Class #351

Mat Clean Up

60 min - Class


Pilates Anytime welcomes Niedra Gabriel back to class. This time she teaches an intermediate class with touches of advanced work and "clean up" when necessary. As a teacher of Power Pilates, Niedra teaches in the classical style. She brings her energy and experience to help draw out your precision when you work.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Dec 30, 2010
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Okay. Um, to introduce myself, my name's Leandra. We're going to do an intermediate math class today with maybe little touches of advanced or clean up. As we go along, we'll kind of see how it goes. So I'd like you all to come to a standing position. Come to the front of your maps, bring your heels together so you're in a [inaudible] stance and hold onto the elbows and just take a moment to lift the ribcage away from the hips. You create a lot of space and pull your stomach in and up.

So this is nice length from the heels all the way through the crown of the head. Then Cross your feet. Very good. And now just for the fun of it, Cross your feet the other way, cause he probably don't cross your feet usually that way. Pull the powerhouse in and up and see if you can sit down. You can adjust the, lift the heels a little bit. If you need to bring one foot behind you, that's it. Comes down. Fake it. If you can't make it on, Cross your feet and take your arms out in front of your toes and heels together, knees together, and very slowly roll down onto your back so you're lying flat. Place your hands by your side just for a little warm up before we actually start the map. Work to get in touch with our powerhouse. So for me, I liked the feet together and the knees together.

Check that your spine is long. Pull your stomach muscles in and up and just roll the shoulders widened slightly away from your ears, keeping your stomach pulled in and up. Squeeze the knees together and bring the knees towards your chest just to warm up the powerhouse and then float the feet back down to the mat, keeping your back on the mat and the stomach resisting the movement of the legs and lift the legs up again and float your feet back down to the mat and lift your legs up again and float the feet back down through the mat. No, as you do this, make sure your next phase is law. Lift the legs again. So Debbie here want you to lift your head and put it back down, lengthening a little bit more, very good and down and lift and lower. Now for those of you who are at home, if you're lying on the mat or on the ground like this, you want to be sure that your back of your neck field's long.

This depends a lot about how your spine is. So some of you may need to do something that Debbie did here, which is put a little pillow war book under your head so you don't feel that you're kind of like this in time. You'll be able to get nice and long without the pillow or the Mat. But that's very important. Now to work the upper powerhouse, stretch your arms to the ceiling and then lift your head and chest and stretch your hands towards your ankles and pull the ribs in towards your waist. So you glide the ribs under the skin to the waist, and then float your shoulders and head in the arms.

Come to the ceiling and then lift up again. Feel the ribs gliding in towards the waist. Pull the stomach in. So you really notice the rib cage contracting and lower back down. Now check the shoulders away from the ears and lift up again and broad wide shoulders. You really working from the ribs to the waist. Good and lower back down. And one more time like this. Lifting up, shoulders away from the ears. Ribs glide to the waist. Stomach pulls up, long arms still through the fingers and lower back down.

Now lift up again and bring the knees in. So now you're working full powerhouse from your ribs to the hips. And as you float back down, see if you can release from the stomach, not from your extremities, and lift up again and lower back down and check you're not straightening in the shoulders. One more time. Lifting up long arms, knees come in from the ribs to the hips, nice and tight and float back down and then bring the arms down and rest. So that's the powerhouse.

Those are all the parts you're going to be using in the next exercise. In hundreds. Quick note, we start with the legs straight to the ceiling. Hold on. I'm going to explain this. We'll do this together. Every 10 you lower the legs a little bit further down. So on the exhalation, your lower the leg slightly so each of you can check.

Some of you are going to go right close to the floor. Some of you are only going to go maybe 45 degrees or less. If you start to feel your back, straining or arching, do not go any lower than that. So we started the same way. Arms to the ceiling. Pull the powerhouse in an upbring, the knees to the chest. Lift your head and chest up. Now. Shoulders away from the ears.

Extend the leg straight up to the ceiling. Slight Palani stance. Start pumping with the arms. Breathing in three, four, five. Exhale, three lower, little into five. Exhale down. Lower more into three, four, five. Exhale down. Lower more for you. Bend the knees a little bit. Exhale down. Lower more. Five, two, three, five x, sail down. Lower more.

Nice strong pumps with the arms. Create a lot of heat. Lower more. Seven, four, five. Exhale down. Lower. More. Nice long breath going in. Exhale, Nice. Long out. Nine to five, exhale down. Lower more. Last set, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Either bend your knees to your chest or lower the leg straight down to the floor. Whichever works for you. Very, very good. Now stretch your arms over your head. Stretch your legs out. Give yourself a good juicy, long stretch. Just for a moment, let your hands touch the man, so even if your back is arching, get those shoulders to open now.

Rolling up to a sitting position as your arms come up, Paul, the powerhouse in and up. Waist into the mat and roll up to a sitting position. Roll up and stretch out and long for roll back. Start Rolling back. Shoulders and down. Roll all the way to the mat. Stretch your arms over your head, keeping the shoulders away from the ears. Lift the arms and roll up. Keep the waist long and stretch forward.

Let the head dive down between the arms and roll back, keeping the shoulders why stomach pulls in long. Arms over your head. Bring the arms up and contract in the ribs so you start the rib cage, brings you up very good and you pull back in the waist as you stretch forward. Very, very nice there Debbie. Very good. So keep on rolling. Rolling your own time now and focus it.

