Class #466

Mat on the Spine Corrector

55 min - Class


Distinguished instructor Kathy Corey takes some of the traditional Mat work exercises and puts them on the Spine Corrector. Balancing rotational patterns with extension movements and variations of the Boomerang, the Side Leg Series, and the Butterfly, you will experience a renewed appreciation of this dynamic piece of equipment. Class is delivered expertly. You'll work hard while having a great time. Thanks, Kathy!
What You'll Need: Spine Corrector, Pilates Pole

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So welcome to the spine corrector class. So glad to have you here. I think that the spine corrector is one of the most least used pieces of equipment and it should be used all of the time. I think that it is such a marvelous introduction to all of the different pieces of Palladio's apparatus and it is such an incredible aid to our mat work. Um, what we will do today in class is we are going to take some of our traditional mat work exercises and put them on the spine corrector and really see how the different apparatus will change the movement and the exercise and how you really need to feel the work in your own bodies through the movements. So we are going to begin just with a a simple warmup.

We'll sit and let's bring the feet in the parallel position now, uh, when we are sitting as when we are standing, as when we are kneeling, lying down and all of that. I'm a huge, huge stickler on foot position and alignment. So when we are sitting with the feet on the floor, we want to think of the triangular base from the big toe, little toe and back to the center of the heel on both feet. So we have that nice triangular base and it's not enough just to have a triangle there and put it in the back of our heads. But to experience a triangle. And so you want to evenly distribute the body weight into the triangle. And this will help prevent the foot from rolling in or out the knees from then rolling in or out and the pelvis from then shifting because we've shifted the weight on the foot. So when the feet are in this position, I like to really feel them. I'm secure and planted on the floor.

When I asked you to bring the soles of the feet together, I want you to think about those same points. So the, the big under the big toe comes together under the little toe comes together and the heels press together. And oftentimes what we will see when we're doing this, uh, is that when we just roll that way, that the foot won't actually line up. And so that it's really crucial that we begin to think about aligning that because that really is not coming from the foot as much as it's coming from, well, I don't know. It's coming from where we're sitting and how we're sitting and the lack of, uh, evenness across the pelvis. So let's once again place if he flat find your triangles and lift yourself just lightly up off of the spine corrector. Now think about the tailbone sliding down so that as we are on the spine corrector, we are really even the sitting on the spine corrector very lightly so that again, we're not slumped or, um, allowing the body to go into some of its natural misalignment positions where we spend most of our days.

So we want to make sure that we have the tailbone just pressing straight down to the floor that were lengthening upward from the pubic bone to the naval. And we sit up nice and tall. Let's take the pole now and just begin with on loosening the body. Little side stretch from this position takes the pole into the front and just make a small and deep contraction and curl the pelvis under. Now feel the small of your back and what I would like you to feel now is the evenness or lack of evenness on both sides of the pelvis and then roll and lift back up so that once again, as we do this, I'm relaxing the shoulders down.

Just curl the pelvis under. Now, once again, from the front of the hip, not the back, try and even out the weight ruling, pressing one side in and releasing. Press the other side in and release it and for dressing and release and press in and release. Now the side that may feel a little bit lighter than the other, just press that side three times, so pressing it back and release it prorated back. Remember those feet and release it. Exhale, press it back and release and lift up. Inhale, exhale, relax the shoulders and sit. Now make that contraction again. Is it a little bit more even for you? On both sides of your hips and the small of the back and come up into a side bend. Let's lift the pole up. Let's bring the soles of the feet together.

And once again, think about sitting tall so that the tailbone is just lightly over the seat of the spine corrector going up and over to the side. We're going to lengthen the spine upward and we're going to reach this side and place the pole on to the floor. Now from here, lift your hip up the opposing hip and then as you press it down, push the pull away from you and get a long stretch on your exhale, lifted up and push the pull away. Nice long exhale, hip up. Very good. And pull up and over and reach to the opposite side.

