Class #431

Beginner Series #5

60 min - Class


This is the fifth Beginner level class in a series of 10 that will be taught by Niedra Gabriel. The Beginner series is designed to lay an instrumental foundation for all your Pilates mat work. Join Niedra for each class and notice the improvement in your exercises as you progress through the series.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Good evening everybody. Um, today it's less than number five. Today we're actually going to most probably get through all the exercises. We have one or two more exercises to go, and then we have all the routine for the beginner mat. And then the rest of the series we're going to clean up the technique and alignment in the details. So you kind of master how to do them more professionally.

So let's start with warmup. So lying out on your backs again, if you need a pillow, you make sure you have a pillow under your head. Ah, you want to feel that the head is long. Bend the knees and bring the feet together so the knees are together, the feet are together, the hands are by your side. Sandy, let's give you a little bit of a pillow here. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So nice and long with the back of the neck. I've, Rebecca, could I have one more? Meredith? One second. Perry. Actually, Tim, I want one.

I do want Tim gonna give me one more. That's looking much better. It'll just bug me. Oh, okay. So nice long neck. Take a moment to lengthen the fingers and the arms down to you. Feel the shoulder blades glide down the back so you become aware of, of of length in the neck and then ploy. You're engaged, you're powerhouse with pulling your stomach muscles in and up, feeling the length through the spine and tightening, narrowing the hips.

You take your inner ties and gently move them towards each other. Imagine someone's hand between your sides and squeeze their to find those muscles without losing anything. Lift your right knee to your chest. Keep the hip steady and then put the foot back down on the mat and tighten the hips and lift the left knee up and put the foot back down and lift the right knee up and bring it right in there and put the foot back down. And the left Nia right in. Very good. And put the foot back down and the right knee up and put the foot back down.

Nice quiet hips in the left knee up and put the foot back down. Very good. Now check again. Long spine stomach in. Nice from hips. Lift the right knee again. Keep your stomach in. Lift your left knee up so both knees are in the air. Squeeze the knees together. Put the right foot down, put the left foot down, lift your left knee.

Lift the right knee up. Good, nice tight knees, tight hips with the left foot down. Put the right foot down. Pull the stomach in and lift your right knee up. Put the the left knee up. Put the right foot down with the left foot down. Check that your hips are quiet. Lift your left Nia. Lift your right knee up. Put your left foot down, put your foot down. Very good.

Put your hands on your navel to help you kind of be aware of what's happening. Lengths in the stomach in an up, and bring both knees into your chest with your stomach law. Knees tight, hips tight. Bring the knees all the way until you feel the back long. Now tighten the hips and float the feet down quite close to the bottom, quite close so it's easier to keep your back on the mat. As you put the feet down down, you go and pull the stomach in. If it popped out, lift the knees up again. Bring the knees in towards your chest. That's so good there Megan.

And then tighten the hips and put your feet back down close to your bottom, keeping your back long and your stomach in. Pull your stomach and again, yes, keep it in as you lift your Nisa. If your stomach popped out, pull it in. Tighten the hips. Yes and float your feet down and feel the back long. Keep the stomach in on the way down. Resist the inclination to pull it up in one more time. Lift the Nisa very good and then float your feet back down to the mat. Very nice. This is looking good.

Lift the arm straight up to the ceiling for the upper abs. Bly, the shoulders down your back. Made sure the palms are going straight forward. Make sure you feel a long neck focus and where your rib cages and your waist is. Pull the stomach and if your head and chest up and stretch your arms parallel to the mat. Parallel to the mat. Check that the shoulders are down and float your shoulders and head back to the mat. Lifting the arms up and lift up again. So you hinge from the base of your rib. Lift up and lower back down. As you lift up, you want your gays going along diagonal.

Lift up and look in a long diagonal just above your knees and lower back down so you don't overstrain the neck and lift your arms up. Lift your head and chest up, floating up and lower back down. Very good. Now add the knees to this. So lift up again and bring the knees to your chest. So the ribs and the hips connect up and the stomach lifts you up.

And as you float down, let the stomach lower you down rather than collapsing. Pull the stomach in and contract to lift up again. So you shorten the distance between the ribs and the hips. The shoulders are away from the ears. Very good. And then float back down and see if you can keep the center of your body holding you. So as you lift up again, you don't let go of that tone.

Lifting a broad shoulders, broad shoulders and lower back down. Very nice. And one more time. Lifting up like this. Nice and long and lower back down. Very, very good. Just for a moment, take your arms over your head. Very, very nice. Nice stretch. And then bring the arms down by your sides. Excellent work. So starting out with the hundred's, lift your arm straight up to the ceiling. PR. Lengthen the shoulders away from your ears. We connect to your powerhouse.

Lift up the way you did. Knees your chest, head and chest off the mat. Nice. Lift the knees into your chest. Now lift the leg straight up to the ceiling. Start pumping with the arms. Breathing in four, five. Pull the stomach in. Then up into three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five, three, four, five. X Sale. Three, four, five. Board, two, three, four, five. Very good. Three, four, five. Nice.

Long arms and elbows. Exhale. Oh five, six two, three, four. Five. X Sale, three, four, five, seven, two, three, four. Five. X Sale, three, four, five, eight, four. Five. X Sale, three, four, five, nine, two, three, four. Five. X Sale. Three, four, five last set, four five six, seven, eight, nine, 10 when you need to pull the stomach way in, head and feet to the mat. Very nice. Stretch your arms away over your head. Lengthen your legs out. And just for a moment, stretch and Paul and lift the ribs up and keep a nice tiny waist, long legs, narrow hips and lift the arms to the ceiling and roll up to a sitting position. Or Bend your knees and roll up or pull your knees to your chest and rock up.

