Class #5732

Postnatal Mat - No Flexion

45 min - Class


Join Melissa Connolly for a rejuvenating Postnatal Mat class that focuses on creating length and space in the body without spinal flexion. This feel-good flow utilizes a ball to support and strengthen the pelvis and pelvic floor, making it ideal for postpartum recovery. Every exercise in this class is an opportunity to lengthen and create space, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
What You'll Need: Mat, Overball


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Hi. I am Melissa Connelly, and I am here to share with you a class that I designed that is Flexion free Postnatal. So the prop that we will need today is just a small Pilates squishy ball and a mat. Let's start on to our backs. So go ahead and roll down to your side and come right onto your back. The ball is going to be placed between the knees arms are down by to your sides.

Your knees are bent. Take a moment here to line your body up and settle into the mat. Starting with your feet, you have your toes, your heels, and a nice straight line. Knees pointing up to the ceiling, knees, hips, and shoulders lined up, and the ball just gently resting between the knees. Open up across your collarbone, pulling the shoulder blades down, chest is open.

And then lengthen out for your neck. We're gonna take a deep breath in through your nose. So inhale deeply. And then as you exhale, just breathe out all the air, release any tension that you might be holding onto in your body and do that one more time. Nice deep breath in through your nose.

And then exhale. Just empty out the air, empty out your lungs. And now integrating the ball, you're gonna breathe in fully through your nose like you just did. And on the exhale, start to squeeze into the ball, working through your inner thighs, keep squeezing, drawing in and up through your pelvic floor, up through your core, and on the inhale release. And, again, exhale squeeze the ball jarring up through the inner thighs, the pelvic floor, the deep core muscles.

And inhale release. One more. Exhale. Squeeze the inner thighs, pelvic floor, and core. And inhale release. Keep that same connection, and let's come into a posterior pelvic tilts.

Breathe into your nose. On the exhale, give the ball a little bit of a squeeze and then gently curl your tailbone under. And on the inhale, rolling through your lower spine into a small arch of your back. And rock through those two positions, exhale curling into your posterior pelvic tilts, rolling through your lumbar spine into an anterior pelvic tilts, Exhale, curling the pelvis under, and then rolling through your spine into a small arch. Do that twice more with the breath x sail curl the hips under, inhale roll through your spine into a small arch, and exhale curl the hips under.

And roll through the lower spine into the small arch, and then just settle in through the center. So you're in that nice neutral position, and we'll take this into a pelvic clock. So if you picture the posterior pelvic pelvic tilt to be your 12 o'clock. They anterior pelvic tilt to be your 6 o'clock. And then when you bring your hip over to the left, it's 3.

And then when you bring the weight to the right hip, it is 9. Come to neutral, and let's rotate around the clock. So nice deep breath into your nose. Exhale posture your tilt into 12 o'clock. And then rotate over to 3.

Rotate down to 6, rotate over to 9, and back up to 12, and then just smooth it out, creating that circle around around and back to 12. 1 more in that direction, taking out your own timing, just rotating around and back to the 12 o'clock. Now reverse. So take your hip over towards the 6 o'clock, the right hip, down towards the 6 o'clock, and then up to the 12, and then just rotating it around twice more. Just trying to create some movement in your pelvis, releasing any tension, your lower back, or any sticky spots. And then once you finish your rounds of the pelvic clock, just release it back down to neutral, feeling your pelvis warming up.

Now moving into some bridging, go into the pelvic tilt once again and continue you're rolling your hips up into a bridge. Tighten up through your glutes. Pull your abdominals and squeeze the ball and roll the spine down. And go again. Exhale rolling up through the lower back, the middle back, the upper back. Hips lift up. Take an inhale. Exhale.

Roll the spine down through the upper back. The middle back, the lower back, and the tailbone, and exhale roll up again. We're gonna add on with this next lift. Keeping your hips nice and lifted, pressing weight through your feet into the floor, spread out through your toes, engage your glutes. Take 10 squeezes into the ball. Squeeze one squeeze 2.

Squeeze 3. Squeeze 4. Squeeze 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Hold a squeeze on 10. Lift the arms up to the ceiling. Reach your arms all the way back overhead and then roll down, reaching away with your tailbone from your fingertips, and then lower the arms down to the sides. Exhale roll your hips back up into the bridge.