And once you gotta get a nice long side stretch and lift the hip, hop and press and stretch, pushing the pole away and lift the hip up and stretch the pole away and lift your hip up and stretch. Reach Nice and long. And because of course we weren't leaning into the floor. The pull float up over the head. And let's go back to the first side. Let's see, I do a nice rotation. Now we're going to go down to the floor. I want you to just have the poll lightly on the floor.

Keep the upper arm by your ear and go only as far as you can with the pole by your ear and Liga contraction in the abdominals. Push that hip back and it's like you have a seatbelt on so your hip can't come with you and keep the pole in the vertical position. Don't let it come to your toes. I, I'm in. So it's a straight line. And then take it back up, lifted high so that as it goes down, it's not creeping in on a diagonal, but it's going straight down to the floor. So that's your range of motion is limited by the fact that we have that hip anchored and we're getting that stretch in the torso and not letting the pole walk come inward. So we're decreasing our stretch and inhale, exhale down. Inhale, stretch it a little more.

And exhale up and come back up and up and over and take it down and inhale, exhale, stretch and inhale longer. Exhale, lengthen and come all the way up. I don't know why they're on there, those little knobs on the end, but that's okay. I was telling Christy before they were the pull down that in the original studio that we worked with, um, the end of a broom, they just screwed the broom from there and that's what you had as a pole. Just lots of great ideas and equipment.

Now we're going to do one of my very, very, very, very favorite exercises on the spine corrector. It's so simple, but it really is the foundation of so many of the exercises. So we can lengthen spine upward and we're going to make an nice long exhale as we roll back and we're only going to roll back. No, make that small curl of the pelvis, bring that pelvis underneath you and roll back one vertebra at a time and bring the pole up just to the ceiling. Now you should be resting on the shoulder blades. Uh, the pole goes to the ceiling. The gauge, your eyes are straight up to the ceiling. And from there we're just going to peel the back off the spine, corrector one vertebra at a time by pressing close those ribs in the front. Use your abdominal muscles, curl yourself up, roll yourself over and reach it all the way over to the floor.

Lengthen yourself up and roll yourself back and leave the pole to the ceiling. Gaze go straight. Your eyes are up to the ceiling. And now we're going to make that contraction so deep press under the sternum, into the rib cage, into the waste, into the navel, into the low abdominals and release and relax and stretch all the way toward the floor. Now to really make sure we're getting that abdominal contraction and this movement, uh, very much like the um, roll up from the floor. What we are going to do is we're going to do that first part of it and Christie rollback for me please. And I'd like to partner with these, this exercise as well. Now Christie, I want you to roll yourself up under the pole.

Use Your abdominals, use your abdominals. Well, keep going. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. Oh you, that's what you were doing. Right? And Roll back and roll back down and roll it up. Exhale, use your breath. Close your ribs in, close your ribs in, close your ribs. And you got it. One more time and really back and up and up and up and up and up.

And very, very nice. And that of course leads us to this. Isn't that great? Yeah. Stretch your legs out. And it leads us to roll back just the of just DePaul. Now come on up under the pole. Roll yourself up onto the pole, roll yourself up under the pole, roll yourself up onto the pole.

Now take the pole with you and roll yourself over. And what have we just done? The roll up from the floor. So what we are experiencing is the fact that you need to use, um, and let the abdominal muscles fire in that pattern starting here. We can't start here. We want to make sure that as we're coming through the movement, that all of the core muscles are activated, that that first part, and we see it so often where the body comes to about here, and then what happens, there's this little [inaudible] going on so that this exercise is a training for those muscles so that it may, we make sure that as we're coming through the movement, that the muscles are firing one at a time, at a time, at a time, and you can really, really feel that.

So let's go ahead and we're going to do for of just the first contractions and then we'll contract roll up and roll it over. Let's begin. Bring the pole center, bring it up over your head, roll and roll back just to the shoulder blades are on the spine corrector. The pole is going to stay to the ceiling and they had just going to go back. So adjust. The gaze is at the ceiling and the neck is long. The shoulders are down, keeping the pole just where it is, rural yourself up and under the pole. Exhale and come you.

