tracking along these lines here? Open up the upper back to press up. Yes. Beautiful. Open chest, open hips, and roll yourselves back down. Articulating through unfolding. Very, very good work.

You want to do single leg lifts and devil pays by vote. Let's have one more go. So Jennifer, one thing I'd like you to do when you go up, you're very, very flexible. So you over in, you over bend in the Rib Cage Center, I want you to even out the bend so it's evenly distributed so you don't let yourself over open here. You Open in the shoulders, you open in the hips and in the back is a beautiful even extension. When we shift into the single legs, you really have to watch the box because your body's going to want to fall all over the place. I know I do it all the time. Bring your feet together. Kay. Not together together. Just hip with the part.

So you're inline with your sit bones, Jennifer hands a little closer together. Yes. So if you place yourselves well you will open those parts of the body. So already, yes, we need the site. We want the length here. Not so much here we really lengthening. Okay, so hips up and pop up onto the crown of the head.

Hug the mid line and lift yourselves up. Anchor the hips. Bend one knee in, lifted up towards the ceiling if you can. Yes. Lifting the hips, put it back down and other leg goes up. Lifting up from the hands and put it back down. Lift the hips and the chest even higher.

Stretch the elbows all the way and lower back down. Yes. I hope somebody took pictures. That was good. Very, very nice. And let's have you both lying, um, roller selves back up and lay on your right side for sidekicks. So let's have you, let's have you both facing me. It'll just be easier. Just all we gonna do is a front and back line. So you want elbow, armpit, hip, and feet. Bring the feet to the front of your mat.

So guided can you actually support your head and can you have your armpit on the mat? Yes. The other hand is in front of the lower ribs. That's it. That's it. So you want to imagine that you're against a wall. Both feet are nicely flexed. Bring the legs a little bit further forward. So in front of the Mat, a little bit more forward. Guider with the feet. Yes.

Now take your top leg lifted up. So with hip height, hip height, so the shoulders are slightly uneven, but the hips are completely balanced. Bring the leg in front of you, hip height in front of you and hold all the way up. Can if can you bring it to here all the way. That's it. And Double Pals here. Pulse Pauls and then down and then take it as far back as you can, but keep those hipbones stacked pulse, pulse and forward pulse, pulse and reach. WHATSAPP. I would like flex, flex and then point, point and flex. Flex and point. Point. Bring the legs together.

Now devil's advocate other hand up as well. So what I don't want to see have the upper body moving. Both of you had some of it. So you have to anchor Jennifer floating ribs. Yes. See if you can keep that courses. So the hip socket is doing the majority of the work.

Lift the leg hip height and forward, forward, long back, forward, forward, long back. Forward, forward, long back. Forward, forward, long back, legs together and roll onto the other side. So just to be aware of what to work on. If this upper arm is flailing, that means your c signed the trunk to come to balance the leg and you want to avoid, we're building against it. So first thing is the hand should be in line with your ear, not the back of your head. So we start, yes, we start just with a hand down.

Lift your leg, hip height, and first time just bring it forward. Hip Height in front to check the square. Is that left hip long? Ah Yes. Get it down. Away from the armpit. Pulse, pulse, and sweep the leg back from you. And how far back can you get it. And here we go. Forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, legs together. Other hand up. Now get the elbow, no here. So the shoulder blades are wide in the back and don't follow what Ben, the Ed Flay, the elbow.

So lift the leg up and here we go. Forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward, back, back, and legs together. And roll onto your back. So just a little tiny bit of waving, but that's good for the soul, right? So let's go for our teasers now. So lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Take the legs to a 45 degrees. I want soft toes and roll up towards your toes and roll your body down. Keeping the legs where they are.

They shouldn't float down and up. They should stay passive fix. Roll up again. Okay, roll down. So that's where we going. One more time, just 45 foot 10 just just floating up. They just stay row up and rolled out. Very good. Now roll up both of you. Roll yourselves up.

Fix your upper body. Float the legs down, lift the legs up, float the legs down. So better to a smaller movement and up and lower down and up. Reach the arms by your ears. Everything goes to the mat. Roll down, down, down with control through the arms to the floor over your head and come up. Touch your toes, legs and hands. Touch and reach back by your ears.

Reach the arms back and roll down. Hands and feet. Touch and one more time. Come up, touch your toes up, reach Dov arms by your ears and try and control the feet in the hand at the same time and Dachau. Lovely work. Let's have both of you lying on your backs. You might do well be just, oh no, let's have you take it facing each other. Lying on your stomach. Now for swimming, so my, my little story is teaser is so hard that then you just want to run away from it and you swim away. I always have this inner story. How to memorize a move. So arms along. That's my intro story. I'm swimming away from the moment.