Hip stay nice and lifted and squeeze of all. 1, squeeze 2. Squeeze 3. Squeeze 4. 5, and 6, 7, and 8, 9, and 10. Reach the arms up, bring them all the way back overhead, reaching back to your fingertips as you roll this spine down, creating some nice length in your back and lower the arms down to the sides. One more time through. Exhale. Roll the hips up.

And squeeze 1, squeeze 2, squeeze 3, squeeze 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, hold it on 10, reach the arms all the way back and roll down upper spine, middle spine, lower spine, tailbone. Arms can come down by the sides. Now place a ball to your side and take your right knee up into a tabletop position. Place the left hand to the inner right knee, and then you're gonna gently push your knee to your hand, your hand to your knee. This is activating our front anterior oblique sling system.

So you're connected through your right inner thigh. You're connected through your left oblique. Squeeze those muscles and hold it for 3. Squeeze 2. And one. And let's lower the leg down.

Raise the left leg to your tabletop position, and then place the right hand on the inner knee. Push your knee and your hand together, connecting through the left inner thigh, connecting through your right obliques. Draw your abs in and hold it for 3. Squeeze 2. And 1 and lower down.

Alright. Keeping your obliques inner thigh connection. Let's take a march Exhale, right leg up, inhale lower. Exhale, left. Inhale, lower. Raise our right. 3, toe ball, heel down.

Exhale, 4, lower down. Exhale 5, and down, lift 6, and down pull your abs into lift the leg 7, exhale 8, 2 more, lift 9. And on number 10, hold your leg lifted. Raise the other leg up to meet it. Legs are in a tabletop position.

Reach your arms straight up to the ceiling. Your fingers are in line with your shoulders, anchor their shoulder blades down onto the mat, and let's take a toe tap, right toes touch the mat, exhale center, left toes touch the mat, exhale center. Read in 3, exhale center, 4, pull the abs in, 5 exhale center, 6, exhale center. 7 draw the abs into lift. 8 pull the abs in. 2 more. 9 exhale.

10 and center. Grab the ball. Place the ball between your knees. Arms are straight up to the ceiling. Take your arms. Reach them back overhead.

Reach, reach, reach, and circle the arms around to your sides, inhale stretch the arms back, exhale circle around, inhale reach and lengthen, exhale tight in your core as you circle. 2 more reach lengthen, exhale squeeze the ball. Last one in the direction. Exhale. Let's reverse. Inhale. Arms go out.

As you press down, you squeeze of all, pull your abs in. Out overhead, exhale press 2. Out overhead, exhale 3. 2 more. Squeeze of all, press 4. Last one and 5, hug your legs into your chest, releasing your hips, and your low back.

And now roll over to either side and press yourself up to see them. Place a ball next to you. We'll pick that up in a moment. Let's criss cross the legs. So sitting up here on top of your sit bones, getting some movement into your spine, take your right hand towards your left knee, bring your left hand kind you look over your shoulder and rotate, take a deep breath in, breathe out twist a little further, and then come through the center.

Take your left hand to the right knee. Right hand reaches back. Breathe in. Exhale. Twist a little further. And come through the center.

Repeat that again. Right hand to your left knee. Left hand on the floor behind you, inhale lengthen up through the crown of your head, and exhale look behind you and twist, and make your way through the center last time. Left hand to the right knee, right fingertips on the floor, lift up nice and tall, breathe in, exhale rotate a little bit more and twist, and make your way back to the center. Alright. Pick up your ball.

You're gonna sit on your mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Take your feet too with the edge of your mat, the inside edge of your mat, and place the fingertips on the ball, ball in line with your knees or so. We're moving into the spine stretch. So picture your back, nice and straight up against an imaginary wall. Flex your feet.

Imagine the bottom of your feet up against an imaginary wall. And then lower the chin down to your chest. Pull your stomach in and heal your spine away from the wall. Roll the ball forward. Stretch your spine. Take a breath in. Exa reach forward 3 times 1. Exhale.

2. And 3 now roll your spine back up, stack it up against the imaginary wall, sit nice and tall. Again, take the chin, exhale round the spine forward. Pull your abs and stay here and stretch 1, and 2, and 3, and then roll it back out. Sit up nice and tall. One more time.

Reaching the ball forward. And stretch 1, and 2, and 3, and then roll yourself back up and sit up really straight. Take the ball into your right hand, place it on the floor next to you. Stretch your left arm out to the side. The palm is facing up.

Roll the ball away and come into a side stretch. Keep your left sit bone anchored to the mat and exhale lift up. Open the left arm. Two more. Roll the ball away.