Great. Great. Great. Great. One more inch. One more inch and come back down. Yeah, you think you're holding the pole? Still. Try it again. Close those ribs. Close those reps you see there. Give me another ENT. Ah, that is the contraction. Beautiful. Can you feel the difference? And again, take a breath. N Roll it. Roll. You got it. One more inch plate.

There it is and this is going to help you roll up so much. The other thing to notice with this is to make sure that we don't hurt. We are not tipping a ball one side or the other. So we really want to push in into the spine corrector, into the spine corrector. Level us out. You got it, and come back.

Now extend your legs out. Take that movement up and back. Bring the pole to the ceiling and follow it. Follow it through. Follow it through. Once you are underneath that pole, keep going. Keep use your spine corrector. Use your spine, correct you.

The more you press into it, the more it's going to be reached. The pole to your toes. Roll the spine back and down toward the floor. Very nice over just again, we're not going to extension yet just until the head estate in line with the spine and the gauge to the ceiling. And let's go again. Use your breath. Inhale and use that exhale. Carry you through. Press into the spine corrector. Beautiful, beautiful.

Watch the foot position and make sure that we still have the alignment all the way down. And one more time is Clara polities used to say, you must always check it up. Where are your feet? Where are your shoulders? Where is your head? Sometimes I don't know where mine is, but we try to keep at being present all the way through the movement, all the way through. Try not to let the legs lift relaxed from the hip flexors and roll yourself up and over and roll yourself back just to sitting and sit up nice and tall.

I have great exercise. Really shows you, um, those little places where that contraction can deepen. Even if we're doing our roll up well even if we, you know, have that good, um, core strength for rolling like a ball excuse you, that little extra edge on those abdominals, the put the pole down. So now we've been doing some lateral work. We want to do some side work as well. So now we're going into a contraction and this time we're going to take the hands and the fingers go behind the head. So lengthen upward and we'll make that contraction curl the pelvis under and one vertebrae at a time on to the spine, correct your sternum to the ceiling, sweep around to the side of the spine corrector. Keep the gaze up, keep the elbows level and sweep back to the center.

So it's as if you're going to bring your elbow to your waistline and sweep back to the center and exhale and very nice. Sweep it around and sweep back to the center and reach and sweep and take it around and sweep back in to center. This time. We're going to do that sweep, but now we're going to come to the side and we're going to press the bar. Bottom elbow down the top, elbow up. Elbows are still going to stay wide. Rotate and look at the floor.

Rotate back to the ceiling and come back into the center or reached to the side from the bottom elbow. Press it down and rotate yourself up and over. Rotate it back and come in to the center, to the other side. Rotate, pressing from underneath that bottom elbow. Fantastic. Take it back. Sternum high to the ceiling, but the elbow feel reaching toward the knee and then center. Beautiful rotation, and now down from here. That's it. Turn it. Oh Great. Beautiful Movement. Come from under here. That's it. And back into the center. We'll do one more on each side. Take it over, close the rib as it rules up and over. Closing it in, filling the back.

As you rotate around and back into the center and the other side, come around and come back and rotate into the center. Bring the arms up, drop the shoulders down and don't move the arms, but make that contraction and roll your spine up. Roll your spike, push into the spine corrector. Don't let the arms move. Keep them back. Use that spine corrector. Get that extra extra inch of abdominal contraction round over and roll your spine up to sitting. Very nice. So now as I mentioned before, we're going to do some traditional mat work.

So we'll start with our single legs. Stretch series are single a pole, so we sit a little bit closer to the front, make your contraction round your back and bring your legs up. Now in this position, I want you to find the place where your legs are in, where your hip flexors are not gripping, um, and that the body is not being thrown to the back. So you really want to make the contraction to round lightly to the front. We can take one leg out. Now the leg should go out and extend from the seat of the spine corrector.

Other leg is coming in. Bring the shoulders toward that leg. So we're coming up and app and change linkedin. Press and change. Inhale, inhale, exhale. Inhale, inhale, exhale. One more contraction and really shoot that leg out straight out of your hip.