Whichever way you can find to bring the knees in there, Wendy and rock up. Excellent work rolling back and upholding behind the knees. Nice tall body to start with. Shoulders down, long, elegant neck, tiny waist. Imagine a belt around you. Pull that belt a notch tighter, lean back and Tuck your tail under you and start rolling halfway back, curling the spine, but opening up in the back ribs. Shoulders are down. Roll back. Sit Up. Nice and tall.

Soldiers down and roll back again. So you're rolling in the lower body. All the energies in the lower body. Come back. Sit Up nice and tall and again, rolling back and seep and keep your waist long even though you're rolling through it. Rolling back, rolling back, Tim, keep your head a little bit further forward and then roll back up. Very nice. Stretch the arms out in front of you and roll back again. Drape the shoulders down at the head. Come forward, rolling halfway back and come back up.

Sitting up nice and tall and this time, roll to the Mat. Roll down, shoulders down your back. Roll, roll, roll. Drop one bone at a time until you rolling all the way to flat. Lift your arms up to the ceiling. Check that the shoulders are way from the ears. Lift your head and chest and connect into the powerhouse and roll up again.

And if you need to, you grab your size. They come up very good and roll back again. Rolling down one bone at a time, pulling the stomach in, shoulders a down away from your ears. Down you go. That's it. Row, row, row, arms. Come up to the ceiling. Lift your head and chest. Shoulders down, Tim. Nice and roll up. Good. Now stretch your legs out.

And imagine just for a moment there is a big beach ball in front of you. Big Lift in the waist and gently stretch forward over the beach ball. So it's like someone's grabbing you in the waist, pulling back, lengthen the shoulders down and start rolling back again. This time you'll roll all the way to the mat. So again, the legs along in the opposite direction. The stomach is enrolled down. Roll down, roll down to the mat, stretch your arms over your head.

Pull the stomach in. Bring the arms up, lift your head and chest and peel yourself off the floor to come up. Come up, bend your knees. A few. Need to stretch forward and roll back again. Rounding down, shoulders away from your ears. Show. That's it, Tim. Roll, roll, roll, roll. Reaching the legs in one direction. Body in the other.

Stretch. Arms over your head. Lengthen the legs. Inner thighs long with your arms to the ceiling. Pull your stomach muscles way in and up. Shoulders down, Tim. Rolling up. Rolling up, rolling up, stretching forward. And one more time. Broad shoulders down.

One bone. At a time. Stomach in him. Yes. Tuck your tail under you. That's right. Very good. Stretch your arms over your head nice and long. Reaching with the arms, reaching with the legs. Lift your head and chest up. Paul. The stomach muscles and shoulders down. Sandy. Shoulders down, stomach in, stomach, in stomach, in and stretch forward. Very, very good. Okay. Single leg circles. Bend your knees, stretch your arms out and roll down to the Mat.

It's also fine to hold here to roll down until you're lying flat with your arms, by your sides. Hands Down, stomach in. Adjust your pillow if you need to. UNIS will be bent for the first set. Check that the spine is long. This, uh, the um, stomach is in back of the neck is long. Bend your right knee and lifted straight up to the ceiling. Nice and long. Pull the kneecap up. Pull the stomach in.

Check that the hips feel stable on the floor. Arms by your side and little circle going across. Left down, around and up. Stop your heel opposite your nose. Circle the leg in, up. Circle the leg and up. Hips acquired. Circle the leg in, up. Circle the leg up slightly. Turned out. Circle the leg up, reversing it. Circle up. Circle in up. Keep those muscles working.

Circling up. That's it. Circle and up. Very good. Hold the leg and give it a little stretch. Check that your shoulders are down and back of the neck is long. Yes. Now put the hands down. Put the leg down. Bend the left knee and lifted up to the ceiling.

Check that both hips are steady. The stomach is in. Your shoulders are elegant. Keep the hips quiet. Stark your circles to the right, down, around, and up. Circle the leg up. Circle the leg up. Circle the leg and up. Circle the leg in, up and reverse your circles.

Circle the leg in up. Good. Circle the leg and up. Circle the leg and up. Circle that leg in up. Circle the leg in up. Very good. Hold the leg with both hands and give the leg a gentle stretch. Check that the shoulders along the stomach is in. The back is long, and then put your hands down and put your foot down next to the other one.

Very good. Now stretch your legs out on the mat so both legs along and the stomach is in. Bend your right knee into your chest and lift it straight up to the ceiling. As it lifts, pull the stomach in and narrow the hip. Starting again. Going to the left circle down, around and up. Circle the leg and up.

Keeping your hip steady circle circling up, circling up. Nice loosening of the hip circle and up. Reverse it and circle and up. Circle and up. Circle and up. Circle and up. Circle and uphold the leg again. Give it a nice stretch. Check that as you stretch, you stay elegant with your upper body. So the shoulders are on the mat.

Yes, back of the neck is long. Put your hands by your sides and lower the leg down. Slowly. Long leg, long stomach, long back, all the way down to nice and elegant, tiny waist. Bend your left knee into your chest and lift the leg straight up to the ceiling. Gently rotated to the hips and locked. Good stomach is in. Starting to the right circle around and up. Circle the leg up, circle the leg up, circle the leg up, circle the leg up and reverse it and circle the wagon up.

