Class #525

Vertical Mat

55 min - Class


Join Niedra for this fun and challenging Mat class, which is made "vertical". By taking all the Mat exercises and doing them standing up the exercises take on a whole new level of challenge and the physical priorities shift enormously. This is a great way to explore new ways of challenging your body once the Mat work has been mastered well.
What You'll Need: Mat

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So, um, this evening what we're actually going to do, we're going to take the math work and we're going to turn it topsy turvy and we're gonna do it standing up, which puts a whole other dynamic into the work because we actually need to balance and figure out how to move and hold a powerhouse in a vertical plane versus horizontal plane. So it's kind of more from the perspective and fun and games experimenting and doing something new. One kind of shifting our mind, but it also is an opportunity to figure out how to Orient Things. So just to start with, with the hundreds, you want to be standing with your heels together and the toes slightly apart. This always helps because if you take your hamstrings and you pull them together, create sort of a wrap, a slight wrapping around, it makes it easier to find your inner thighs and then literally lift the stomach muscles up. So you create lengths in the waist. And that's this area for the newcomers is what we call the powerhouse.

So you want to create links in a sense of narrowness. Now lift the arms up in front of you and just to get an orientation, turn the palms up and as you do it, see if you can roll the shoulders down and then bring the hands a little bit lower because it's easier to press the shoulders down and lift the chest. And I put the hands down again and now stretch the elbows and lift the chest and turn the palms up again and feel the shoulders rotating. It's more than the hands, it's about the shoulders. Now we're going to do 10 pumps with the hands down and 10 pumps with a hands up.

And because we're not dealing with the legs, you want to focus every time you exhale on really breathing out deeply and pulling the stomach in. So hands are down. Start pumping, breathing in, exhale in. Turn the pounds on up. Exhale in, exhale in. Exhale. Now as you do that, keep going. See if can keep the body very strong. In two, three, four, five. Exhale, I forgot which direction hands are going. Five x salary for buy into three, four, five. Exhale, shoulders are down in two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five into three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five.

Take the arms to the side, lift the chest. That's it. Juggled yourself. Make sure the hands are right to the side, not in front of you. See how that helps you. Lift your chest a little bit more. Rick, turn the palms up and we're just going. Now pull the stomach in length and the spine length in the waist and press the shoulders down and we'd go into do a few more. Breathing in. Two, three, four, five. Exhale. Three, five into four. Five XL, three, four, five. Rotate that fall. Five. Exhale, three, four, five in three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five into three, four, five. Lift that chest as you go. Three, four, five, x sales. Three, four, five into three Oh five XL, three four, five in, two, three, four, five x three, four, five. Reach the arms, way out.

Lift the chest, stretch through the fingers. Lengthen the spine, pull the stomach up and slowly bring the arms down and lift the whole body up even a little bit longer. Now for roll up, we're gonna roll down to stretch. The arm all the way up to the ceiling. Feel your tail going down. That's it, Diane. And lengthen in the waist even more. You can get your hands quite close to your ears. Now stretch the arms up.

I don't mind if the shoulders comes up. Yeah. Good. Now bring the arms straight and drop your head and pull the stomach up and start to roll down. Roll down and pull the stomach up as you go and roll down. Let the head be long, but keep the inner size very tighten and hugging the midline and then roll up again. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, lift the stomach, stretch the arms forward and links and way up. Lengthen the spine. Lengthen. Reach to the fingertips. Take a breath in. I'm breathing out.

Bring the arms forward and start to roll through the spine so you're undulating. The shoulders are coming forward. You're stretching your upper back, you're stretching your middle back, you're stretching your waist, your stale is still pressing down. Lengthen as far down as you can go and then pull the stomach in and start rolling up again. Rolling up. Rolling up. Rolling up, stretch the arms forward. Tail goes down to your back is nice and long and lengthen way up. And again, bring the arms forward and start to drop your head and roll down. Rounding. Let the head drop, Rick. Roll you. Roll.

Roll and hug the midline in your inner thighs. We squeeze the legs together. Then roll up again. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up and lengthen up through the waist. Long Spine, long powerhouse. And one more time. Bring the arms forward. Drop your head and roll down, lengthening through your waist, lengthening through the spy. Let the arm reach long through the fingertips and then roll back up. Roll back up, roll back up. Stretch the arms up.

Lengthen up and all the way out and down. So that was very nice. And let's repeat a variation of this one up against the wall so you can really get a sense of what's happening with the spine. So let's have all of you come to the wall. We can have four people here. We can be nice and cozy. In fact. Um, why don't you come right here against this plane. Yes, sir. You too.