Every bone in your back is articulating as you come up and go down. You may find that there's parts of your back that are little bit stiffer and you want to be sure that you're working through the sip parts. You never throwing yourself through the movements. That's it. If you finding that your shoulders are riding up, you're using your shoulders instead of your powerhouse. Really focused on that too.

One more time if the arms and roll up. Nice. Stretch forward. Pull the stomach backwards as you read forward and then roll back down broad shoulders in this time. Put your hands flat on the Mat by your sides. Very, very good. Now roll over. So everybody bend your feet, knees up on the mat just for a minute.

Keep your hands by sides and move down a little bit on the mat, especially on this side so you won't go over right now. Knees and feet together. Shoulders away from your ears. Bring the knees into the chest and lift your leg straight up to the ceiling. Tighten the hips, lift the hips up and float the legs up and over towards the floor. Open the legs a little wider than your own mat and pull the stomach in, enrolled and sinned.

Keep your thighs close to your chest as you wrote down for Nice stretch legs. Come together, powerhouse in and up as you lift your bottom up and float the legs down towards the floor. Open the legs out. Roll down, keeping your size long. One bone at a time. Legs together. Powerhouse in and up. One more time. Lift up. Take the legs over and down. Open the legs now. Long, straight, long legs. As you roll, roll, roll legs. Come together and reverse it. Open the legs.

Lift your powerhouse up and float the feet towards the floor. Seating. Even get them to go a little lower. Bring the legs together and then slowly roll down one bone at a time. Stomach is in bottom is nice and narrow and hips affirm as you lift up and come over legs together and slowly. Row, row, row, row, row down. Head still down there, Debbie.

One more time. Lift your hips up and go over. Bring the legs together. Now we talk with your hands and grab your calves, soften the knees and see if you can pull the legs close to you and slowly roll down until your back is on the mat to give yourselves a good stretch. Good there Wendy. Very good. Now hold onto your right leg with both hands and float your left leg all the way down to the floor. Take your hands a little bit lower by your hamstring and just to kind of even out the hips, take your left knee and bend it up on the map and take your right hip and press it towards your left heel. So you get a very square pelvis.

Now tighten your hips together and pull your stomach in. And no, no, no. Keep it a leg straight, a little lower. And imagine someone taking this leg and pushing it into the socket so you're really grounding the leg. Now shoulders elegant. Take your left leg straight out on the mat and put your hands by your side for single leg circles. Take the leg across your body, circle it down around and pause with your heel opposite your nose. Cross. Circle the leg and up. Cross.

Circle the leg and stop powerhouse in cross. Circle the leg and up. Cross. Circle the leg and up. One more time. Cross circle the like. Now pause. Your heel should be opposite your nose. Your right hip should be down. Your stomach is in the left leg. As long.

Reverse that small circle across your body. Enough. And circle the liken up. Circle the Ligon up. Circle the Ligon up. Circle the leg up and slowly float the leg down to the mat. Long leg, long stomach, long back, all the way down until you heal. Start. Why don't you marine? Move up a little bit.

Now before we do the other side, I'd like all of you to have your heels together for me. So we're focusing today on keeping this midline really, really narrow. It's a little bit different qualities you work on when the legs are apart. So in this position, see if you could narrow your hips. Bend both knees up on the mat at the same time so the feet come closer in.

The feet are on the mat. Lift your left leg to the ceiling now. Now I would like a slide Pilati stance with this left leg. So the very slightly rotate the knee out and tighten your buttocks together so you have a wrapping of your muscles and Marina. Press your bottom into the mat so you are long and I would like the foot extended. Long alignment. Yes, that's it. Keep your buttocks tight and now keeping the left hip long.

Take the right leg down on the mat. Check that the next stays long in our position. Take the leg across your body. Circle down, around and up. Circle the leg in up. Every time you pause with the heel opposite your nose, circle the legging up. Circle the leg in up. One more time. Circle the leg and up and reverse it.

And small circle. Cross over and up. Very nice. Here. Circle the leg up. Circle the leg in, up, keeping your hips quiet. Circle the leg up. Last one. Circle the leg and up in this time. Give this leg a stretch. Now hold your hamstring. Hold it with both hands. Check that your shoulders on the map. Your neck is long, your stomach is in.

Your shoulders are wide and gentle. Stretch but feel the elegance of your upper body. Tighten the hips. Put your hands on the mat and slowly float the leg down. Resist from your powerhouses. The leg goes down. That really, really nice. Candace, all the way down.

Now stretch your arms over your head again just for a moment. Reach with the fingers. Reach with the toes, just point the leg. See if you can touch the floor. Often we get very tight shoulders or even if the ribs come up, see if you can let the hands go back. Now as you roll up the sitting position, pull the ribs in, shoulders on your back, and roll up to a sitting position. Nice work good there, Debbie. Very, very good.

Debbie's jumping into an intermediate class and it's their first time ever. So brave soul here. Put your hands by your hips. Pull the stomach muscles in and up and bring your hips forward. So you're sitting at the front of your mat for rolling like a ball hole behind the knees. Just for a minute round into your powerhouse. Shoulders are down. Look down towards your navel and roll back and come right back up and balanced.

Roll back. Come up in balance. Keep the feet together in the knees apart to have a diamond shape. Yes. Roll back again and come up in balance. Stomach is in Nice work. Roll back. Come up and balance. One more time like this and roll back.

Come up in balance. Now hold your balance and bring your hands to your ankles. Pull your feet as close to your bottom as you can. So you close the distance between the cabs and the hamstrings so you can get your head right between your knees. See become very tight. Shoulders are down. So keep your feet close to your bottom. Roll back to your shoulders and come up again back and come up and balance.