Circle the leg up. Keep the legs long. Circle the leg and not circle the leg enough. Circle that I can uphold the leg with both hands. Again, hold by the hamstrings. Make sure your shoulders are down, your back is long, just from old. Lengthen the right leg away from you and opposition to the left leg and then flow the leg down. Long leg, long back, long hips, all the way down. Heel to heel. Make sure the legs along and stretch both arms over your head.

Let the shoulders come up for a minute so you get length. In fact, we each right arm and left arm gesture mini to traction the spine and then gently pull the shoulders down your back. Pull the stomach in, lift the arms to the ceiling, gather into your powerhouse and roll up to a sitting position. So roll all the way up then that's it. You can always rock up if you need to. Put your hands by your hips. Have a look at where your feet are. This is your transition. So focusing on your powerhouse, lift your bottom up and bring it forward so you move your bottom two, your feet.

Excellent whole behind the knees and lift your feet off the mat. Shoulders. And now gently bring the feet close to your bottom. Four rolling like a ball. Look down into your powerhouse. Roll back to your shoulders. Roll up and balance. Roll back and come up. Roll back and come up.

Roll back and come up. Roll back and come up. One more time. Roll back and come up whole. You balance. Hold your balance. If you want to go to the next level, grab your ankles. If you feel you'd rather stay here, that's fine too.

If you're holding your ankles, bring your feet closer to your bottom. Pull your shoulders down, lift your stomach and make a tiny shape. Keep this tiny shape and again, roll back towards your shoulders. Roll up in balance and use a powerhouse to bring you up. Good Megan and roll back.

Tiny waist and up and keep that rolling motion and up head is down. Sandy back and up. Very good and back and up. And one more time and back and uphold it. Hold it, hold it. Get the feet pipe polios itself close to your thighs here at nice girl kite shape. Very good.

Put your feet on the mat and hole behind the thighs. And again, Rodin, this not because you're holding your leg. See if you can stretch and make yourself into a small little shape. As you go down to you're really opening and separating the back stretch into the stiff part. If you have a snip part in your backseat and go through it and lie down on your backs for single leg stretches. Now today we're going to add the hand hole to this one.

Up Til now we've just been grabbing the knee and it in, but there's actually a specific way to place a hand. So w with your knees bent on the Mat, bend them up again. We'll just do a trial run here. Take your right knee to your chest. Now when it's in like that, take your right hand to the ankle and the left hand to the knee. So if you notice you have your outside hand on the ankle and you want to grab the ankle and pull the foot to your bottom and pull the knee to your chest, right? So you have a real good squeeze. One hand is pulling to the bottom, one hand is to the chest.

And very important to try and get the knee to the chest. Now instinctive. Now let's switch your legs with your hands. So put the foot down and bring your left knee in and take the outside hand to the ankle and the inside hand to the knee. That's it. And again, you bend the knee by pulling the foot to the bottom and pull the knee in. Very good and put your foot back down on the mat. Now quick note, when we start to do this in the exercise, instinctively you want to do the opposite hand hold.

That's just instinctively you want to take it this way and that will make your knee turn out. So Joseph Palladio didn't want the leg working in a turnout position here. He wanted it straight so you go deeper into depth. So you had this rather an unnatural way to hold the leg. So the first few times you feel like you're doing this, you're kind of trying to do it.

So this is what it will look like outside hand to ankle, outside, hand to ankle. And you use one hand to pull the knee in one hand to pull the thigh in so that you really stretch all every joint in your leg. It's called single leg stretches because you're stretching the bent knee, not the straight knee. So every time outside hand to ankle. So when we do it today, you may make a few mistakes. It takes a few times to get it right, but we're getting going with it.

So starting out, hands by your sides, knees and feet together. Bring both knees to your chest, cur, hold your ankles and curl your head and chest up. Very good. Now your right hands in place. Take your left hand to your right knee and stretch your left leg out and pull the right leg in. Switch your legs, left hand to the ankle. Pool switch, pull, switch, pull, switch, pull, switch, pull, switch. Very good.

Pool and switch and switch and switch and switch and switch. Very good. And swift were in both knees, in head and feet to the mat and rest up was super good. You got it. That was great. That was great. Now double leg. Remember last week we added the arms. So we're going to do arms and legs together. So knees and feet together, stomach and buttocks tight. Bring both knees to your chest, curl your head and chest up and hold your shins. Pull your feet down, pulled your stomach in and stretch your legs out and your arms out.

Reach tiny waist. Circle the arms and hug and stretch. Circle and hug and stretch. Circle and hug Cindy by your ears. Close, circle and hug and reach. Keep up with circle and hug and stretch.

There we go. Circle and have one more time and stretch. Circle and hug and head down. Feet down on the mat. Take a breather. Take a deep breath in. Very good work and breathe out. And just to relax the next neck. Turn your nose to the right and to the left and to the right.

And to the left. Very good. Scissors is next. If your neck is starting to get tired, keep your head down. If not, you can lift it up. So lying nice and long. Connect to your powerhouse. Now you need to still bend. Bring both knees to your chest. Curl your head and chest up to you. Engage your powerhouse. You find your center before you extend the legs. Now lift the legs up.

Take your right leg with both hands and pull it toward your left leg away. Double stretch, switch, pulse, pulse, switch, pulse, pulse, switch, pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse. Keep the body quiet. Keep the stomach in. Switch pulse, pulse. So you're coding that power house switch, pout, pout and pulse. Pulse and pulse. Pulse. Bring both legs up, Paul, the stomach in and up. Bend your knees, head to the Mat, feet to the mat and rest. Very, very good. Lower lift. Clasp your hands and place them behind your head.