And then sandy come in a bit. So you all have now get your feet away from the wall. You want the good foot away from the wall so the feet are out. Because when this is just like the wall ending, we sometimes do you want your feet efficiently, move your feet for that. Wendy, we all have curves in our spine and the further out your legs are, you want to be able to get that lower spine long that it's so, it helps you get a straight line in a very natural way and then pull the stomach in. Now stretch the arms up again, see if can get the back of your head against the wall and still keep your back against the wall and reach with it just for a moment and take the back ribs and lengthen them into the wall. Right now. Bring the arms forward, drop your head and press the ribs into the wall and then start rolling down.

Rolling out to really lengthening between the vertigo was that the head drop way down. Relax your head, relax your neck. The work is in the spine. The heads of dead weight. Yes, go as low as you're comfortable and then start rolling up and on the way up, get the tail to go under. Even if you need to bend the knees a little bit just to articulate the spine. Roll up, roll up. This is so nice. And then stretch up and try not to lose the wall with your back ribs and come again. Bring the arms forward and start to roll down. Diane, this is very good.

You know what you're doing. I can tell. Rolling down. Rolling down the head is long and loose. Carlin, don't use yours. Don't strain that. Go as low as you comfortable going. Relax your head now on the way up. Start widening the shoulders a little bit. Yes, Megan Yas rolling up.

Get that lower spine and waist into the wall. Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll. And then as you lift up, don't lose your belly. Don't leave it. Lose the back ribs in one more time. Bring the arms forward, drop your head and roll and roll. So you're really stretching out your back. You're starting to articulate your spine just like you do. When you're on the floor and then roll up again and take your time.

Especially as you start to go over your bottom area, you want, even if you need to bend your knees a little bit to get the back long there. That's it, Sandy. Yes, yes, yes. Very nice. And then bring the arms down. That was great. Back into the middle of the room. That was very good. So when we do our single leg circles on the floor, we usually do a straight leg, but the purpose of single leg circles is to really loosen up the hips.

So what we're going to do now, stand on your left leg. So you want to start with both feet on the floor, in fact, so you get a sense of center, take the thighs and like press them together. See your inner thighs a tighter Rick. That city wants to feel the stability of both legs and then zipper up your navel. And if you have a kind of back that's very long this way, see if you can lengthen down a little bit, but lift the sternum. Now, once you have that sense of a course at shift onto your left leg laugh like so the right leg loosening now standing and just move the knee around. So you draw a circle and a circle. Yeah, and a circle. So you have to kind of stabilize your body, stabilize your powerhouse and figure out how to move the leg from the hip socket and circle that and circle. Now see if you can reverse a circle.

Circle the other way and how wide can you make the circle and how far in can you bring your knee without flopping all over the place. But falling is [inaudible] and circle and circle [inaudible] and circle one more time and circle and put the foot down. Isn't it nice to stand on both legs again? So get the heels, zipper up the stomach, get the tail long, get the narrowing of the hips. That's like a valuable place and see how kind of firm you feel with both legs down. It's really nice. Now see if you can keep this firmness and shift so you don't lose the hips when you go onto the right foot. And then start with the left knee and start.

If you feel unstable, start with a small movement. Don't try and get it big before you figured out how to hold your balance. That's it. And Circle and see if you can feel what's happening are all around your bottom and around your hip and your lower back. And then reverse it. Circle, circle, circle, circle, circle. Pretty good, sir.

Cool. Circle and circle and come back to the center. So you're standing and just take a moment. Thank goodness we have two legs, but day to day living now. Rolling like a ball. There's no getting around it. We're doing it on the ground. So Cross your feet for us, your hands and sit down on your mats. You can fake it, Rick. Good, good, good, good, good, good. Excellent.

Do your feet and cross hole behind the knees. Now we've been doing some work from the static position rounding into this area between the ribs and the tailbone. So see if you can pull the stomach back and imagine you have a big belt in your waist so you're not slumped down, you're lifting. Bring the feet up in the air, pull the feet towards your bottoms. Look down into your powerhouse and roll back to your shoulders and come back up and roll back on. Come back on and roll back and come back and roll back and come back up and roll back.

Come back up one more time and rollback. Come back up, grab your ankles and pull the legs in a little bit tighter. Pull the shoulders down. Um, uh, Debbie, hold your ankles. That's really, get those feet and drop your head down. If you can, use your knees, be by your temples and roll back and forth against you in a very tight ball. Roll back and contacted sandy and come up and roll back again and come up and roll back. Good Mag one and come up. Okay. Roll back and come up. Very good there, Rick. Two more times. Roll back. So really massaging your back, massaging every muscle along the spine and come up very good.