So long arms, long legs from your hips to your floating ribs in front. You want to feel that length. That area has to be relatively quiet to reach your right arm forward and up and lift the left leg off the floor and lift your head and look. So the arm is going to go as high as it can. That's it. Now switch side with out the body. Moving to Jennifer.

Watch the hips and first side. So this you want it to coming from the socket and switched better and switch. Now all four limbs and switch. Everything stays off and swim and swim and swim and swim and, and swim and swim and swim. Lower down. Lovely work. Sit into your heels and come onto your hands and knees.

Very good. And Sareda stretches. Let's be in a sphinx position with your legs extended behind. So you're going to be on your elbows. Um, I'm sorry, not Sphinx balance. It's like a push up position, but on your elbows. Yes. So you're going to be up. There we go. So your shoulders are right over the elbows. The legs are nice and long and now you retract the shoulder blade to the chest will come lower and lift and lower and lift and lower and lift and lower.

That's it. Guide and lift and lower and lift. Bend your knees, coming to the mat, stretch your hips back into your heels. Very good. And then come forward and do the same thing again. But now you're in a full plank position to come onto your hands and knees. Again. Legs are nice and long.

Spread the shoulder blades. I want to see how that is when your shoulder blades are really spread. Can you wrap the shoulders around the s? That's it. You want to find the Pex in the front. Imagine squeezing the front of the arms towards each other.

Now squeeze the shoulder blades together and then spread them and squeeze them and spread them and squeeze them and spread them and squeeze and spread. Last one, squeeze and spread. Bend your knees. Sit into your heels for a minute. Stretch your body out and balance. Can Fro control front or come back into your plank position again. Okay.

Bring your legs back and just find a stabilized trunk. Same thing you were working on in swimming. Just lift your right heel off the mat. Put it back down. Left leg lifts and a Dow now, right like lifts and with the left ear. Push it back away from you. Rock forward two more times like that. Press back, press forward.

Press back. As you press forward, bring the foot down, take the other leg up in the air and push back and forward and back and forward and back and put the foot down. Take your right hand towards your left hand and take the left hand up to the ceiling. See if you can rotate all the way round to an a back plank. Yes or no? Well actually you're going to go all the way wide. Relax, relax. Let me just show you what I was referring to. So here you are, you bring the hand and you come all the way around. So you're full balanced, control back. So let's have a good look at the transition again.

So one hand comes towards the other. You actually turn the fingers in towards that hand. Yes, yes, yes. And around just for the fun of practicing it. Good and come down. That'll take a little work. But now we're going to go up again and I would like your hands. The most advanced version is with the fingers pointing towards your body.

If your shoulders are really tight, the fingers for go sideways or back. But let's have a go with that feet. We'll be together. Guide or why didn't you get yourself even knee on the mat and lift both hips up in the air. Try to be in applying from your shoulders to your feet. Up you go right now. Lift your right leg up to the ceiling. Up It goes and down. Left leg, up and down, right leg, up and down and left leg. Up and down.

Very good. Lower back down to the mat. Both of you turn to face me for the side plank you can be. Yup. Just like you are now you're going to have one leg on top of the other, so just get into the shape. Just slightly bent. Pull this rib in. This hand will be by the side and just lift yourself up so you press into your playing. Can you be foot on foot? Jennifer Jo, devil's advocate and just hand buyer's side and just hold it so you start to build the obliques as well.

Now slightly lower the hip down towards the Mat. Lift it up and down and up and down and up and lower back down. Bend the knees to come down, turn around, do the other side. So it's fine. Creative interpretation is all good. So the knees only slightly bent. Jennifer for this various has many variations, little bit less bent there. Guider and the hand will be by the side.

When you come up, it's like you're standing, but you're just balancing on one hand, can you lift the hips up and come from your, the side of your foot? Lift the hip up even more. Guider if you can. Yes, that's it. And just hold it to build some strength. Now slightly lower the hips and lift the hips up and you have to work into the up. That's it. And lower a little bit and lift a little bit and lower a little bit and lift a little bit and then bend your knees and come on down. And both of you, let's have you facing just the way you are. Bring your feet in for Mermaid.

So you bend the knees even further in. Hold the outside of the ankle with your hand, right? And take the other hand up to the ceiling. Now lift both sides of your waist up way, way, way up. And I would like this arm long and try to bring the hand right by your ear. So yes, so you read. Now keep that sandwich, lift up even more and start bending in towards your bent legs.