Now pull the shoulders down. Some people like the hands clap. Some people like the hands wider. Whichever one feels better for you right now. So from here, bring both knees into your chest. Use your powerhouse to curl your head and chest up. Make sure the ribs are working.

See if you can lift a little more gently rest ahead into the hands and lift the legs up slightly. To now tighten your buttocks and float the legs 12 inches away from me with the stomach in and lift the legs up lower way from your long back and lift. Lower the legs long and lift. Can you lift them? Name and lower a little bit. And if you can hold that and lower the legs and lift.

And one more time. Lower the legs and if bend the knees in, lift the chest a little more. Bend the knees in. Tim, Benjamin, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, and head to the mat. Feet to the mat and dress. Very good work. Stretch your arms over your head. Stretch your legs out just to kind of get long in the body. Lengthen the legs, stretch the fingers. Now as the arms come up, gather everything into your powerhouse and roll up to a sitting position. Roll up or rock up.

It's fine to bend the knees in and rock up and open the legs out for spine stretch forward. So remember, imagine a big beach ball over and you'll be bending over the beach ball. The reason I say this is it's so easy in this one to think of down, but you actually want to get a sense of lifting as you're curving over. So the arms along the feet along the chest is lifted, the stomach is in, shoulders are down, down, down, down, down. Deep breath in, lift up in the waist and start rounding. Upper back, middle back, lower ribs and then roll back up and sit up. Nice and tall, elegant body, tiny waist. Shoulders down again. Lift up and start curving over. So you bend over that beat. Well, upper back, middle back, lower back. The hands are shoulder height roll back up.

And as you roll up the shoulders, GLI down your back. So you have a long lifted, elegant spine. Shoulders down, tiny waist sniff and again start to go forward. Reaching out, the head is down, rolling and rounding. Head is down. Arms a long roll. Back Up. Roll back up. Shoulders glide down your back. Lift the back up, lifted lift, lift. And one more time. Drop your head and curving. Upper back, middle back, lower back. That's it.

And then roll back up. Roll back up. Lifting one bone at a time. Shoulders a down. Take a moment to sit up even taller. Press the shoulders down. Lift up even more. Now tighten your buttocks and get even taller, tiny, tiny waist and relax. Good work. Oh, okay. Now Bend your feet for the warmup for open leg Drucker.

Pull the powerhouse in and up and lift your feet off the mat so you slightly back of your sit bones. Take your right leg up and down. Left leg, up and down, right leg, up and down. Left leg, up and down, right leg up, shoulders and downs. All the strength is here in the power half. Now take a moment to find your balance on your pelvis. Both legs go up and back. Very good. Okay. Pull the stomach both legs up and back. And one more time. Both legs up and down and put your feet down and rest. Okay. That was really good and we're not, this was a warmup. We're open lake rockers and we're now going to do it.

And I have to laugh because normally people fall over when they do the warm up, but none of you did. So we weren't like that. It's like the jumping ahead to the exercise. So just to see what you're going to do. You'll have your legs up, you have your stomach into your emulating the same shape you were. You're working on enrolling like a ball. This seeker here and from here you'll be rolling towards your shoulders and rolling up and balancing.

So if it's too much to do this with the leg straight, if you struggling with it or the hamstrings are tight, it's always fine to work like this as well. If you don't have to have the leg straight, you work at your own level. Now it's about controlling the Strunk and being able to rock literally the SI soft feeling that you'll have. So let's have a go and see what happens. So hold behind, make sure your come to the front of your mat actually. So you have room to fall back to rock back. So Ho behind the knees, pull the powerhouse up, lift.

Work the legs up to as far as you want them to be. Very good. Pull the stomach in and now have a go roll back to it. Your shoulders or tips or the shoulder blades come up and balance [inaudible] and again, roll back and come up and balance pretty good. Hold that and roll back again. Pretty Good Megan and up Kale under your, under your good girl and roll back. Come up and balance him. Pull that stomach in. Wendy, tail under you.

One more time. Roll back and come up and balance. Good work. Tail under you. Stomach and shoulders down. Look up. Look up. There you go. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it and good and put your feet back down. That was excellent. First go very good.

Feet together. Arms along for court. Screw. So roll down. Take even the transition to be an opportunity to work on your rolling motion. Lie Down flat with your hands by your sides. Make sure your hips along the stomach is in. Bring both knees into your chest, keep your stomach in and lift both legs straight up to the ceiling and narrow the hip.

So you have your power housing small circle as though you're drawing a circle with your feet on the ceiling. Going right down, left and up and pause. Pull the stomach in, left down around it, up and right down around and up and left down, around and up and write down around and pull the stomach in. Last one left down, around and up. Very good. Now this first time ever lower the legs down straight. If you can, all the way down, pull the stomach and keep the backlog.

Keep the hips tight and you are all doing so, so, so well. Super stretch the arms over your head. Pull the stomach in, bring the arms to the ceiling and roll up to a sitting position for saw. And it's fine to rock up if you need to. Very nice. Stretch your legs and open them a little bit wider than your mat. And let's have you, Rebecca, why don't you move backwards and Tim know when do you stay forward? Tim, you move back so you all have room for your arms to go to the side. Now take a moment to really feel the heels pushing away from you.