And come up to a standing position. All right, so just come on up and let's have you all go back to the wall again. For single leg stretches supported. So you want the same feeling. You want your legs, your legs away from the wall, your back against the wall and your stomach in. And then take your right knee and lift it up and squeeze it in and keep your stomach tight and keep your back against the wall. Yes. And then put it down. Hug the midline, lift the other knee up. That's it. Squeeze it up.

Stretch the standing leg, straighten the stranding knee and down. That's it. And first, like again, seeing, keep the standing like straight at it, sandy and um, and the other leg. And notice what happens in your waist. As you lift the leg, the waste gets longer and down and the first leg and um, and the other leg and down. One more time and the first leg and down and the other leg on down. Awesome. Come back into the middle of the room.

So standing on both feet. Then see if you can get the sense of stability. Hug the midline, pull your stomach muscles up, the connecting with this sense of a corset. And same thing starting with your right knee, lifted up in. Squeeze it in towards your chest, put it down and stand firm, change legs and bring the knee up and stand firm. If you feel unstable, grab behind the knee so you don't have to go as tight. So you're working more on balance and down and change and down and change and um, and change. [inaudible] and I'm very, very good to stand on both legs.

Pull the powerhouse up, hug the midline with your legs and bend the knees and see if you can hold your own chins. And as you do this, really pull your stomach muscles in and see how close you can get to your site. That's it. And then straighten the legs and stretch the arms up and reach through the fingers. That's it. And pull now big circle with the arms and bend reached down towards your ankles. If you can compress your chest on your size and stretch and reach like an Arrow, big circle and hug.

Then pull your head down just below your knees if you can. And stretch and big circle and bend. Deep Squat. That's very good, Wendy. And lift. Now let's see if anybody can do it the way Wendy's doing. Can you go even lower and reach one more time? Been weighed down as I'm stretch and bring the hands down and take a breath.

Very good. Now next one, who knows what's the next exercise? My regulars, scissors, scissors. Single, straight, like stretches. When you're lying on the floor, you're stretching one leg up at a time. So we're going to take one leg and one leg. So let's start. Let's just start for a minute. If your hamstrings are really tight, it's also fine to lift the leg with the knee. A little bit bent, but you're looking to get a bit of a stretch happening here. So you start with strong legs, strong hips. Pull the powerhouse up and lift your right, like and see if you can stretch it down and grab the leg.

Rick and Paul Paul and down stand every time and pull Paul and stand Paul, Paul and Stan. I know it's interesting. Full Paul and stand looking at you. I fall over to pull Paul and stand, but that's the idea. Paul, Paul and Stan and Paul. Paul understand very, very good. Clasp your hands. Place them behind your head.

And normally on the ground we lift in, lower our legs, but now we're going to lift and lower our chest and our spines. He wanted to be bending from the hips. So pull the stomach up, length through the neck and widen your elbows and then hug the midline with your hips and hinge forward. Hinge forward, hinge forward with your elbows. Why? So you make a long stretch position and come back up very good. And live the spine. Broaden the elbows and again, breast forward. Hinting out from the hip. Yes, come back up and lift, lift away, stretch the elbows and again bend forward and come back up. And again, Ben forward and come back.

[inaudible] one more time. Lift the waist and bend forward. Elbows very wide. Long NEC on. Come back up. Awesome. I'm bring the hands down and just take a moment to stent. Again, narrow hips, lift the chest, lift the sternum, take a deep breath in, and then breathing out. Relax. Open your legs out to the side. So this normally his spine stretch forward. So you want about three feet between a little bit wider than your own maths, right?

Pull the knees up and take your arms right up in front of you and take a deep breath in and pull the stomach up. Now start rounding in your upper chest. You're going to be reaching down, stretching forward towards the floor with the body very rounded and your head looking in towards your navel so you can take your fingers towards the floor and then roll back up. Roll back up, rollback up and stretch your arms straight in front of you. Take a deep breath in, and Kate, Katelyn come all the way to vertical there. There's your vertical plane. Good big breath in, in the waist and breathing out. Bend forward, round the spine. Sing. Take your fingertips to the floor, but stretch you back away from the floor and then roll back up.

Roll back up, lift the chest, make sure the pelvis goes straight down nice and long. Take a breath in and breathing out. Round through the spine, lifting the stomach, reaching the hands towards the floor. Long Fingers, Sandy. I'd come back up, come back up, come back up nice and long and bring the hands down for a minute. Very, very good. Now have a look at what you're going to do next. I'll turn sideways so you can see we're going to take the same concept for energy and flexibility. So you're going to breathe in and you're going to have a double ball bounce and you take your hands behind you to go bounce, bounce and lift up, bounce, bounce and lift to just get a little momentum and fast energy happening in your body. So big breath in, long, strong legs and go bounce, bounce and lift and bounce. Bounce and lift and bounce.