Nice. You massage your back, roll back again and come up and balanced. And Debbie, hold your anchor. You behind your knees, back up a little bit, roll back again so you stay here and come up and balance hold here. It'll be easier and roll back. Come up in balance and roll back. Come up in balance. Now let go.

Keep your stomach and keep your feet close to your bottom and roll back. And without your hands at all. So back you go. Come up and balance. And again back to go the final tests. It's really being held from the power house last time. Rollback come up and balance. Very good. Hold your ankles, take your left hand to your right knee and with control.

See if you can roll down, ride to your set up and ready for single leg stretches. Right. Very good. Powerhouse. Sit in up. Switch your legs and pull your left leg in. Switch and Paul switch and Paul switch and Paul. Switch and pull. Switch and pull.

Switch and pull. Switch and pull. Bring both knees in, head and feet to the mat for a minute and rest. Just a quick note, if your neck starts hurting, you feel comfortable putting your head down. Debbie, I think for you today. Keep for the rest of these exercises. Keep your head down so you don't overstrain. Double leg stretches, knees and feet together. Both knees come into your chest. Lift your hand to hold onto your ankles. I prefer ankles. See how tight a ball you can get into.

This is just like rolling like a ball. So feet close to your bottom, thighs close to your chest. Curl your Haddon chest up a little more. Elbows, juvenile elbows. Do this side. Shoulders down. Keep your powerhouse in and stretch your arms and legs away from you and reach big circle and hug in tiny little ball. Extend Out, but keep that powerhouse. Engage. That's it. And Circle and in good and stretch. Just like this, both hands here for your and bend and stretch better. Keep your stomach in and press your back into the mat. And in two more times.

Nice, long, tiny waist. Big Circle and hug last one and stretch circle and have put your head on the mat. Put your feet on the mat and just to release your neck, roll your head to the right. Roll your head to the last, roll your head to the right and roll your head to the left and back to the center. Now scissors, bring both knees into your chest. Only if you want to crow your head and chest up. It's also fine to keep your head down. Stretch both legs straight up to the ceiling. Slight Pilati stance.

Hold your right leg with both hands. Left leg is out. Pull it towards you twice. Paul Paul, switch. Paul Paul, switch. Paul Paul, switch. Paul Paul, switch, Paul Paul, switch, Paul Paul and Paul. Paul and Paul. Pull both legs are up. Bend your knees and rest and wait and drop your head down. We're going to rest. We're going to do this one again.

There's some nice range of movement in the room. So I'd like you to kind of work at it from a different level. Um, Debra, can I use you to demonstrate minutes? So curl up, lift your legs to the ceiling and take your right leg towards you. Now because we're working more intermediate into advanced, let's go with the limbs long. Make sure you're in now, tighten your hips. That's it. And now work. This leg should not go much lower than this lake, but I think you can work the hand higher to think more. Taking the leg towards the top of your head. That's it.

Switch your legs and pull that into your pulling the leg up high towards you. Very nice. That's beautiful. Like that. Excellent. Thank you Debbie. And let's have a go cause most of you work with shorter arms. You all got it in you to do it bigger. Debbie, I want you to keep your head down so nice. Your chest, curl your head in chest. Uplift the legs to the ceiling and take your right leg with both hands.

Reaching up, pull it toward your head. Pull Paul, switch, pull pool, switch, pull, pull. Not keep the shoulders down. Pull Pussy. You hold the weight in your powerhouse. Very good there. Wendy. Pull, pull and pull. Pull and pull. Pull. Now a little faster. Pool. Pool and pull pool and pool. Pole and pour. Pour both legs up. Bend your knees, head in, feet to the mat. That was lovely. Both hands behind your head. Elbows wide, powerhouse in and up. Bring both knees to your chest.

Lift your head and chest up. Extend the legs to the ceiling. Really get the weight of the legs in the powerhouse. Lift your chest up high and float the legs away from you. Lower, lower, lower. Lift the legs up fast and lower. Lower, lower. Lift the legs up fast. Only go as low as you can without losing the back and lift.

Lift your chest more lower, lower, lower and lift. One more time. Lower, lower, lower and lift. Bend your knees, head in, feet to the mat and rest. Now this one we're going to work on as well and I'm going to use marina this time like you to lift your legs to the ceiling and your hands behind your head. Now powerhouse was low, upper abs and lower abs. It's the same section we worked on earlier. Now Marina, would you lift up? What often happens. This part is weak.

If I come by, I can have marina lift a little bit more. Now you're really working here. Now this is where you want to work. When you lower the legs or stay high and only go as far down as you can without losing the high. Keep your chest lifted and up. Lift your chest, lift your chest. Yes, stay up. Stay up, stay up. I'd rather have a smaller movement of the leg. Lift your chest. It's about the powerhouse. Yes. Lift your chest. There you go, Marina.

That was good. Thank you. Bend your knees. Much harder, Huh? So the priority isn't going down to the floor and coming up. You will be able to do that very easily. It's engaging the powerhouse. So you're lengthening the back and you're really holding the body weight. If this part gets strong, the next stops being a problem.

Usually the neck is a problem because the upper rib cages still weak. And then the neck muscle strain. So let's have a go with that. So hands behind your head, knees to your chest. Curl your head and chest up right here. Check if you can go a little bit higher. Lift your leg straight up to the ceiling and then float the legs away from you or keeping the chest up and lift up. Candor so much better, and float the legs away from your bed and lift. That is so nice over there, Debbie. Lower the legs and lift two more times.