Inhale, inhale, exhale. One more time. Inhale, inhale, exhale. Now, hold. Pull both legs in wood. I want you to think of is the fact that this is coming from a deep contraction and that as that leg comes out, we're stabilizing the pelvis and really a long gating the leg, so you're wanting to touch her toes and she's going to touch your toes. You're going to meet right in the middle as you come out so that it's a lengthening movement, but at the same time, the other leg is pressing inward and we're contracting into the abdominals to complete the movement. The only thing now we're going to do is on a single breath.

Let's go one leg out. There it is, and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale, reach for the year partner and exhale a little bit more further on the upper abdominals. Use that curl and press it and reach and stretch and inhale. Exhale, and inhale and exhale. Pull both legs in if you thought that was fun. We're going to continue. We'll work on Chris Cross.

So remember that movement that we just did. I want you to think about getting that much rotation as we work. So now again, find that nice place for yourself and bring your arms behind your head. One leg comes in, one Lincoln's out, and now just turn and go to the knee. Two, three, four and five. Pull it in, change it. One, two, three, four and five. Palladian change it. One, two, three, four and five. Pull it in and good. One, two, three, four, five and now three, one, two, three and one.

Two singles and turn and change. Inhale, exhale and reach. Very good. A little more rotation from under the ribs or get long will reject. Don't lie back. Use that upper abdominal contraction and pull and pull two more and pull the legs in and release so you can see the crisscross on the floor, which we tend to be utilizing too much of this movement. And here how you can really get that reach around the body, especially after our preparation with a lot of rotation that you get on the spine. Corrector bowls are next.

So on here we're going to um, start with just pulling in and stretching. Now feel the support of the spine, correct. You're on the back and round to pull it in and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Very nice and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Now this time pull in and instead of just going out straight, use the spine corrector, support your back, but allow the body to go into extension supported by the spine corrector.

So we come in and all the way out and pull it around and all the way out and political around and all the way out. And again, inhale, exhale. One more time. Inhale and exhale and pull in and placed the legs down. That was so much fun. You look great too.

And it really now shows you how well once we are working with the, the exercises using, utilizing the support of the spine corrector makes all the difference in the world. So I'm going to churn side and I think you're going to stay the way you are so that we're going to do a, I mean you're gonna love this one. It's the traditional a sidekick series. So you're facing me and I'm facing this way. I think that would be correct. So we'll have the leg bent in the front leg out.

Now we want you to get a nice long imprinted movement as we reach. So again, we're not collapsing onto this bind corrector, but we're reaching up and over and place the hand on the floor and now close the ribs and come up just slightly place the hand behind the head coming straight out of the hip. Point up, flex down. Now each time you come up, reach Yuto in the foot, the heel away from the body and flex to the floor. Once again, you're trying to try and meet in the middle with those feet and point up and flex down and point up and flex down. Reverse it. Flex up. Now reach out of the hip to take the movement down and flex it up and point to take it down. Flex it up. Point to take it down, flex up point and reach. One more time. Flex it up.

Point and reach. Head down, lifted to hip level. Take four counts to walk into the front of the room. One, two, three, four. Now it's knee, over knee, shoulder over shoulder, and sweep it back. Two, three, four. Front one, two, three, four, back, one, two, three and four. Now let's take it to the front with a double beat. One, two, flex back, one to flex back one, two and flex to the back. End One, two and flex and lower. So did that put a little more meaning into that? Sweep on the side. What we're not done yet, of course we're not done yet.

Bicycle. I'll take it up then. Now once again, let's bring it to the front knee over knee and push it out and sweep the leg around and bend it in. Sweep it front, flex the foot and sweep the leg around in to the extension. Reach the leg around in and extend and reach and reverse it. Take it front fold and press it back. Sweep the leg around and bend. And push it to the back end. Sweep around and bend.

Take it all the way out and sweep it around one more time and take it out and sweep, folded in and placed the leg on the floor. And now we're going to come up just a little bit more so you can have the elbow. Now resting on the top. The spine is still in, in alignment, but on a slight diagonal line, arm comes out. Lift the leg up, stretch it long, folded back. Now really reach and lower it down. Lift it up, stretch it out, folded back reach and take it down two more times and up and extend it folded back to come down and take it up. Reach it long, folded back and take it down. So do it. Are we all close to our poles? Thread over and hold onto the pole. Extend the leg out.