Come into a nice side stretch and exhale lift up. 1 more. Roll the ball away. Side stretch. And then lift yourself back up. Take the ball over to the other side. Left hand is on the ball.

The right arm is out. Palm is facing up. Inhale, raise the arm up. Exhale stretch over to the left anchor the right, sit bone and lift up, open the right arm to the sides. Right arm goes up. Exhale stretch over.

And lift up. Open the right arm. Last one, lift the right arm straight up and exhale stretch over and lift up. And open the right arm. Now take the ball in front of you.

Both of your arms are straight, lift up. The right hand reaches back. Follow the hand with your eyes, spine twists, pulse back one pulls back 2, pulls back 3, reach the right hand to the ball, reach the left arm back, pulse 3, pulse 2, and 1, reach back to the ball, exhale twist, for their 2 for this 3 inhale center, exhale twist for their 2 for this 3. And center 1, Marbury, that 1 and 2. 3, center exhale twist, and 2, and 3, and center. Place your ball to the side. Come around onto your hands and your knees.

Line your shoulders directly up over your wrist, your hips, over your knees, spread your fingers out, and straighten out your spine. The shoulders are down. The neck is lifted up in line with the spine. And then push your hands into the mat, curl the tailbone under, and round your back, pulling your belly button up to the spine, and lift the tailbone roll lower back, middle back, shoulders stay here. Draw your shoulders down.

Lift your chest look up. And exhales curl the tailbone under around the spine. And lift the tailbone roll through the lower back. The middle back. The shoulders. Press your shoulders down.

Lift your eyes up. And last one, exhale around your back. Tuck your chin, tuck your tailbone, and then lift the tailbone, roll lower back, roll middle back, roll shoulders, press your shoulders down, lift your chest, lift your eyes, lift your tailbone. And then come to a nice straight flat back. Now the tail wag, your left knee stays on the mat, but your foot lifts up.

You're gonna bring your left foot to the left side bend. Look at your left foot. And then swing that foot across to the right side, look over the right shoulder. Let's link our breathing. We're gonna exhale side bend to the left and inhale side bend to the right. Exhale side, bend to the left, inhale, side, bend to the right, one more exhale, left, and inhale, right.

And then come through the center, place your foot down, raise the right foot up, and swing that foot over to the right. Pull the right shoulder down towards the hip, look over to your right foot. And then bring the leg across and look over your left shoulder to your foot and swing it over to the right to exhale right. Inhale left. Exhale. Right. Inhale. Left one more rotate. Right. And left come through the center, place the right foot down.

Keep your spine straight. Tuck the toes underneath and hover the knees. Hold it for 3, 2, 1, place the knees back down. Again, hover the knees. 3, and 2, and one knee is back down. Last time, hover the knees, 3, and 2, and 1, and knees down.

Bring your feet together, knees apart, sit to your heels, scratch your arms forward nice and straight and long. We're gonna take a deep pilates breath. So your forehead is on the mat. Breathe and fully expand your ribs and your lungs. Front, side, and back. As you exhale, empty out all of the air.

Keep breathing out. Draw the abdominals in on the exhale. Now come back to an all fours position. Extend the right leg back to straight, tighten up your quad, tighten up your glute point, your toes, raise that leg up, lower it down. Lift the leg up. Lower it down.

Exhale. Lift up and down. 2 more. Lift up and down. Last time, we're gonna hold it there. Reach your left arm forward.

Balance. We're gonna test your stability in your center by opening the right leg to the right, left arm to the left. Inhale. Exhale center. Inhale, exhale center, 3 exhale center, 4 exhale center, one more time. Open. And center, place your hand and knee down.

Side too, lengthen that left leg out, tighten up your glute, tighten up your quad, tighten up your core, and lift the leg up. And down. Lift it up. Squeeze at the top and down. Exhale. Lift 3 and down.

Exhale. Lift for And down one more time, hold the leg there, reach the right arm forward, and then we open the right arm to the right, left, right to the left, back to the center. Breathe in. Exhale center. This is testing your pelvic stability.

2 more out exhale center. Last one and center and place the hand and the knee down. And now come back into your child's pose. So feet together, knees apart, stretch your arms nice and long. We'll take another deep breath in, expanding your ribs wide and then exhale MTO all of the air again. Now go back to that all fours position.