Lower the legs and lift much better. Lower. The legs are left when your knees, head and feet to the mat and Ras. Now gels for a moment. Stretch your arms out. Let the arms go back. I'm fine with opening the ribs because you're going to close them again.

Then place your hands behind your head for crisscross. Knees and feet are together. Lengthen the back of the ribs into the mat. Bring your knees to your chest and curl your head and chest up. That's it. And our left elbow to right knee and left leg is out. Twist to the right and left to the center.

Twist to the left. Lift. Twist to the right or to one side. Lift. Twist to the other side. Lift. Twist to the first side. Lift. Twist a little bit higher. One more time. Lift, twist knees to your chest. And last one, lift, twist. Bring both knees in, head in and head and feet to the mat and rest very good.

Stretch your arms out. Stretch your legs out. Pull your stomach muscles. And so even if the back is arching a little bit right now at the beginning, that's fine. But pull your belly in. Law Belly. Now as the arms lift to the ceiling, you're going to roll up to a sitting position. Close the ribs, pull the stomach and come all the way up to sitting and open your legs out for spine. Stretch forward. So you're going to sit with your feet just a little bit less wide for me. Arm Straight out in front of you. Little bit wider, Wendy just there.

Now for this one that's had the toes extended, so everything is long, long, so reaching out with the toe. Now it's not gripping like a dancer, it's just extending. So it's not like a tight foot or hand. Just long. The strength is in the middle. You get soft toward the extremity. So Nice. Lift up through the powerhouse. Press your thighs down, tighten the hips.

Take a deep breath in, and then breathing out. Drop your head and start rounding in on yourself. You taking your nose in towards your neighbor, pulling back with your stomach and then roll back up. Roll back up, roll back up. Shoulders down, up nice and tall and elegant. Take a deep breath in and breathing out.

Empty your lungs of air as you wring them out, reaching long with the arms. Take a breath in here and breathing out. Roll back up and sit up. Nice and tall. Shoulders are down. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Rolling in. Stretch out with the arms.

The arms should be parallel to the mat and roll back up. Roll back up. Shoulders down. Nice. Tiny waist, long bodied. But one last time. Deep breath in and breathing out. Rounding, pulling back in the ribs, filling out the back waist and then roll back up. Roll back up. Shoulders are down. Sit Up nice and tall. Now Magine from your buttocks. Press through the crown of your head.

Tighten even more. Oh yes. So you get very tall, very lifted that it shoulders down and then relax. Very good. Bring your legs together and rolled down on your back for corkscrew. Place your hands by your sides. Bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your legs straight up to the ceiling. So we'll do a few basic corkscrews. So with the knees, straight hips, stay on the mat. Take the legs to the right, down to the left and up. Reverse it left down, around and up.

And right down, around and up and left down, around and up and right down, around and up and left down, around and up. Bend your knees into your chest. Hug your legs in. Now the next variation, you can have your legs on a diagonal over your head. Are you familiar with this variation? Yes. Okay, so I'm actually, I'm gonna use you Candace, to just demonstrate once a hands by your side. There's a few layers of how high the legs could go today.

Have you like straight? I'd like you to take your legs almost parallel to the floor so you get to your bottom over your shoulders. Keep the hips firm and then as you rolled out, you get almost to the waist. And that's when you start to go right hip down, left hip, and parallel. That's it. So make sure as you rolling back, if you get right to the waist and then hips have to say very firm because the movement gets bigger and that was lovely. Thank you. So let's have a goal together. You need to control your pelvis and your stomach and your hips a lot more.

Head is down. Lift your legs up. Debbie. I'd like you to stay just a simple version. Don't lift your bottom up in here and pick the legs over your head. So you lift the hips up, roll down till you get to your waist and circle the legs right down and left and hips up in long. Good and rolled down. And take the legs left down around and pips.

Come up and roll down to the waist and legs go right down around and up. Good Wendy. Very nice. And roll down to the waist. Legs go left down around and powerhouse lifts you up. And one more time. Rolling down, right down around and lift. And last variation. Roll left down, around and up.

Very good. Now slowly roll down the center of your spine. Lock into your powerhouse and slowly float the legs all the way to the floor. Long back, long stomach, long hips, all the way down. And stretch your arms over your head and roll up to a sitting position for song. So roll up again. Open your legs out.

And this time flexed feet. So you pressing into the heels, the tolls are pulled up. The knees face the ceiling. Take your arms to the side. Let's Wendy, why don't you move back, Debbie, you're gonna move. Good. Now. Really lift up through the center of your spine. So it powerhouses lifting. See if you can even rock a here forward on your sit bones so that you can be on top of the pelvis. Can you lift your chest a bit more? Yes.

So this area of the back, which can get very tight, starts to move in all yes. And your bones are really stacked up. I like the hands power off of the floor. Very good. Now everybody powerhouse in enough twist to the right and left hand towards the little toe. Stretch one stretch to stretch three. Sit Up nice and tall. Up in the center. Arms to the side and lift in the waist with to the other side. Twist, pull back with the stomach and stretch long one and two and three and sit up nice and tall.

Arms to the side and lift twists to the first side and stretch one and two and three and sit up tall. I'm the site with the the other side within stretch once and two and three and sit up tall and open the chest. First side again, twist to the right. Stretch one and two and three and sit up tall and lift your chest. And last I twist and stretch one and two and three and stood up long and tall and lift. Now keep your feet flexed, twist to the right and just stretch over as you stretch over. Hold the position, pull way back with your left waist. So both sides of the waist. So going back, your arms are pulling right apart and today take the head straight down to the crown of the head is aiming towards the knee and the left hip is grounded.