Pull your kneecaps up and lift your back up and check that the hands are exactly to the side. So more to the side, Tim, if you can and lift your chest up. You know what, and drop your hands down for a minute. Tim, I want you popping your bottom up in the towels so you have your bottom a little bit higher. The supplies to anyone. If your hamstrings are really tight and you really cannot sit up straight because the legs are too tight. If you have your bottom up a little higher than your feet, it makes it more easy to get up on top of the sit bones in that. That's so much better. Yes, that looks much better. Okay. Arms to the side, lift up in the back. See if you can get this bone to lift in the sternum. Press your shoulders down elegantly. Keeping your stomach pulled up.

Twist to the right, right hand goes behind you. Reach your left hand towards your little toll and stretch forward. Three times. Stretch, stretch, stretch and sit up tall and lift your body up and opposite side. Flex your feet. Stretch one. Stretch to stretch three. Sit up tall. Shoulders down and lifted. First side again, twist.

Stretch one, stretch two. Shoulders are gliding down and lift. Tiny waist twist to the other side. Stretch one. Stretch to stretch three and lift, twist and one and two and three and live twist and one and two and three and lift. Lift, lift, lift in the waist. Shoulders are down, waist is up. Flexa feet. Pull the kneecaps up. Strong leg, strong body, very good. Bring the legs together.

Stretch the arms out in front of you and slowly roll down. Long legs, tiny waist, dropping one bone at a time onto the mat. Tell you line nice and long. All right. Yes, you can get rid of those. Oh, okay. Let's do this. Let's have you three roll over. You three just roll over onto your stomachs and you through.

Come on your stomach. But let's have everybody facing the same direction for preparation for Swan, Swan Prep. So fingertips one on top of the other forehead on your fingertips, lying on your stomach, your toes are extended. You want your heels together if you can, and your knees touching. Now narrow the hip so you take the effies and press them together and take your tail and very gently make it long towards your heels and then pull your stomach up to taking the waist area. You're making it long. Some of you can lift your stomach up so much that it's going to leave the floor and you actually have a space there. Nice, tight, tight, tight buttocks.

Now keep your hips in your power housing gauge. Then lift your elbows off the mat, just the elbows. Pull the shoulders down your back and imagine yourself getting longer as you lift your fingers and forehead off the mat. So you hover and from your bottom to the crown of your head, your long and lower back down and lift up and lengthen out lengths in the ribs. Lengthen the waist length in the neck and lower back down. Very good.

And again, lift and lengths and long, long, long, long, long and down. And keep the hips firm as you lift again from tight, bottom, long waist and down. One more time and lift up. That's it. The feet stay down. The shoulders are down that Tim and down. Very, very good. Now stretch your arms out in front of you. We'll need to adjust a bit.

This is a one way you're going to slide in so you want to move further forward so your shoulders are just a little bit over the edge and you want the arms stretched out. Rebecca, you're going to be okay. You know what we're doing and just stretch out so your arms are straight. You want a feeling like a karate chop. The that's a little finger with pressing down. That's right. Long legs, knees together. So Wendy, let's have the knees together. Good. Now start to pull the shoulders down your back, lift your chest and pull your elbows in. So you pull back and lift up.

The elbows just come under your shoulders. That's too far, Wendy. And you look forward and the shoulders are down and the buttocks tight. And then slide the arms back out. Lengthen in the waist and reach long. Very nice. And again, pull the shoulders down your back. Pull the stomach in and glide in. Shoulders wide.

Pull down only under your elbows. That's too far, Tim, you're being too good. And then pull the stomach in and slide the arms out against you. Control the movement out. Very nice. And one more time. Pull and glide in. Shoulders down. Lift the back. Lift the stomach long neck.

And now change the hands for single leg kicks and make fists with the hands. Tim, get the elbows a little closer in. That's it. And check. The shoulders are down. The stomach has lifted the hips of from your very, you use the hands. I'm Sandy, this sweet, this good. And keeping the hips from bend your right leg and kicked twice. Kick, kick and long and kick, kick and long and kick. Kick and long shoulders down.

And then that kick kick and long and kick, kick and long. Flex your feet if you're cramping. Point kick and long kick. Kick and long end kick kick, very good and long. Lower down.

Put your hands under your shoulders and just sit back towards your heels. So you stretch up, lift and pull the stomach up. Child's pose. Take your bottle back to your heels, drop your head to the mat for a minute and stretch right now. Come to a seated position and just have a quick look at what we'll be doing next. Just by the way, if you do have cramps when you're doing this movement, it's fine to do kick, kick with a flex and length and now cause the flex will keep you from cramping. So this was single leg kicks.

We're going to start to work on double leg kicks and we're going to break it down. And the first part you'll be lying in your stomach the same way and you'll be holding one hand with the other. So it's not this way, it's this way and you'll be lying down and just pacing the hands and stretching the elbows down. Now for some of you you'll do this, you'll just flap and it'll be very easy. For some of you, this will be a big stretch and the shoulders and you'll find out when you have a goal. So you'll be here and just the start. All I want you to do is squeeze your shoulder blades together and stretch back. And then other side, let the elbows drop. And then notice I'm lifting the shoulders off the mat and pulling back.

Then we'll take it to the next level and see if you can keep your hands held squeeze. And we'll have a go with this and kind of test it out. Test the waters, so on your stomach, turn your nose to your left so your right ear is on the Mac. And even that can be a stretch. And then take both hands and place them behind your waist and told the fingertips of one hand with the other. Yes.