And from here, you're gonna step your hands forward. Your hips remain over your knees, but the hands are reaching forward. Keep your hips over the knees and then bend your elbows straight down. They hover off the mat, and you press up for 10. Strengthening your triceps, press up 2.

Down, press up 3. You just want to watch that your hips don't move. Keep your hips steady and press up 5. Down, press up 6. Down, press up 7.

You should be paying a little bit of heat in the back of your arms. 8, 2 more, 9, and 10. Now shift your weight forward, shoulders over the wrist fit in your elbows, make your way onto your stomach. Okay. We'll start with a stretch for your quads, bend your right knee, take your right hand, reach it back to the outside of the foot, and lower your forehead down to your left hand. Give that, like, a good stretch here. Hold it for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then release that foot And let's switch sides. Take your left hand to the outside of your left foot.

Place your forehead to the hand, and then just gently pull the heel up towards your glute. Give it a good stretch for five, four. 3, 2, 1, and then we'll release that foot. Both of your hands are together forehead down to your hands, bring your legs together tight. Now press your hip bones into the mat and raise your right leg without bending the knee and lower it down.

Switch. Lift the left leg 2. Lower it down. Right leg 3. Lower it down. Left leg 4. And down, right leg 5, and down, left leg 6, down, right leg 7, and down, left leg 8, down nice, long straight leg, lengthen and lift. Down one more time, lengthen and lift, and lower.

Separate the feet about hip distance apart. Take your arms down to your sides, palms facing the floor. Push down the tops of your feet and then raise your chest. Reach your fingertips back to your toes. Exhale lower down. 4 more.

Inhale. Reshale. Reach your fingertips down to your toes. Exhale lower. Link in your back. Reach out through the crown of your head.

Reach a fingertips back. Exhale lower. 2 more inhale lift. Exhale. Lower. One more. Breathe in and lift. Exhale lower. Carry the arms out and overhead.

Line your arms up to the corners of your mat. Palms are facing down. Now slide the hands in as you lift your chest. Pull your shoulder blades down. Raise the right arm and the left leg up and down. Switch, too.

And down opposite arm and leg. 3 and down switch 4, down switch 5, exhale 6, exhale 7, down lift 8, 2 more swimming prop, 9, Now hold it up on 10. Raise your right arm. Left leg up and do 20 quicker swimmers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20. Stretch all out and lower down. Hands by their shoulders.

Press yourself back again into that child's pose. Good. From here, take your arms off the mat over to the right. Bend your right elbow. Extend your left arm over to the right.

Stretch from your left fingertips to your left shoulder all the way down the left hip. Hold it for 3 and 2 and 1. Let's go the other side. Bend your left elbow. Extend the right arm long and stretch fingers to shoulder, to hip for 3. And 2 and 1. Okay. Good.

Bring the arms back forward and come back to all fours. We're gonna come on to our stomach again, but we'll do one more set of the tricep presses. So hips are over your knees. Hands are forward. Pull your abs in.

Bend elbows. They hover and press 1. Bend and press. You spread your fingers out. Push up 3. Bend, push up 4, bend, push up 5, bend, exhale 6, press up 7, press up 8, Two more. 9. And, 10, lean forward. Bend your elbows.

You're on your stomach. Place your hands together. Forehead down into your hands. We're gonna prepare for the single leg kick. So start with your hip bones pressing into the mat and squeeze your glutes from here.

Release the right foot kick it in two times. Point flex lower switch. Point, flex lower, and 3, kick lower, 4, kick lower. The point goes point, flex lower, point, flex lower, inhale, inhale, exhale, Inhale, inhale, exhale. 2 more. Kick lower. Last one. Kick lower. From the single a kick, we're moving into double a kick. Turn your right cheek to the mat.

Hands behind your back, tighten up the glutes, press the hip bones down, and kick three times. 1, 2, 3. Your feet go down. Lace your fingers. Lift your chest up. Turn your head to the other side. Lower down. Kick one 2.

3 feet down. Lift the chest up. Turn your head. Lower down. Exale. Kick. Kick. Kick. Breathe. Down. Lift your chest.

Turn the head and lower. Last one. Kick. To 3 feet down, lift your chest up. Turn your head and lower. Hands come right next to your shoulders. Feet separate hip distance.

Let's take 3 swan preps. Breathe and lift your chest. Look forward. Exhale. Hands the mat. Press yourself up.

Breathe and shoulders down. Lift your chest and arch. Exhale lengthen all the way down. 2 more. Inhale. Hands and chest.