Really make sure it's down, then come back up. Very good. I'm so the side weight pulls up, twist to the other side and stretch over and just hold the position so the waist has to pull as much back as the right arm is going forward. Both shoulders should be equal. Distance from the floor and the left hip. The right hip is pressing into the map. Really pull back with it so you're even and then come back up. Very good.

Arms to the side, bring the legs and arms together and rolled down onto your back. Very, very good. Now for Swan dive, I think you three just turn around. Let's have youth two facing with your head this way and let's just do a little bit of the preparing for the swan dive. I'd like you all to lie with your forehead on the mat and the arms extended in front of you. Karate Chap Chop. Kind of like hands on the Mat. Now pull the shoulders down your back and start to glide the hands in as you lift your chest up.

So you just practice retracting your shoulder as you pull in. It's not gonna work too well, but you bend the elbows. Yeah. Whoa. Okay. And lie back down. Have a quick look. This is what that meaning you're here. This is just a practice getting the shoulders in and lifting up.

So yes, the shoulders come in. I want you to feel your laughs so you can, and then you're going to slide out again because the last are very important for the full swamp dye. Shoulders back to school with. So lying down, I have the arms long. Um, little finger pressing in Wendy for me. I like the legs closer together. Hands, shoulder width, little less wide. Wendy. Now pull the shoulders onto your back and start to GLI. Lift your chest and pull the shoulders back. Shoulders, back, shoulders. That's it. So you feel these muscles on the sides of the ribs. Very important muscles to work. And then slide the arms out again, lengthening our pulling this powerhouse in and up. Very good. And again, shoulders glide down your back even more. Shoulders down. That's it.

Sliding in very good. And then lengthen the arms out. And one more time like this. Sliding the shoulders down your back. Let me bring them in now. Keep the shoulders down your back. Pull the stomach and turn the palms to face down and see Candice. Pull the elbows a little bit more in. See if you can start the lift up higher.

Now as you lift, you want to feel from your shoulders, through your hips to your heels as a connection. Because from here we're going to do basic swan. As you bend your elbows to the Mat, the legs go up and you'll lift up against your legs. Go bend the elbows. That's it. And press back up again and push and lift and bend and press and Bend and press and Bend and press one more time and bend and press very good.

And sit back into your heels. Stretch your back out. Now I was, the reason we're doing this is so you can start to feel all of the back muscles connecting into your buttocks and your hamstrings. Cause when you do, the more the bigger forms of swan dive, if you're not connected up, you have a tendency to slump. So we will do this again. When you're coming up, you want to feel like a seesaw. So it's not like for what can happen is lakes can go up, this area can collapse, and then the arms help you come back up again. But you want this whole contraction of the shoulders into the ribs, into the hips, all the way into the legs. So it's almost like you're rocking because that's a momentum you're going to need. If you disconnect, there's no connection.

Now you are like up to it, Debbie, I'd like you to stay at that level. The rest of you, you're going to come up again. See if you can find that connection of the shoulders into the back with the stomach muscles lifting up. Now you're going to fall arms to the side. So now the arms do help you lift up higher. Which is why working to get the looseness of the shoulders is useful.

So have a go with that. So first of all, we start with sod the same way the arms are out. Start to pull the arms in so you feel the engagement into the back. Bring the hands as far in as you feel you're going to be comfortable. Extend the arms to straight to the chest. Lifts up. No, no, no, no. Wendy, you're going to lift up now. Check that your knees are straight. If your knees are not straight, you will miss a whole connection to the hamstrings. Here we go. Ready and fall, legs up and lift and legs and up and legs and up and legs and up.

One more time and legs and up and sit back into your heels and stretch out. That was a good try and it's not what I had in mind. So we'll go over this again. So there's a few progressions to this. When you're swinging deeper, you want to use your arm. So we're no longer connecting to the floor to catch ourselves as every time we come back. You want to stay completely in a seesaw movement.

So once you're getting into that, you need to use your extremities to help you. The legs are going to move a lot. The arms are going to move a lot. So if you have a quick look, and you know what it may take awhile to get this, but you're going to be up here. You lock into position now as you fall, you want think of your legs to the ceiling and then your arms to the sitting. So legs, arms, legs, arms, legs, arms. So it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. So it's intermediate now with touching into the advanced pun stuff.

So okay, so on your stomach, bring the arms in so you feel the engagement of the shoulders. Brit, bring play. Press Uphams down and lengthen the elbow. So you're lifting the chest higher so your legs along. You can move the hands closer into you. If you want to lock the legs, lift the powerhouse. Here we go. Legs go up. So you fall forward and lift and legs and chest and legs and chest. Two more times, legs. And one more time. Oh, that was better. Yes, it back towards your heel.

You kind of have to jump off the deep end on this one. It's kind of like skydiving. Nice stretch. Well I actually thought that was a pretty good go there Candace. It gets at some point when we moved from intermediate, we get through intermediate into advanced. There's a point you have to let go of technique because you spend a lot of time building a very thorough instrument and if you're too careful, you won't get the momentum.

And at advanced work you work fast and you work powerfully. So there's an assumption that you've already got a certain amount of strength in your body and it didn't look like a belly flop than me. So let's have you all on your backs with your hands behind your head for neck pole to now reverse hands behind your head, feet, hip width apart. Flex your feet, lengthen your tail, pull the stomach muscles in the legs along and lift your head and chest and roll up right. If you can't get up, pull your head down towards your knees. You dive in toward your legs. That's it. Sit Up nice and tall. Lift your body up. Nice and mall, big back, broad shoulders. Lean back, long, long back, long neck, long spine, and then reluctantly articulate through the spine, bottom under you dead, Debbie. Tuck your tail, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll.