And make sure to behind your waist, not your bottom. And in this position, start to press the elbows down. So Oh, look at that, look at that and let them go. It can be a stretch into the front of the shoulder cuff and it's a good area to get a stretch. Also check and see if you really have your head fully turned because you will be stretching your neck. This looks very good.

Now start to take the arms back, separate the hands, stretch them back, squeeze your shoulder blades together so they lift up and start to lift up and pull back. Lifting up very nice. And then lower down the other ear. Left ear on the mat, bend the hands back, press your elbows down so you stretch those shoulders out a little bit. And again, pull back with the arms. Pull back, pull back, squeeze those shoulder blades and lift the chest. Reaching back very good. Then drop down again, the far right ear on the mat. Hands behind your waist and again, press the elbows down and now stretch back and pull the arms back.

Squeeze those shoulder blades and lift. Very good. And then lower down, hands behind your waist, elbows to the mat and pull back again and stretch. Squeeze those shoulder blades together and reach and lower back down. Place your hands behind you. And this time if you want to see if you can keep holding your hands when you lift again, suppress your elbows down and then start to stretch back.

Squeeze the shoulder blades together and pull shoulder. But it's tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, good, lower back down. So if it's too much and it doesn't feel as effective, keep the arms apart and other side lift up and pull back. So I think for you Tim, better to separate the arms up. You come see your work in the back. Good and lower down for a side again and stretch.

So you really working in the upper back now and pull back and make sure those shoulderblades are too working. If you can't get the shoulder blades to tighten up good and lower down and other side, pull the shoulder blades back and pull and lift. Make the upper back work. Lift up as high as you can. Lower back down. Very good work. Put your hands under your shoulders and pull the stomach and sit back into child's pose. Nice. Long stretch.

Very, very good. So that one was lovely. And what the priority is that you get the shoulders to work. You are all doing really well with that. So sidekicks, let's have you lying on your right side. On the side of the mat, you're going to face the front. You're going to face this direction for your sidekicks, other side, other side, the other right side. So support your head with your hands. We'll place a pillow under your neck.

Yeah, that's good. Let's give you a little bit more of a support. Very good. Now the other, the top hand should be in front of your chest. You want the top hand, a good 12 inches in front of you, not right up against your body and a little bit with the elbow out and the shoulders down. Now in this position, just lengthen the whole spine. Presses shoulders that you have space in the upper body. Yes. Now pull your stomach muscles in and up. Lift both legs up, bring them forward. Put them down and flex your feet so and take your little toe and dig it into the floor. It's as though you're standing now with the feet further forward, you can get more length in the waist area. Pull up in the stomach, narrow the hips, and lift the top leg a little higher than your own hip.

Flex from your waist pro into your heel. Pull your stomach up and Tuck your tail a little bit and squeeze your buttocks and press down. Imagine pressing against something to press down and press up. Push against me and pressy create invisible resistance. Lift the leg and press down.

So it's like you're working through cement and lift. Very nice and down and lift and down and only a little higher than your own hip and lift just to here, Tim and down two more times and lift and down and lift the leg very good and down. Now the forward and down. Once we go double pulse and then you take the leg straight down and you reach with it. So lift your leg, hip height just about top, like Tim bottom. And I get that. And You bring it to the front, double pulse and try to reach the back of the room and double pulse. So I should say the side. Reach out, forward, forward and straight down and forward, forward and reach long in the stomach. Forward, forward and long and last one forward, forward and long.

And then bring the leg down right on top of the top. Bottom one. Sidekicks at high sidekicks. Turn that like out a little bit. Check the powerhouses long, the hips along the waist as long the legs along. Swing the leg high up. Swing it up. Flex it to come down and pointed up and flex and reach through the heel and swing the leg and flex and swing the leg and keep the body nice and elegant and down and lift the leg and down and lift the leg and down.

One more time and lift the leg and down. Very good little circles lifted slightly. Turn it out. Connect your powerhouse up again and little circles. One, two and three and four. Make the leg nice and loose and light at eight. Reverse the circles three and four and back and back and back and back.

Lower the leg down, heel to heel. Take your top leg and bend it up in front of you so you can either have, that's it this way or you can have your knee drop down if it doesn't work for you, flex your bottom leg, stretch the knee, push into the heel and pull the stomach up against that and lift the leg up and lower down. Keep the foot nicely, flex, lift the leg and down and press into the heel and pull the kneecap up and down and lift the leg and down and lift and down and lift. There it is and down and more. Flex Rebecca and down that. Sit and lift the leg and down.

Now extend the foot so you're more in a point. You reaching through the toll. Lift the leg as high as you can. Lengthen the knee and little circles here. Circle one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. Then reverse it, then two and three and four and five and six and seven and a lower the leg down. Stretch both legs out, one on top of the other.

Pull your stomach muscles in and up. Check that the shoulders are away from the ears and see if you can lift both legs up in the air at the same time. Lift him up lower down. Lift him up from hips. Lower down and lift and down and lift and down and lift and down. One more time and lift. Very good and down. Excellent work.

Roll onto your stomach for little beats. So lie down. Place your forehead on your fingertips. Check that your knees are together. T a length the stomach. Lengthen your back and narrow the hips. So the legs along. Now very important to keep the knees straight and lift the legs up without the knees. Bending and open and close. Sideways. Little beats. One, two, three, four, five, six heels. Touch every time. Three, four, five, six, seven. Lift a little higher. Three, four, five, six, seven and eight. Lower the legs down. Put your hands under your shoulders.