And your goal is to open up your side ribs. Yes. And then come back up and lift both sides of your ribs up and bend over again a little deeper. Opening up those ribs and come back up. And one more time. Let's get this hand right by the ear, Jennifer, and over.

Now wrap your hand by your ear all the way around and deepen a bit further and come back up. Stretch the arm up and out and swing your legs to the other side. Very good. So lift the other arm up to the ceiling. Try to pull both sides of the waist up as much as you can. Stretch into the fingertips and then pull out of your ribs to bend as far over as you can and really open up the side ribs and up.

And again, press out and up. And one more time. Big Lift. Press over, over, over. Get that hand by the ear and then wrap it in to try to get that hand in and stretch the arm out. Come back up. Very good. And then turn to face each other for your seal. Lovely, lovely work. So standing at the, coming to the front of the Mat. As you lift your feet off the mat, you want to slightly hug the midline with your inner thighs and press out with your elbows and clap. Three times. Clap, clap, clap, roll back to your shoulders. Clap, clap, clap and up, clap, clap, clap back, clap, clap, clap up, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. And see if come on up to an upright position. That's fine.

You can put your feet down and come up. I know we can stand firm seal, but just come to standing and come to the back of your mat. And I would like a slight, slight Pilati is v or parallel because we're going to be walking out into your pushup position, but we're going to break them down. So start with your arms to the ceiling and round yourself, rolling down towards the Mat. Place your hands on the mat and walk all the way out to a plank. So the heels are up. Make sure the hands are right under your shoulders.

And then bend your elbows, lowers of all the way to the mat, all the way down, down, down, down, down. So we set up to your Ford's, it's going to be on the mat. Fords on the Mat. Hands Right under your shoulders. Who? Jennifer, let's have the hands a little closer in. And so the elbows are hugging now very slightly. Pull the shoulders towards your ears just slightly and lift the arm pit shoulder away from the floor. So we want as much as possible that yes, so we you want that to to connect now stretch the knees so the thighs off the mat and lay, lengthen the tail into them in long and pull the stomach off.

Yes. So you have now can you just lift an inch off the mat and hover? Just just an inch. Jennifer Lee. That's a guide. A hold, hold, hold, hold, and lower down. That's it. So Jennifer, it's in the ribs earlier. These, this up. That's it. It will give you your base. Stretch the knees more so the thighs are off. Can you lift an inch? Just one piece. Head is up to head and down. One more time.

Just like this girl's very good. Lift and hover. Hug the midline with everything. One piece and down. Okay. Sit back into your heels and come up. So very flexible. Beautifully trained. Ladies like you. We usually have hard time with the pushups because our body is hyper mobile. And this set up for pushups is probably one of the best things you can do to build the kind of strength you need to really have integrity because it's all there. It's just the stabilization. So bring yourselves up to standing position.

Lovely, lovely, lovely work. Reach the arms up to the ceiling. Round yourselves down to the floor. No more hard work. Now Jess, hang there for a minute. Let your head relax. Shake your head. No. Shake your head. Yass relax the arms and then roll yourselves up to an upright position.

With the arms dangling by your sides. Take a breath in, breathing out, relax. Just find your center and thank you very, very, very much. Good work.


Great technique review! Starts out slowly but gets progressively more challenging. Was sweating by the end.
Loved the class, thanks
Niedra Gabriel
thank you for your comments Wendy and Beatriz, wishing you much progress and success in your practices.
In the set-up, when demonstrating the SWAN DIVE, the Lady with the blue top on the right, appeared to be crunching into her low back posteriorly. It is not about how high one positions ones self in the set-up is it. If one were using the ideal High Mat, with the wooden dowels, perhaps, you would position yourself so that you would not compromise your low back potentially, and have a more gradual curve the length of the spine when you are in a prepared position. Of course, this can also be achieved in the set-up with a free mat.
Thank you for sharing the mat practice. Hope you will bring more Super Advanced Mat practice very soon.
I love the "mermaid" saw prep!
Thank you! The focus is on Precision,great!
My goodness Niedra i love all your classes but the neck pull / around the world variation was yummy!
Wonderful class, I'm now feeling strong and invigorated! Thank you :)
Niedra Gabriel
thank you ladies for all your comments - always fun to get the feed back on the classes and these ladies were AWESOME.
That one inch push-up from the floor was such an innovation! Niedra Gabriel does not disappooint! Thank you! What a wonderful technique class with it being a challenging workout. Brilliant.
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