And again, now you're going to have to do it this way and lift your head and chest and roll up. Head goes in towards your knees. Sit Up nice and tall and for you you're just going to roll down. But everybody else, lean out, lean out, lean out, and then articulate the spine at the last moment. You catch it. And again, lift your head in, chest. Pull the powerhouse in as you roll up, bring your head to your knees. Sit Up. Nice and tall, broad shoulders, long waist, leaning out, long, long, long, long through the crown of the head. And then reluctantly role all the way down. One more time. If Joe had in chest roll up, dive down into your legs.

Lift up nice and tall. Unravel the spine and lean back long Gatz at Wendy long, long, long and reluctantly roll all the way down. Very good. Stretch your arms over your head one more time. Now legs together, just reach even if there's an arch. Stretch those shoulders out. Stretch the elbows out. Pull the stomach up too. You have nice length and then gather into the powerhouse as you bring your arms to the ceiling and roll through your spine to come up and flex your feet and take your arms to the side for spine twist.

Nice lift in the waist. Shoulders are down, stomach is in. Flex your feet. I want you to imagine a ribbon around the feet like a little gift so that gift stays very quiet. Lived in the powerhouse, twist to the weight and double pulse. Pulse, pulse and back to the center. Left side, pulse, pulse of the feet. Don't move and center of right. Pulse, pulse and center and pulse polls and center and pulse polls. And Center and pulse, pulse and central. Now lift your chest. Oh yes. That's it. Long back, long neck.

Bring the arms in front of you and slowly roll down one vertebrae at a time till you lying flat on your back again. And let's have everybody for sidekicks. Well, we'll start facing this direction. Can you two ladies turn around? So your head is here and your feet are there. So you're all yes, I think I'll face this way.

So I'd like you are lying on the back part of your map. Support your head with your hands. So start out by taking elbow, shoulder, hip, and feet in a completely straight line. That top arm is in front of your chest. Now pull your powerhouse in and up. Lift the feet up in the air.

Bring them forward and put them back down on the floor with your feet. Flex. That's it. Now double check that the stomach is long. Your hips are stacked, your shoulders are stacked, and your shoulders are down. It's a very elegant upper body for the forward and back kicks. Lift your leg, hip height, extend through the toes. Keep your powerhouse up. Swing to the front, piles, piles back. Pulse, pulse, forward, pulse, pulse, back, pulse, pulse.

Keep your back nice and quiet and pulse. Pulse and forward. Forward and back, back and forward. Forward and back. Back. One more time. Forward, forward and back, back. Bring your legs together. Re pull the powerhouse up and bicycle. Lift your leg here. Pay. Bring it in front. Bend your knee to your chest.

Sweep no hand here to meet the leg behind you and stretch the leg out long now. Nothing moves in your body. Quiet body. Bend the leg in. Stretch the thigh and reach long behind you. Very good. One more time forward to the front. Bend the leg in. Press the leg back. Keep the stomach up position.

Stretch the leg long and bring the legs together. Very good. Now we'll reverse it. I want you to imagine a wall here or a ceiling so you cannot lift the leg higher than your own hip. Thrifted like hip height. Swing it back, bend it in without the knee higher than the hip. Bring the knee towards your chest and stretch the leg long in front. Swing the leg back, bend the leg in, bring it deeply to your chest and see if you can stretch the leg out.

One more time. Swing that leg back, bend it in, bring it through to your chest and stretch that I go all the way out in front of you and bring the legs together. Now just for a little stretch, take your foot behind you. Pull your stomach up and stretch your thigh back, pulling the shoulders back. Keep the stomach in. Then bring the knee into your chest. Hug It in as deeply as you can. See if you can stretch the leg in front of you, stretching it out, stretching it out, watching that it doesn't go any higher than your hip. Good. Bring the legs together, sidekicks. Make sure the hand is in front.

Pull the stomach in and swing your leg up and flex the leg down and swing up and flex down and swing up and splits down. Swing up and flex down and swing up and flex down. Swing up and flex down and swing up. Very good. Little circles, long legs, one and two and three and four and five and six and seven. No versa, ten one and four and five and six and seven and eight. Now Stack your hips up if you've fallen back. Pull the stomach in.

Shoulders down. Lift both legs in the air and down and powerhouse up as you go. Very nice and down and lift and stretch those knees and lift and down. Two more times than lift and down. One more time and lift. Very good and down onto your stomach for little beats.

A roll down for it on your fingertips. Heels together, stomach and hip. State lift the legs in the air and gold, little beats and one, two, four, five, six, seven lift a little higher. Keep the power house nice and long. Lift as high can. Four, five, six, seven and eight. Lower the legs down, hands under your shoulders. Sit back to child's pose. Pull the powerhouse in and up as you go. See, open up the back body and you stretch out. Nice and long. Very good. Lie Out on the other side. So you all gonna face the front on your right with the right hand under your shoulders. This way, no head say, same way you're all gonna face this way.

Now you reverse it. So lay yourself out on the back part of the mat. So elbow, shoulder, hips, and feet in a straight line. So marina moved to the back of your mat. It's like an opportunity. It's a, you are lying out against the wall. So you're looking to get as much of your body a right flat on that wall.