Bounce and now hug the midline. Strong hips and bounce. Bounce and strong legs and bounce, bounce and strong legs. One more time. Bounce, bounce and up and then bring the hands down. Very, very good. Now we'll look for open like rocker. We're not going to be rocking, but you'll be bending the knees and stretching, bending the knees and stretching just to work the strength in the legs. So take your arms out in front of you, take a breath in, and then slowly bend over and grab your ankles. And first of all, bend the knees and let the head hang. So just feel this position for a minute. And now bend the knees and pull the head a little bit lower.

And with the knees bent, pull your stomach muscles up, secret length in the waist and slowly start stretching your knees. Straighten the knees, but keep your head down. That's it, that's it. Megan. And again, bend the knees, you hips, go a little bit lower and push your knees out. So you spread about x a little bit and then pull the stomach up, pull the knees up and stretch a little bit further down with your head and shoulders. And one more time. Bend the knees, pull your head and chest way down and slowly stretch the legs, pressing the hips, pull your head way, way down. And then roll up to an upright position. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, bring the arms forward, bring the arms up, pull the tail under your length in the waist, and take the arms all the way down. And then bring the feet together.

Now corkscrew, we are not, we're not on the frost, won't be working the legs, but we're actually going to be working a whole circular movement with the upper body. So just to give you an idea, have a quick look. You're going to go forward. So you stretch, then you go sideways, then you lift and reach back, and then you go to the other side. So we're going to, so we're just going to be going through these stages, really articulating through the spine. So you understand with your feet together, lift the arms up and hug the mid line so the hips are tight, the waist, as long the arms along, and then hinge forward reaching out in front of you so you reach out. Now take everything to your right so the hips go to your left and keep going until you're stretching sideways. So the hips have to go to the left and your chest is open.

Now lift the chest, take the arms a little bit back, looking up at the ceiling. Go over to your left and push your hips to the right and then come forward again. Big Long stretch. And again, move over to the right to start. To make this slow circular, you have to hold the hip, strongly moved to the back over to the left, reaching long in front of you. One more time, going to the right hips, tight, lift out of your back. As you take your arms back all over to the left and reach forward and come back up and bring the arms down for a minute. We will do the other side, but just so you have a break. So you want to really feel that stretch throughout the whole side.

Bodies to turn the hands out, tighten the hips and stretch the way up. Big Lift through the hands, the hands, and then stretch straight forward. Now go to the left. Your hips come to the right. Keep going until you open your side body. That's it. Windy. And then lift your chest, look up at the ceiling, go over to the right, stretching out, hips, go to the left, and then come forward.

And again, circle to the left, lift up over to the right and then come forward. And one more time over to the left. Lift your chest over to the right and forward. Let the arms go down this time. Let the head drop, let the arms drop, let you suggest for a moment, feel like a dead weight. And then slowly roll up and unraveled your spine.

Roll up, roll up, roll up and stand. Very good. Okay, have a look at the next one. The next one will be saw. So same thing. You have your legs apart. Basically you'll be taking your left hand towards your right foot and you stretch, stretch, stretch and come up. So similar to sitting down but working a slight diagonal. So Peta, the side, big lift of the chest. Yeah, one forward, one back. Now make sure the sternum is lifting the hands a little bit more back. Megan.

There you go. Big Lift and take your left hand towards your right foot. Left hand to right fourth stretch one stretch to stretch three and lift other side twist and stretch. One. Stretch to stretch three and lift first side against stretch. One stretch to stretch three and lift the chest. Other sides stretch and two and three an lip first side stretch, one stretch to stretch three and lift other sites.

Stretch to three I lift. Now come straight to the floor in front of you. I think you can all reach. Touch the floor, bend the knees if you need to. There Rick, to get to the floor. Move the right hand so it's right in front of your center of your chest. Now have a look at where your hips are.

Just feel where your hips are and tighten them and keep them stable. As you start to take the left hand to the ceiling and turn your chest and reach the left hand straight up so you have a twist. Bring the hands down. Take the right hand up and open the chest so you'll have a twist. Bring the hands down. Hold on to your ankles. One more time.

Stretch the down and then roll up to an upright position and bring your feet together. Good. Good, good, good. All right. So next one is single leg kicks. So let's spend the hands up here and make fists with the hands. The feet will be together, Rick and live. Pull the shoulders way back and lift the sternum up so you have this nice articulation of the spine at the same time. The tail is very slightly down.