Bring the arm down and lift and stretch up and hit your pole and lift and stretch back and lift and stretch up to, don't look at it, but touch it. Who moved my pole? Would that be not the pole moving? What would that be? Instability of the shoulder girdle. Make sure that the arm comes straight through from the shoulder and goes all the way back to the pole and take it up, shake it over and take it down and back. And now just for fun, take the pole up and let's reach the body out and press and come over. Lengthen up, imprint the side of the body so it's lightly over the spine corrector and press.

Take it long up. Reach it high up, Andover, two to go. And a full breath to come up. I pulled that off off myself and shake it out and take it over and linkedin and app and reach and come all the way over. Come up into the center and bring the legs in. So from here we'll go over to the other side. So we will begin once again with a leg extended length in the torso.

Upward. Reach the body and stretch yourself long and over. Now remember we're going to come up onto the arm so that we don't want to have any pressure into the shoulders, but we want to be a shoulder over shoulder, hip, over hip and at nice and long, long torso. So from that position we're going to take the leg and lifted up and hand behind the head and pointed up to flex it down. Point and flex down.

Point up, flex down again, point lift up and flex to come down and now flex and and reach for your partner's toe to come down. Flexing, lift. Remember shoulders over shoulder. Hip is over here but more of course we are breathing and watch your foot alignment as we come up. Point and down. Two to go. Lift and point to come down and lift up. Stretch it long and point to come down. Now in this position, nice long, lean towards us lifting the leg up and walk it on. Four one, two, three, four knee is directly over knee and walk it back to three four walk it front.

Two, three you look great. Walk it back to three and four. Now it goes to the front and one two and flex to the back and point point and you sweep back and point, point and reach back and point point and we'd say let's go into our bicycle bend and extend and sweep with the flex to the back bend knee over knee. Extend Front and sweep back Ben Rigid Front. Sweep it around one more time. Bend, stretch it front and sweep around.

Now take it to the front and bend it and extend to the back and sweep around. Bend it, reach it, and sweep all the way around in bend and reach back and sweep. One more time. Bend, extend back, sweep to the front. Now sit up, place the elbow on top of this spine corrector and now we're going to reach the leg. Nice and long as we do this movement. I also teach this movement in the mat class, so we're going to come up, extend out.

Now keep it there, but fold it behind. You. Reach it down to the floor, lifted up, extended out, fold it back in, reach it to the floor, take it up, extended out fully, and reach it down. One more time. Take it up, stretch it out and fold and reach all the way down. Lengthen the torso all the way over the spine corrector. Take a nice deep breath. Okay. And now grab onto your pole.

Hold the pole so that you are having the pull directly from ear to ear so that you are framing the head with the pole anchored on the bottom arm. Let the top arm come up now without rolling the shoulder forward or back or rotating, reach it down to your heel lifted up and reach it. Oh over the pole. Beautiful. And shake it up and reach it. Long cheating. You don't get to look where it is.

Reach it high and stretch it so we're stretching directly back to where we came. Lifted up and reach it down very nice and lifted up. Reach it back on to the pole and lift it up. Reach it out and stretch all the way down and up and back. And now hold the pole, it'll straighten the leg out.

And here we go. Come on. Up and over and up and reach and stretch long. Stretch it out. Lift and over and reach it out and come back two more times. Reach it up, stretch it all the way over.

Reach it out and stretch down. And again, reach out, lift up, stretched to your foot, and reach. Lengthen, lengthen and come down. Come up and sit in to the center. So okay, we're going to keep the poem and bring the legs into the diamond positioning with the souls of the feet together. Checking our alignment. Check it up as clear, I would say, and sit up nice and tall. Bring the pole center and up over your head.

Lengthen your spine upward. And now let's place the pole onto the floor at the side of the body. Remember the first exercise that we did. Now we're going to keep the hips back as if we have a seatbelt on. So as we're going, we cannot change the position of the shoulder, hip, knee, or foot.