The shoulders are down. Use the power, has the lift the feet up and move them forward and down. Flex your feet. Now take that little tone here, press it into the mat, forward and back with the top leg lifted hip height. Here we go. Forward, forward, back, back, forward, forward. Keep that body very quiet. So it's not about a big swing, it's about controls and nothing is moving in your body, but the leg is swinging nice and loose. Back, back and forward. Forward and back, back. Bring the legs together for the bicycle lift. You're like hip hop and swing forward. Bend it in.

Need to chest foot the bottom. Press that side back. Extend the leg out, swing it forward, bend it in, progress it through. Stretch it out and swing it forward. Bend it in. Press it through. Stretch it out and bring your legs together.

Pull your powerhouse in an app and reverse it. Swing to the back. Long side. Bend the leg without the knee moving. Bring the knee to your chest. Stretch the leg out. Swing the leg nice and long. Bend the knee to your bottom. Bring your knee to your chest. Stretch the leg out. One more time.

Swing the leg back, bend it in, bring it through and stretch the leg out. Very good. Bring the legs together and now hold your ankle for your stretch. As so bend the knee. Grab your ankle with your right hand. Keep your hip and stomach lifting and stretch your thigh and slowly let the foot move away from your bottom. Nice where you want to be sure that your knee is in line with your hip.

Now bring the knee in front of your chest, bring it through, and literally hug it with your hands. You have a nice little hug. Now the trick here is don't let the thyme move away from your chest so you may not be able to go all the way. Doesn't matter how far the leg and fold, but keep that thigh. That's it. That's lovely. Yes. Okay. Bring the legs together. Good, Wendy. That was good legs together for sidekicks. Put your hand in front of you. Turn your top leg out a little bit. Swing it up high.

Flex it down and swing and keep the hips nice and stacked and down and swing the leg and down and swing and down and swing and down and swing and down. Very good. Swing the leg. Very nice little circles. Add One and two and three and four and five and six and seven. Reverse it in one and two and three and four and five and six and seven. Very nice.

Lift both legs up in the air and down and both legs. Lift and down and lift and stretch those knees and lift and down and lift and down. Last one, lift and down and roll onto your backs for teaser. Let's do a preparation for Jesus. Are Rolling on your back. Bend your knees up so your knees are together. Then the feet are together on the mat. Your hands by your sides.

Keep the knees together and keeping your back on the math. Take your right leg and extended so the knees are together. When did the left foot on the mat? Yes. Now, so the left, the right leg is not gonna move. Lift your head and chest and roll up and reach towards your foot so you roll up and roll back down. That was very nice and roll up to even if you can't get up and rolled onto this as an opportunity to test the right and left side of your stomach muscles and to make sure you're working symmetrically because they today you will change change legs. So some days you're very in the center and some days you're not.

So lift your head and chest and roll up. Knees stay together. And Marina and roll down and roll up. Nice. Keep it even more even and roll down cause you're very, very meticulous with your work. See if you can go right through the center. Roll Up. Good Wendy and roll down. So not easy to do. This is your most basic preparation.

Then you feed, but it's a place where you set day to day, both sides of your stomach muscles. Bring your knees into your chest, lift the leg straight up to the ceiling. And now full teaser. The legs will come to 45 degrees. The next variation if your head in chest and roll up so you can roll up good and roll down that good. Hands to the mat. And if you hadn't chest and roll up again. There you go. And roll down. And one more time. Lift your head in, chest and roll up. Very, very good.

And Roll back down. Bend your knees in. Give yourselves a hug. Stretch your legs out and roll onto your stomach for swimming. Stretching your arms out. Now just to prepare again, we cracked your elbows a little bit. Your shoulders, I should say. Lift your head and chest up.

So you bend your elbows on the mat and you lift your chest up a little bit and reach your right arm and your left leg away from you. And bring the boat down. Left arm and right leg, long limbs, the hips, they even and onto the hips do not move side to side. First side again. So you're staying right in the center and down and other side, keeping the hips square, their buttocks should be nice and that that'll help you stabilize and down. One more time for a side. Very good and down. And others say too that the feeling you want in full swimming now stretch your arms out and your head down on the mat. Now full swimming, lift your arms, legs and head off the Mat. Long limbs and go for a swim.

And one, two, five, six, tried to reach the arms nice and high and five, six, seven last set, four five, six, seven and eight. Lower down, very nice. Hands under your shoulders, powerhouse in and up as you sit back and stretch back toward your heels. Pool, the stomach way in and just sitting right here, come up to a sitting position on your heels just as you are, and drop your hips to your right. The other right side, that's it for full four mermaid. So depending upon how loose or tight your hips are, you can have your legs wider or you can have them closer together. We can have them really tight. So hold onto your um, ankle with your hand. Pull your powerhouse in and up so you have a small waist. And first of all, take your right arm up. Now, right here, I'd like you to lift the shoulder right up so you have a huge strip and lift in the waist band or way towards your bent arms stretch.

And then come up and lean out. And as you lean out, use the pressure from your right hand to push your left hip into the mat. That's it. Take the other arm up and stretch out and our position. So you're opening up the ribs now, powerhouse in as you come up again, lift the shoulder way up and stretch a little bit further. See if you can Paul the arm, wrap the head round your head and back and Ben Elbow. Make sure you push the left hip down and wrap the head round your head and then use that power has to come up again. Lift rapid, round your head, stretch over one more time, and then reach in the opposite direction.