Pull the stomach in and sit back into your heels and stretch out your back. Pull the stomach towards your back so you open up in the waist and stretch out and down. Nice work. Take a breath in here and breathe into your lower back and breathe out. One more time. Big Breath, filling up the whole spine and breathe out and then stretch out on the other side. So you're going to stretch out facing this direction. Lying on your left side. Repeat everything in the other side.

So support your head with your hands. Bring the other hand in front of your waist. Make sure your hips are stacked up. Pull the powerhouse up and lift both legs up and bring them forward and put them down and flex your feet. That's it. Now once a feet are down, check that the little toe is really digging into the floor. Flex both feet and that the hips are stacked and the shoulders are down and the stomach is up. Excellent. Lift your top leg a little higher than your own hips.

So press it out and lower down and lengthen it out. Reaching away from you and down and reach and down and reach and down. Keep the foot nice and flexed and down. That's so good over there sandy. And reach and down. Shoulders away from the ears and reach and down.

One more time and reach and down. Very good. Now the forward and back swings. Lift the leg up. Lengthen the waist. Your body stays quiet the whole time. Swing to the front and straight out. Swing to the front and long and reach.

Swing to the front and long and rich. Swing to the front and long and reach. Swing to the front and rear. Pool the stomach last one and reach a hold it in. Extend out and lift the stomach long, long, long. Bring the leg down, one on top of the other. Very nice work. Excellent high sidekicks.

Take your top leg and links in it. Turn it out a little bit. Engage your trunk so it stable and swing the leg up. Swing it up, flex it down, swing it up, flex it down, swing it up, flex it down and swing and down and swing and down and swing and down and swing and Dow and swing. Very good and down. Now long ways, slightly turned out the middle circle. Circle one and two and three. Keep the hips nice and stacked and six and seven reverse it and one, keep the stomach pull up and four and five and six and seven very good at eight.

Put the leg Dow, bend it up in front of you for the inner leg work. Check that your waist is still long. Extend. Flex through the bottom leg, lengthen out into the heel and lift the leg up. Lifted up, lower down. Keep the foot flexed, Rebecca, lift and down. The more you push into the heel, the more your inner thigh will start to engage and down and lift and um, and lift down. Very good and lift and down.

He pulling the toes up towards the knee. Yes. And down. Last one. Lift. And now extend the foot out to the foot is long, but you really want to be pulling from your knee up into your belly. That's it. Lift the leg up again and little circles. Circle one and two and three and four and five and six and seven. Reverse it in one and two and three and four and five and six and seven.

And a lower the leg down, length of the other leg out. Pull the stomach up and lift both legs up at the same time and lower down and lift your legs and down. See if you can keep the knees straight and down and lift and down and lift and keep the hips stack. One more time. Lift and down. Very, very good. And roll onto your backs. And you three.

Let's have you turn around us so the feet are off the wall facing the center of the room for preparation for teaser. So on your backs, you want the knees bent and the hands by your sides. And in this position, just check that the feet aren't too close to your bottom, but they're a little bit for the outs of sand. That's it. That's it's Sandy. Good. Now misa together and Tim, move your feet a little bit further away from your bottom. Um, that's it. But keep them together. Keep them together. There we go. So you want, you don't want them to bend. You want them out to the diagonal will be long.

Take your right leg and extended out without the knees. Separating. So you really feel that pressure of the legs together and innercise working towards each other. That helps you stay, been stabilize. Lift your head and chest and roll up. See you can reach towards your toes and roll back down. Hands to the mat. Good, Rebecca. Very good. And again, roll up. [inaudible] breast lift as far as you can go even if you can't get very far and down. Hands to the mat and again, rural up. Very good.

Shoulders down and use a powerhouse to bring you down. Very good breath. Put the foot down, extend the other leg up, pull the stomach in and roll up again and roll. Roll, roll, roll. Very nice. And roll down. Hands to the mat and again if your head and chest and roll up and pull the stomach in and roll down stomach and Popo. Purple and down. Very nice. One more time and roll up. Roll up, roll up and roll down. Roll down.

Very good. And bend the foot down. Bend both knees into your chest and give yourselves a little hug. Very, very good. Now just rock up to sitting position for one minute. Cause I, this teaser preparation is preparing you for teaser. So you're going to have our first go at it. Even though I know it, the teaser is a tease. You can't do it. You can't do it. You can't do it. One day you fly up and you don't know what happened, but you just built the flexibility in the strength into the body.

So we've been working with one leg up. Now we're going to take the legs first to the ceiling and then out. So if you notice he, this was the adjust about the angle and both legs will be up at the same time. You lift your head and chest and see if you can come up and roll down again. Now you may not be able to get up. You may only get this far, but this is what the temptation is.

A temptation is to bring the leg straight because it's easier, but it's real. You will not get up like this because the body weight, you need that counterbalance to be able to get to this position. If you're up here, it's not, it's not the way the exercises done. You're aiming for this v-shape. So we're going to have our first try today for better for worse, just holding the legs here is nice and strengthening. So lie down on your backs. Have your hands by your sides. Have the knees bent.

So with the knees bent, it's always easier to feel the length of the back and the connection into the stomach. It's like a smaller shape. The more advanced positions are bigger, so beginner level, we keep the body smaller. Bring the knees into the chest. Now put the feet back down on the mat because when you bring your knees to your chest, I want you to really focus it. You're not going knee, knee, that's very easy to do. And then you're working the quads. We're building strength in the powerhouse. So if you squeeze your knees together, squeeze your hips, pull the stomach in and just literally concentrate not to let the knees be sloppy and bring the legs up at the same time. That was so good. Lift the leg straight to the ceiling and then extend the legs out on a long diagonal stomach is in and see if you can lift your head and chest and come up for better for worse. First Time. Roll up and roll back down.