So this, and then press the elbows in. Now keep the knees together. Shift onto your left leg and bend your right foot and see if you can kick your bottom twice. Kick Keck and put the leg down and stand left knee bands. Kick, kick and keep the chest lifted. Right leg kick, kick and down.

Left leg kick, kick and down. Right leg kick. Kick and down. Left leg kick. Kick down and kick. Kick down and kick. Kick and down. Very good. Bring the hands down.

Take the hands behind your back so you're holding one hand with what? The fingers of one hand with the other. And lift your chest up and press your elbows back a little bit. Now we're going to bend the knees and just do a little squat. So bend the knees, keep the knees together and the feet together and just bounce. Three times.

Bounce, bounce, bounce. As the legs come to straight, pull the elbows back and stretch the arms down so you squeeze the shoulder blades and lift the chest and look up at the ceiling and do a little back bend with your upper body and really pinch those shoulder blades backwards. And then bring your head to straight. Bend the arms again and bend the knees and bounce three times. Bounce, bounce, bounce and stretch and lift up the chest and tighten the hip so you get even taller. And again, bend and bounce, bounce, bounce and stretch those shoulder blades back and lift the chest way up. And again, bend and bounce, bounce, bounce and lift the chest and look back and up. And one more time and bounce, bounce, bounce and hips are tight. Lift the chest and look.

Boy, y'all been back. Very, very good. Bringing the hands in front of you on your forehead, lift your chest and just press the hands into the forehead and lift the chest. That's the elbows. So you're working into your upper back. You want your chest to come forward and then look straight and relax the elbows a bit. And again, the sternum lifts. So you're taking this whole upper part of the back.

The sternum comes forward and you're pressing your hands back. You're looking up so many back bend, that's it. And come to straight. And one more time. Lift and feel the whole solar plexus, lifting the stomach, lifting the elbows, going back and the head and looking up and back. Very good. And now put your hands in front of you. Open the chest and same thing.

Feel like you're pushing something away and you're going into a bigger back. Then come back to straight. Good. And again, lift the chest, tighten the hip and lift the sternum to the ceiling and push the arms away from you and straight. And again, lift the chest, squeeze the shoulder blades and little back. Then hips go a little bit forward. The, let yourself go further back and come back. Very nice. And one more time. Big lift of the waist. Push back and lift your chest, lift your chest, lift your chest, and then bring the hands down. Very, very good. So we're gonna take this concept of opening the chest.

Stop and bring the hands in front of you. If something called chest expansion. So your heels are together. Let's get the toe slightly apart. So same feeling lifted chest, bring the arms down and as you bring the arms down, roll the shoulders back, take the arms a little further back and turn your head and look to the right way. Way, way over to the right. And then back to the center and way, way over to the left, back to the center and bring the arms forward. And again, bring the arms down, lift the chest, narrow the hip so as the shoulders go back into your back. That's it, Megan. Yes, you don't want to overarch turn your head now way to the left.

Way to the left and straight. One side. Then turn to the other side. Head goes the other way and straight and bring the arms forward. It doesn't really matter if it's right or left and shoulders the back as the shoulders go back. Literally think the skin of the armpits coming forward and up.

Turn your head to the right and back to the center. Turn your head to the left. Rick. Keeps squeezing the shoulder blades together and straight and bring your hands forward. And one more time. Pull the arms. Now squeeze the shoulder blades and turn your head to the left and straight. Turn your head to the right and straight and relax.

So take the arms way up again. Big stretch up and again, round your body and just roll down and just articulate through the spine, releasing everything, feeling how the back is log and Lucy arms are loose, the head is loose. You just setting everything relaxed with keeping the stomach pulled in. Roll back up, roll back up, roll back up, roll back up and come to an upright position. Now some leg work just like we do, like when we're doing sidekicks, bring your feet right together and bring your hands onto your hips. So you feel the hips and literally get a sense of slightly pushing down into the hips and lifting out of the waist. That's it. And then press the shoulders down and pull the kneecaps up and shift your weight to your left leg and move the right leg a little bit out with the leg flexed and back together. And again, same thing, rightly go south and back and right leg goes out, pushing into the hill and back and right leg goes out and back.

Now left leg, left heel, pushes away and back and left leg and back and left leg and back. Really flex foot, their left leg and back. So when your legs are together, there's this clamping of the hips and the thighs. The whole body's kind of coming together like scissors or we sometimes say hugging the midline. So we want to be aware of this Midland cause what we'll be doing now is we'll be alternating right leg left like right, like in looking to have as little shift. There's a little bit of shift going on because the body weight obviously has to go from right side the left side. But the more you can hug the midline, the more less movement there is. So hands on the hips, nice lift through the powerhouse, lift through the sternum, take the right leg and lifted up just a little bit away from away from you and down and the left leg and down.