Bending and stretching. Way Out. Now coming up. Pull the powerhouse in. See if you can swing your legs to the other side. Hold your ankle, lift up the waist, stretch your other other hand, Candice. That's it. Pull the shoulder way up and bend all over to the right so you opening up the left ribs. Pull the stomach up and lean out.

Keeping the arms straight and stretch in the opposite direction and lift up. Pull the shoulder way up and bend over. This time you wrap your head by your head. If you can come back up, lift the other arm up, pull the waist up and bend the elbow to go down and wrap. One more time. Come up, see if you can wrap the hand round your head first.

Lift the ribs, lift the waist and stretch and open that side of your body. And then leaning out. Make sure you push your right hip down and open up the right ribs and wrap and come back up and bring your legs in front of you for seal. So elbows come inside that of the knees met. Just make a prayer safe for a minute.

Lift up and see if you can push your elbows out and your knees in as a little bit. Counter resistant. Pull the shoulders down. Now wrap your hands around, keeping the shoulders down and clap three times. Clap, clap, clap, roll back and come right back up again. Roll back and calm up. And you know what? Put your feet down. It's all of you. Move forward on the math so that you don't roll off the Mat. So holding the ankles again, powerhouse in and up. Clap three times, clap, clap, clap.

Roll back to the shoulders and come up and balance. Good and clap, clap, clap, roll back. Come up and balance again, clap, clap, clap, roll back. Come up and balance. And last one. If you know how to stand up, clap, clap, clap, roll back. And then either stand up or just yes. Okay, now [inaudible]. All right, now let's have you all turn around the other way for the final roll down into pushups. So heels together, stretch your arms over your head, pull the powerhouse in and up, and then round the spine.

Pull the powerhouse up and roll down towards the floor. Walk out with your two full plank position. Hips are nice and tight in three pushups. Even if you just hold this add one, Wendy, you're so nice and strong and two and three in. Pull the powerhouse in and up as you walk back towards your feet. Walk back, walk back, walk back, walk back and roll all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, and take the arms down per minute. Now we're gonna do this one again. You're all pretty good and strong.

One thing when you, because we're working powerhouse, everything we do in [inaudible] is to create stability. When you go out, it's very tempting to have a little bit of this zigzag movement happening, but you're supposed to be locking the powerhouse to the pelvis does not move at all. So as you move forward, it's almost like you're an animal. You are. Sometimes it's a little easier to put hand in front of hand rather than sway the weight side to side. You have to hold the center, so just see if you can avoid this, keep this centered and walk out as best you can. The other thing is if you're here and you're doing your pushups, it's fine to bend the knees. It's fine to just do a very slight amount, but you want to keep very locked in the powerhouse as you do it. So whichever, whatever you're ready for. So arms nice and long. Shoulders down, powerhouse up and roll down, hips up from as you roll down towards the floor.

Then steady hips as you walk out better, Wendy? Yes. All the way to plank. Nice, strong hips and three pushups and one and two, much better Debbie, and three. And then powerhouse lifts you as you walk back with the hands. Better, better, better. Roll all the way up. Lift the arms up, long waist, and one more time long. Reach through the fingers. Curl down through the powerhouse, walking down all the way out. Hips are nice and firm and steady, and three pushups and one and two and three.

And walk back, pulling the power outs in and up. Good. Roll Up. Unraveling the spine. Stretch the arms up. Feel the length in the waist. Feel the connection between the hips and the rib cage, and then float the arms down and get that lightness up through the chest, up through the neck to the whole crown of the head is open. Make sure your weight is a little bit forward of your heels.

Make sure you're lifted in the front of your body. Take a deep breath in and breathing out. Let it go. So thank you very, very much. That was excellent.


Great class, excellent cueing. Thank you!
Great teacher! Thank you!
Thank you! Wonderful class. Loved how you broke the exercises down for your new intermediate student.
Fantastic PURE class...especially liked the breakdown of Swan. Nice class for a beginner/intermediate. Can't wait to see a more advanced mat class from Niedra. thanks
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you all ladies, I am delighted you enjoyed this. I plan to do more classes like this where I spend time reveiwing the mechanics of the exercises and then putting it all back together again. I know I always do so much better when I get the inside builidng blocks first, and then the full picture. do let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to cover in future classes.
Lauren P
Looking forward to your precision - it helps so much. I'd like to see you break down the neck pull the way you did the swan dive. It is an exercise that has given me an enormous challenge and would like to understand to it's fullest.
I enjoyed the video howver found it lacking in coaching points for example on the neck pull
feet were lifting showing an initiation of hip flexors. Also cuing of maintaining abdominal connection and avoiding doming?
This was wonderful! Trying to get my post baby body back in shape and this workout left me feeling energized! I super appreciated the explanations, especially of swan as it was a position/move I had never done before! Thank you
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you ladies, very pleased to know this class was helpful. I am learning too, how to create these classes for maximum effectiveness. Thank you Cherry for your comments . When I walk in to film the class I am meeting students for the first time, and although the class was intended to be intermediate /advanced class, some of the students were new. within the body of the class, I have to weigh how much to stop and review details so everyone is on the same page, and how much to just keep moving. You definitely picked up on the levels within the group and the weaknesses in correct application with some of the students. My vision for future classes is to structure two classes covering the same material, one for review of fundamentals in application and then a continuous class for rhythm and flow with the assumption people know what to do.
Keep practicing - its the best way to keep growing and learning.
Thank you Niedra for this amazing class! Enjoyed both that you've done so far, great cueing, especially enjoyed the swan & all the preps. Definitely feeling the burn in my lats today after that one! Thanks again
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