So the range of motion is determined by the alignment. On the spine corrector, but we're going to take the pole and make the contraction and the abdominals. Keep the shoulders down and stretch it to the floor and come up. Now this time stretch and roll the torso back and roll. And so we're just on one side of the body and breathe.

Exhale over and inhale and exhale back and inhale up one more time and exhale uhhh over and inhale up and exhale back and inhale to come up. Lift and that's go to the other side so the souls of the feet stay together. Remember the alignment and the breadth and reach the two are so down. Stretching and keeping the body in alignment. Lift up into the center and rural and stretch back with the body aligns.

You may feel one side has more flexibility than the other that the pole reaches to the floor more on one side than the other and we would work with more. Repetition is more late evening on our shorter side to get the body more evenly balanced through the maintenance of our alignment. Come back up. Last one, take it back and up into the center. Now this time we're going to do the same movement, but the pole is not going to touch the floor. So we're going to lengthen the torso upward. We're going to go to the side, and now the f on the arm goes down and pull touches the floor. The background lifts up while use the back arm.

Sweep the back arm under you and brewing a pole so that the front arm is up. Now rotate it like a baton and stretch and come back. Rotate and stretch and rotate and stretch and rotate and back. One more time, and rotates to wretched through and rotated and stretch back and up. Center. Lift other side. You look great. By the way. He was having fun, I hope. And down to the front.

Sweep from the back arm underneath. Lift the pole in the front, stretch it to the back and weld under and stretch and around under. Sweep it. Lengthen it all the way back and up. Stretch it over. Watch your hips. Very nice and up. Stretch it back. Nice deep breathing. Close those ribs. Work all the way through. One more time. Up and over.

Lovely. Uh, sue weep itch and come all the way back, come finish at the side length in the torso up, inhale up and exhale and calm down. Very, very nice. Isn't that fun? And it really works. And again, we're working the body working these sides differently. And I'm sure, I know, I feel in my body, and I know your clients will say the same thing. Okay. The spine corrector has more padding on one side than the other.

It's not my back. I am sure that my muscles are not misaligned back there, but especially with computers and all the work that we're doing, how we are developing the back. And certainly I see on my body how my one side, not so flexible going down, but he's more flexible going back. And this is a great tool to help us find those different alignments. Okay. Now we're going to go work on our pushups. So we'll put this down and in order to do the pushups, we are going to, um, I think I just turned mine all the way around. But you are fine.

What we want to do is I actually go sideways. Okay. I'll go sideways. Very good. So what we want to do is to stand in front of the spine correctors and then we're going to come down and place the hands on spine corrector and the legs out. The further forward you walk, the more difficulty exercise is, and I always have my young very fit people starting way out here and eventually kind of creeping back. But start where you are comfortable and the body stays long and and so on this first movement we were going to lower the body but not change the position of the legs. The fingertips are wide and the elbows go wide as well, but the spine is long and straight and the movement is simply to work on a pushup. So let's begin [inaudible] nice and long, long spines, good feet and bring the arms so the elbows are down. Good. Elbows wide and lengthen up. Now remember we are not going to move the legs, just the upper body is going to round down and press up very good and down and come up and down and come up and again down and come up.

Now the fingers are now going to be in parallel position and just fold the elbows back to you and lower them down. Good work and come back up and inhale down. Exhale to come up and inhale down and exhale to come up. One more time. Inhale down and exhale to come up. Very nice. Now it's going to get fun.

Take one heart on and put it behind your back. There you go. Level your shoulders. LE, here's where people start creeping onto to the spine or after. Yeah. Yes. And let's begin. Uh, you can do the first row with the elbow out. Okay. Elbows out and down and up. All right. Try to keep the body in one straight piece and not tip it so that as you come down, the sternum is reaching to the floor so that you're not tr torquing the body to come down, but you are really working thinking of the gays going straight to the floor and the sternum to the floor. Okay, let's go. One, two, very nice sternum. Open that chest. Three, four and five.