Keep lifting out of the pelvis and down and other side and down and for side and down and other side and down. Very good. Now the pendulum one where we go forward and back. Starting on the left leg, you'll just take the leg lightly to the front, right leg goes front, front, and then back, back and front, front and back, back and front, front, back, back and front. Front and back. Back standing. Get a sense again of narrowing, finding that center point and shifting onto the right leg for the left leg. Front, front and back. Back Front, front and back. Back and front.

Front and back. Back and front. Front and back. Back and front. Front and back. Pack. Standing on the leg. Very good. Now sidekicks, so for side kicks we're going to have, we call this Russian dance. And my teacher used to call it Russian dancer. So you want to hold the elbows, have the elbows a little bit down to give you stability.

You will be slightly turning the leg out. You're going to take, we go into alternate legs so you'll be doing right leg. So let's all go together. Kick the leg to the right, right leg up and bring it down and stand both legs. Now left leg, left leg up. Stand on both legs and right leg and down. Left leg and down. Good, right plague. I'm down, left leg and down, right leg and down. Left leg and down. Now it's a little hard to do with straight knees.

So let's take our arms to the sun. We're going to do the same thing to the side but with a bent leg. And think of bringing the knee up towards your elbow. So why take again, right knee and down. That's it. And stand and left knee and stand back and both legs and right knee and hug the midline. Left me and hug the mid line, right knee and hug the midline. Left knee and hug, right knee and hug. Very good. Left knee and hug. Awesome. Bring the hands down.

Drop your head. Roll towards the floor just to release the spine. Release the back, stretch the hamstrings out. Roll back up, roll back up, roll back up. And again bring your hands onto your hips for the little circles. So again, you want to get this sense of perpendicular spine. Shift your weight onto your left leg and with the right like just draw a circle all the way around. Now you want to get the leg go behind you as well and circle.

So it's really like a half moon if you can it start straightened front all the way to the back. So every time it goes to the back your buttocks should be working quite hard. So it's very nice and toning and then some pause and stand on both legs. Now whatever direction you were doing. Same thing with the law. The other leg. So left leg, sir.

Cool Circle, circle, circle, circle, circle, circle, [inaudible] and circle and stand on both feet. Very good. Now what happens when we're dealing a lot with balance is the head starts to go down and usually the more stable you are, the closer to the floor you look, which is fine. But I'd like you to get a sense of perpendicular cause we're going to do same thing again but reversing it. So imagine a string at the crown of the head lengthening up. So even if your eyes are going down because it's a stabilizer for you, you want this vertical plane in the spine. So yes, and you don't want the chin up. The Chin is parallel to the floor.

It's as though someone like a mother cat picks up your kittens by the nap of the neck. Someone's lifting that part up. Yeah, that's it. So believe it or not, that'll help stabilize a whole inner ear position. And if your head is right above your chest, you can calibrate. So we got to keep that position of the head. And now you'll reverse with the right, like going back am back.

That's a so be aware of what's happening with the head and with the foot. So there's a central line going through your body. Yes, much better. And Circle and circle and circle. Very good. Stand on both legs. Get that line connected up again. Get your powerhouse connecting the upper and lower body and reverse the other leg. Circle and circle and circle and circle and circle and circle and circle and circle.

Bring your legs together. Stretch your arms up. Lengthen the spine. Feel that line from the tail up through the crown of the head with the powerhouse lifted in. One more time. Roll down, rounding through the spine. Rolling. Let the head relax. Let the spine relax. Now once you're down here, bend the knees.

Let the body become very loose. The knees are slightly apart. If you feed a slightly apart, would they toes the Turner? Straighten the knees again and then roll up. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up. Very good. Bring the hands now in front of the armpit. So again, the shoulders are why the chest is lifted, the tail is long heels or together. Rick, he also together. So you have this narrow position of the body and stretch the hands out in front of you about the height of your forehead. So and then as a hands go down, lift and broaden the shoulders.

Bring the arms forward and way up. So again, up through the crown of the head and bring the arms all the way out, all the way out and get tall and long and narrow at the same time. Again, hands in front of the armpit, stretch out. Bring the hands down and lift your chest and broaden the shoulders. Lift the arms up, lengthen through the waist, lengthen through the spine and take the arms out. Long spine, long chest, long waist, all the way. And again, hands in front of the armpits. Reach. Bring the hands down and broad. Keep the chest wide as you stretch.