Look at you Tim. And again, roll up, up, up, up, up, up and roll down. Good Megan. One more time. Good. Rebecca. Roll up, up, up, up, up, up and roll down. Megan, look at you. Excellent. Rebecca. Bend your knees, your dad. Give yourselves a hug. That was a really good first try. Very, very good. And then just rock back and forth and bring yourselves up to a sitting position so your knees are bent and just use your legs to help you come up for seal.

Very nice. So feet together, knees apart. Hands in prayer pose just for a moment. Even here, practice pressing the shoulders down. What happens is when this powerhouses weak, the shoulders do all the work instead. So take some time to get strong here and out of here, but reminding you is a good thing. I need to be reminded to keep the shoulders down.

Use the strength down here rather than up here. So lift your feet, hands underneath, wrap around your ankles, pull the shoulders down, pull the stomach in, clap your feet. Three times, clap, clap, clap. Roll back towards your shoulders and roll up and balance. Pull the stomach in. Balance, balance, balance, clap, clap, clap with control. Roll back. Roll up and clap, clap, clap, roll back and come back up. And one more time. Clap, clap, clap, roll back and come up and balance. Very good. Now put your feet on the floor and cross feed on the four cross.

See if you can stand up and up. Oopsy daisy, sorry. 37 one more time and over your feet. Okay. All right. Up You come now standing heels together. Toes apart. Not to turned out Wendy. Just two or three inches. That's it. So it's a small, so it just enough to get the sense of slightly pulling the hamstrings together. Pull the stomach in.

So now you're starting to take all these principles we worked on on the mat, bringing them into an upright position. So broad in the shoulders here. Lift the arms up without the shoulders coming up and three circles. Circle one and two and three, reverse it and two and three. Bring the hands down and feel the spine. Get longer. Get that lift through the stomach. Lift to the sternum.

Now shoulders are down and lift the arms up higher. Lift them up without the shoulders coming up. Sone as high as you can go. Three circles here. One, two, and three. Reverse it. One and two and three. Lift the waist. Lift the stomach. Lift the power house and float the arms down and feel yourselves get nice and elegant and tall. Now lift the arms up again, lift in the waist, and then start to bring the arms down and lift the stomach up.

As you roll down towards the floor. Rounding through the spine, lifting the stomach up. You go as low as you can until the hands hover above the floor. Check that your head is relaxed here. So here upper body is relaxed but stomach is strong and the hips are narrow. And three circles again. Circle one, two, three.

Reverse it. Two, three, check that the arms are dangly and loose. The head is relaxed, but they had robbed him. Yes, there we go. Now pull the stomach way up and start to come up slowly. The stomach lifts you up, your bottom lengthens down. Can coming up and stack up the spine. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up. Broaden the shoulders and then one last time.

Drop your head and roll down. Roll down, roll down. Roll down long arms, long head, tiny waist and three circles. One and two and three and one and two and three. And then roll up. Roll out, roll up. Roll up in this time, allow the hands to float forward enough and as the arms float up, feel the lift in the waist, lift in the spine and then float the arms out to the side. And as the arms are floating down, you get taller and longer as you feel that lift up through the crown of the head. Central Energy going up, the powerhouses, connecting your lower and upper body.

Make sure you're on the center of your feet, not back on your heels, just slightly forward. So there's a natural lightness in the feet, breadth across the shoulders, length in the neck. Take a breath in and breathing out that everything goes. So thank you very much. You all be very well.


Niedra, you are such an inspiration for me in my teaching path. Thanks PA for letting us share her knowledge.
I am learning to be an instructor too, and Niedra is a fantastic example of awesome instruction! Thanks so much!
Great class. During the mat work with leg kicks, are the legs at the top of the mat and the upper bottom at the opposite?

Thanks Niedra. Great teacher!
Niedra Gabriel
Hi Cali, I am not sure what your question is but will try to answer anway... Ify ou are folloiwng the classical order with the mat work once you have rolled onto your back after doing teh saw, you simply roll onto your stomach and do the leg kick series. so you have minimum moving around. I am not sure what happened in teh film. Sometimes I have to move students around for other reasons - so they work as a group or for camera reasons, but normally you would do minimum changes.
I hope this helps?
About 45 mins into this class the screen froze. Unable to restart where it left off. Is it just this series that does this? I viewed 1-3 without problems.
Sandra ~ I am sorry you are having trouble playing this video. If you have already restarted your computer to clear away the processes that aren't running, I would suggest changing your video player settings by:

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As this is one of our older videos from 2011, it may require the video player options for "Low" or "Med," which should stream the video without any stops. If you continue to have issues playing this video, please email us at
Niedra this was great. Really good enjoying working through this series. I am learning a lot from how you cue, and motivate the class. Am seeing what and how to be aware of your students.
Niedra Gabriel
So good to read this and that you are getting such value from watching the classes. we all learn from each other all the time. Welcome to the club...
Another great class, thank you so much Niedra
Hi Niedra. Thank you so much for another wonderful workout. I am loving this series a lot! As I am slowly approaching the end of this Beginner Series, I wonder what I should do next. Move on to 1/2 level or perhaps practise these exercises more. I am just worrying that by doing the same exercises for a long time my body won't change much? Thank you for any suggestions.
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