Change arms. Good job. And down on one and two and three and four and five a k. Now fingertips in the position, elbow simply folds back to you. One arm and one push, two, three, four, breathe, and five. Very nice. Let's change your arms and one and to, and three and for, and five are right now you get the habit to treat both arms down and fingertips a slightly turned inward elbows. Why? But the body now isn't this nice long plank position as you chip the body down by bending the arms, lift the legs high and add beautiful.

And as you come up, lower the legs. So it's like a see saw of the body and down. Beautiful and up. Do Great. And down and up. Beautiful and down and up and down.

Press, back up, Jew to go. Cut. Take it down, lifted up. Last one, take it down and come all the way up. Very, very nice. Now you're going to place your elbows on the floor so we're still in the same position. Or you might want to move a little bit further ELP and bring the legs to the diamond position from there. And you're going to just lift the legs up and lower them and the legs come up and lower them legs. Very good. Exhale and inhale down and actually a lift.

Inhale down. Exhale, lift and lower and up and out. Now up and hold and a small contraction pressing. One, two, three for FCL lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, and 10 more. Lift one, two, squeeze. Three, four. Great. Five, six, seven, eight, nine and 10. Now lift, extend to the parallel position and bend back to the diamond and wrap yourself over the spine. Corrector. Lift, extend, bend down. Three extend. Bend down. Can I see breathing? Watch. It was eight position of the neck, shoulders, and you not put weight into the arms. They are there supporting you, but the body is utilizing its strength to hold the body in to position and lower and come down. Walk Yourself back and place your feet on the floor and take the hands behind you and wrap yourself around the front of the spine. Take a deep breath and lengthen up into a light extension and even higher and longer and wrap yourself around, down and over.

Lengthen the torso out, reach it high and long and Rep yourself down over the spine, grantor and reach. Stretch it up, stretch it long. Very nice. Rap linkedin links in your body over the spine corrector two more times. Reach out and lanes and stretch it long and strong. Reach it out nice and long and stretch it down and let's go one more time up.

Stay there now. Inhale at the top. Inhale at the top, reach the body longer and exhale and wrap yourself down and relax over this, my director and take yourself back and Linda now sit on the spine corrector with our legs. Oh over the barrel again, this is a very, very traditional exercise from the program regarding to again, now find your spot where you can extend your legs, where you can feel them in that position where you can hold your torso up so each body's position will be different from the length of the torsos home. Whomever might be tighter in the hamstrings and people tied and they have flexors. But in that is the position we are going to get to. We help [inaudible] because what we doing is the a hundred so we find our nice position, we reach the arms long and we begin with our breath. Five inhalations, five explanations, and we'll do that for 20 counts.

Then the legs will come up. Then the legs will go out. Then the legs will live. [inaudible] right there on the, on the front to begin with. Okay, so now round the back, shoulders down, relax the neck, reach the hands long, and let's begin. Inhale, one, two, three, four, five to exhale, two, three, four, five. And inhale, two, three, four. And exhale. Two, three, four, five, knees bent, but legs up, two, three, four, five and exhale, and inhale, and exhale. Now straighten your legs, but keep them low. Two, three, four, five, two. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. In, inhale, and exhale. Lift the legs up to three, four, five, two. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale, two, three, four, five. And exhale.

Last at lift the torso higher. Two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. In inhale, two, three, four, five. And exhale, two, three, four, five, and then two. Yeah. Very, very nice. So that's what we should be feeling in our mat work. Yes. Same exercise. Little different take on it. All right. Um, that was beautiful by the way. So teasers, um, we're going to do the traditional teaser, um, that I think is such a beautiful movement again. Um, I learned this over 30 years ago and it's just so beautiful and pure in all of its work. So the movement goes like this. We once again find all the things that we've been working on.

So we find where our legs are, um, are fairly wait less where we can have movement from our core. Our core is supported and strong in the spine corrector and it's the use of the abdominal lis and the core muscles that takes all the work. So from there the movement goes like this. It's an inhale and an inhale. The exhale takes the legs up and out. Now the legs don't move. The torso stretches away from the legs and then circles and lifts into the teaser position.