Arms up and all the way out, all the way out, all the way out and down. Now from here, have a quick look because we're going to add the forward bend from here. You're going to stretch towards the floor, reach the arms all the way up. And all the way out and dance. It's a big circle. So this is part of the rowing series, but we're doing it standing.

So drop your head and reach towards the floor. Now stretch the arms in front of you. Way Out in, way up, tail down. Reach through the fingers all the way out and down. Very good. And again, drop your head and stretch forward. Reach forward and lift. Way Long waist all the way out. Nice and tall and long and again, slide forward and reach forward and way up. Tail down, long waits, long fingers, all the way out, all the way out and all the way down.

Very good teaser is next. And there's no getting around teasers. So Cross your feet, cross your hands, pull the stomach in and sit down on the mat and undo your feet. Whoops, I have to get this set and roll down on your backs on the mat. So light on. Nice Wendy. Nice. So we'd start with teaser prep. That's it.

So your knees are going to be bent at about a 90 degree angle. So you don't want the knees too close to your bottom and your knees on your feet will be together. Place your hands on the mat. Now we've been upright, up builtin. Now see how long you can get the back of your body. So the shoulders are why the back of your neck is nice and long and the fingers are reaching out. Keep the knees tight together and lift your right leg up so without the knees coming apart. So he stayed together. Diane, that's it. Rick knee. Stay together, right. Nice and right there. And reach with the toes. Now keeping your stomach muscles in.

Lift your arms up parallel to your front leg and see if you can now roll up and reach towards the ceiling. Roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up and roll back down to a flat position. And again, lift your head and chest and roll up. Roll up, roll up. That's it. Reaching Long. Tried to touch my shoulders. Shoulders down though. Very good. And then roll down. Roll down, roll down, hands flat, shoulders wide. And one more time. Lift your head and chest and roll up, roll up, roll up, roll up, and then roll back down. Roll back down, hands on the mat, bend the foot back down and extend the other leg up.

Hug the mid line with your legs. Double check that the shoulders are wide, the neck is long, the fingers are reaching. So every part of your body is tingling. It's a weight and you're aware of it. And lift your head and chest and roll up again. Rural up. Nice long arms. There you go. And then roll down, roll down, roll down, or you're doing it. This is good.

And again, if you hadn't chest in, roll up. Very nice work here. And then roll down, roll down, roll down. And one more time. Lift your head and chest and roll up. Nice. Awesome. Very good. And rolled down. Roll down, roll down. Bend your knees, bring both knees into your chest.

Give yourselves a hug. Now when you're doing this hug, relax the back part of your spine and check that your bottom is all the way down. And then check that your neck is long. And you showed us a wide right now, take your arms over your head on the floor, lift both legs straight up to the ceiling, and take your legs on a 45 degree angle away from you for full teaser and roll up. See if you can reach towards your toes. Roll up, up you come and roll down. Take the arms over your head. I'm going to let go of your leg so you'll have to hold your own. And again, roll up right and roll down. Arms over your head. One more time and row and row down. Very good. Bend your knees into your chest.

Just give yourselves another hug. Okay. And now stretch your legs on the floor and all of you roll onto your stomach. So you're going to be facing away from each other and lift up into Sphinx positions where your elbows are right under your shoulders. So you lift up into Sphinx position.

Your chest is up Unisa together for the beginnings winning. So you want your hips nice and tight. The toes are pointed there, Rick. And you want to really narrow the hips just like you did standing. So you have this very stable pelvis and a long stomach. Now extend your right arm in front of you towards the wall in front of you and take your left leg and reach it up off the floor without the hips coming off.

So both hip bones stay down. Then lower the hand and lower the legs. So the pelvis is steady and extend the opposite arm and leg without the hip bone shifting off and down and first side and lift and down. Why do with the hands here and lift reaching the arm and leg away from each other and down and first side and lift and down and other side and lift and down. Very good. Now take your bottom back towards your heels and go into child's pose. Lift your bottom up, drop your forehead to the floor and let the lower back stretch.

Very good. Now come onto your back so you're facing each other again for seal. So bring your hands into prayer pose. Bring the elbows inside the knees and wrap the hands around your feet. And pull the shoulders down and gently squeeze the knees in and push out with the Airbuses. A little bit of con contrast, pressure in and out at the same time. If you can, you lift your feet a little higher and clap your feet three times. Clap, clap, clap, roll back to your shoulders. Come back up again, back to your shoulders. Come up and balance and again, good Rick, clap, clap, clap. Roll back to your shoulders and come up and balanced.

Hail in stomach strong again. Clap, clap, clap, roll back. Come up and balance and again, clap, clap, clap, roll back and up in balance and put your feet down. That nice. This is coming along very well. Let's try the variation where you do the claps like you were doing. You go back and you balance in your shoulders and you clap there.

So you have to, you have this seesaw movement you're involved in and you have to balance in both sides of the seesaw. So if you haven't seen it before, what happens is you go, clap, clap, clap, roll back and stay here. Clap, clap, clap. Roll up in. Stay here. Clap, clap, clap. So that's have a goal. It helps if you move your feet a little bit in and out. That's how to cheat if you're in trouble. So lift your feet up in the air.

Pull the powerhouse up, but shoulders down, Caitlyn. Very Carlin. Very nice. Clap your feet three times. Clap, clap, clap. Roll back to your shoulders and clap. Clap Cap. Come up again and clap, clap, clap. Go back again and clap, clap, clap, roll up, clap, clap, tap, roll back, clap, clap, cap. Roll up, clap, clap, cap. Last one. Roll back, clap, clap, clap. Come up. And balance.

Come up and balance. Climb up and balance. It's all about the ending and finish. Okay. Go Up to a standing position. Yeah, if you have a smile at the end, you did go. So standing with your heels together. Arms along. Same thing. This sense of very long, front body, very long back body. The waist is going, shoulders are wide and four standing mermaid take your left hand and you rolling it out from the shoulder left-hand. Just so we're all the same. Left hand, lift the arm up and bring it right up by your ear.

So now make sure your little finger is rolled in and pull up. So the shoulders coming right up by the UCA. This big stretch on the left side of the body and started bending over, sliding the right hand down. You can even let the hips go a little bit to the lab. They have a nice stretch on this side and then come back, bring their hand out and bring it down. Turn the right hand out, roll out, and lift your chest. That's it, Sandy. Bring the arm up. Keep the chest lifting.

Keep the waist long and stretch over and reach with the arm. There's a tendency to collapse the chest, keep it open, and pull with the RMC. Open up the side ribs, and then come back and bring the hand down for aside again. Turn the handout. Remember it starts with the shoulders. Bring the arm up. Now we're going to add, hand comes up. Stay straight, brick. Stay straight. Get the hand right by your year and a rapid round your head. That's it.

So your ha now big breath in and bend over again to the bit more intense and exposes a whole other level in the now stay here and stretch the arm out away from you. Go a little deeper and come back up. Yeah, turn the other hand up. Lift the rib cage, lift away. Get it right by your ear because you'd only then do you have a chance wrapping around your head. Keep the chest lifted and bend over. And it's really about not how far you go with how much you stretch. Now push the hips a little bit to the right to get a deeper opening and come back up. One more time.

Sweep this left arm way up rapid round your head. Lift the ribs and push the hips to the left as you go to the right, sliding down with the right hand. Stretch the arm way out by your ear. Come back up and out. Other side, right hand reaches way up, rapid over around your head. Lift the ribs up, stretch way over.

Push the hips to the right to open up the right side and stretch that arm out to the left. Reach over way over that, that wreck and come back up and bring the arms down. Very good. And last one, just like wall or like we've been doing big stretch. Pull the stomach up length in the spine just for the fun of it. Lift out of your heels. Try to keep the heels together. Try to touch the ceiling. Now lower the heels down, get taller, then bring the hands in front of you. Dropped your head and round.

Let the head drop. Stretch the back. Pull the stomach up so it's opening the back body. Let the body belonged. Three loosey-goosey loose circles of the arms. Reverse your circles. Hug the midline with your legs and start to roll up. Roll up, roll up, stretch the arms forward. Feel the waist lift.

Feel the tail down. Take the arms up, ninth and a little further up. Enough Roti, arms out. Let the shoulders drop. Let the chest lift, let the crown remember that string pulling the top of your head up. This is looking very nice. Take a deep breath in. I'm breathing out, let everything go. So thank you very much. You all did very Rao.


Fun and different way to do my pilates exercises- standing up. I enjoyed the class, Niedra!
Thank you Niedra, I'm now have a different perspective of mat pilates!
i enjoyed this. thank you. great for before your day starts xh
Loved this class. I'm doing more and more standing work with my classes these days, so your class has given me lots and lots of ideas. Thanks so much!
excellent class. more classes by Niedra pls!
This was so perfect for doing in a hotel room!!
Niedra Gabriel
Peggggy - you go lady, love that you did this class in a hotel room. Wild.
excellent workout, really useful for my horseback riding, thank you. Very clear teaching. :)
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Linda, I see you live in England, which I love, and visit once a year ( teaching classes and workshops) enjoy, enjoy.
Thanks for all of the lovely back and shoulder stretches! Loved the topsy turvy work.
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