So we work on utilizing the work of the core with the separation. Then the the stillness of the extremity. Yeah. Okay, so let's begin. Bend the knees and bring, find your position first. Oh ways crucial to find where your body is going to be the most functional and it's movement. Now the legs come in. Yes, my body's Ma Mo, the most functional, not on this. Uh, what are you hitting? So you want, you then let the legs match the shoulder so it comes in and in an exhale, takes the legs out the tour. So moves away from the legs.

We circle the body around, we lift up to the teaser, arms and legs match and we pull back in. Rounding slightly forward. Inhale, inhale, exhale and extend. Hold the leg, steel the body out long and away. Circle the arms around and lift all the way up again. Bandit in and in and take it long and out. Stretch it out. Circular round and come in. Very nice. One more time. Inhale. Inhale, long. Exhale, stretch it back, stretch it.

Lungs circle around and I'm up and the legs in and hold them. They're very, very nice. Now one more teaser on the spine corrector and this is the straight leg teaser. So this time we're going to start with a straight lace. We'll start with them up. So we again, we find that position so the legs will go down and up and down and up and this time everything down and say a prayer.

So everything comes back up after that. So the legs go up in the air starting there and lower them down and up. Good down and this time down with the buddy around and everything up in the center and down and up and down and up, everything down around and pull it back to come up one more time. Down and up and down and up. This time everything goes around and comes back into the center.

Thank you very much. That was beautiful. Good work. So sitting at once again on this spine corrector with the soles of the feet together, we're going to bring the arms up and lengthen the spine upward and make the contraction in the abdominals and round the torso, lightened to the front and then we're going to roll back one vertebra. At a time. Once again, we want to think about placing the vertebrals, stretching the spine easily, gently over the spine and bringing the arms up and around. Bring them along the side of the spine, corrector along the side of the body, up toward the ceiling and press into the spine character and come up one vertebra at a time, easily reaching and rounding over to the front. Once again, roll the spine back and curl the pelvis under one vertebra at a time.

Lengthen, lengthen and come around with your arms. Bring them up to the ceiling. Bring the head neck, shoulders into the movement. Peel the spine up, one vertebrae at a time and again stretched to the front of the room. Let's do that one more time. Deep breathing. Roll your spine, rolling back. Vertebrata Vertebra, stew, ratchet long. Circle the arms. Make it fluid.

Use a soft breath to carry the movement all the way through to help increase the fluidity of the movement and come over to the front, stretch to the side and around to the back. Go all the way to the other side and then come back and change your mind. Come back the way you came and stretch to the front. Circle the other way. It goes along the floor. It goes back over your head and to the other side of the spine corrector.

But now we want to take it back and circle it around, and one more time. Circle and stretch it long. Stretch it back and through the center to the other side and circle and open and circle and come back into the center and stretch and bring your legs to the parallel position. Watch the foot alignment easily. Stress your torso. Rule the spine up to sitting and sit up nice and tight. We'll take a nice inhalation and exhale and thank you very much.

Great class, great class. Thank you. Thank you. Good job. Good job. Thank you.


2 people like this.
Wonderful!!!!!!! So much fun!!!! My new favorite!!!!!!
1 person likes this.
Cool! I appreciate the class and also the extra tips!
3 people like this.
What a great class! I've been using the spine corrector a little more with my clients and came away with some great ideas. What a humbling experience those one-arm pushups are!
Great class! Do not have a spine corrector so I tried doing most of your class with a fitness ball. It worked for most of the exercises. Wish you would do a class using a fitness ball.
Wonderful class. Loved the rotation work!
Love this class!
Always loved spine corrector, and this is great addition to my exe repertoire, very challenging, fun. Thank you very much for sharing!
Oh ny gosh !! whenever I see Kathy's name , I just have to do it !! I love the corrector and this was a fantastic , thorough repetoire...the rotation is always my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kathy! Great workout series. My question is; is it alright to vary the breath? I was thinking of switching the breath on some moves, I'd like any feedback about that which you may choose to offer.
LOVE this - recently ordered 6 spine correctors to use in group classes - can't wait to add some of this in! Always learn so much from Kathy!
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