Lift. Hands go down. Shoulders down as you lift. Inhale expand a little bit longer. Exhale lower down. One more. Inhale hover. Hands down.

Exhale press up. Push the shoulders down, lift your collarbone, lift your eye gaze, big inhale, and then take your time to lengthen all the way down. Once you are down, stretch your right arm out and pivot onto your right side. Your hips are to the back edge of the mat. Bend your knee. So your knees are in line with your hips. Place your left hand down.

We're gonna start our side lying hip work with the clamshell. So rotate your left knee open and down eight times two and down. Exhale. 3. Down rotate 4, down rotate 5, exhale 6, 2 more, rotate 7, and 8. Now we're gonna add external and internal rotation, rotate the leg out, and then rotate the leg in. Exhale, turn out. Inhale, turn in. Exhale 3. And in, axial 4, rotate in, 5, rotate in, 6, rotate in, 7, rotate in one more time, 8, and in lower the leg down.

Raise the leg up eight times. It's bent. It's parallel. 1 and lift 2, down up 3, down up 4, down up 5, down up 6, and lift 7. Hold the leg up on 8. Flex your foot.

Energy pushes through your heel. Press that leg away. 1. And then exhale. Push 2.

And then push through your heel. 3. Ben, when the leg goes all the way to straight, you squeeze your glute and your quad, push 4. Bend, push 5. Bend 3 more, 6, 2 more, 7, Now hold the leg long. Hold it straight.

Point your toes. Tiny circles. Go back 1, back 2, back 3, back 4, back 5, 6, 7 and 8 reverse 1, circle 2, circle 3, circle 4, circle 5, 6, 7, 8, flex your foot. Control the kick to the front. Point your toes. Reach it back. Inhale.

Exhale. Back. Kick forward. 3. Reach the leg back. 4. Reach the leg back. 5, feeling your hips staying really square and stable, 6, working on pelvic stability, and 7, and back one more time, 8, and back. Bend your knees.

Now take the bottom leg straight down. Take your top foot. Bend your knee. So your foot is flat. You can hold on to this ankle and raise the right leg up and down from the inner thigh. Lift lower. Try to keep the knee nice and straight.

Exhale 4. Exhale 5. Lift 6. Lift 7. One more time. Hold it up for 3.

2. 1 and lower down. Bend both of your knees. Press into your left hand and come up. We're gonna come on to this right forearm. Bend your knees. And now this shoulder, the right shoulder presses down. Fing the shoulder stability, feel your core muscles pulling in.

Raise your left arm up and lift your hips up. Stretch your left leg out to straight. Reach your left arm overheads. Inhale, lower the hip, and the arm, exhale reach over for 4, down, and exhale reach 3, kneeling side plank, reach over. Last one, and reach hold the stretch.

Reach 3, 2, 1, and lower your hip down. Now once you sit up, that leg that was straight, your left leg is gonna come across the right thigh. Anchor both sit bones into the mat. Take your hands. Lace them in front of the left knee.

So nice and tall. Big breath in. Relax your shoulders. Stretch your hip. Breathe out.

Extend the left arm forward. Follow your fingertips with your eyes as you reach the arm back. Place a hand to the floor and twist your spine. 1 further, 2, and 3. Come back to the center, grab your ball. Take the legs out to a wide straddle position, sit to the back of your mat, hold the ball in front of you.

Start to roll your spine forward, roll the ball away, away, away, Stay there stretching your inner thighs, breathe in, exhale stretch forward 1, stretch forward 2, stretch forward 3, and then roll back up Alright. We will remove the ball, put it to the side, and then let's come down onto our left side. Start your left arm out to the back edge of the mat, and then bring your knees forward. So knees are in line with your hips heels pull in toward the glutes and starting with our clamshell on side too. Rotate the leg out and down. Only rotating as much as your hips stays square. 3.

And down the range of motion doesn't matter how much big it is. And open 5, down, and 6, down, 2 more, 7, down, last one, 8, Adding on, rotate the leg out and rotate it in, exhale turn out, inhale turn in, rotate out 3, turn in, rotate 4, Turn in, exhale 5, turn in, exhale 6, turn in, 2 more, 7, and in, last one, 8, and in the leg lowers down and raise it up and down parallel. 1, lift up 2, lift up 3, down up 4, down up 5, down up 6, down up 7. Last one, you're gonna hold it here. Flex the foot. Push through your heel. Like, you're pushing into something 1 and then push to bend, tighten up your quad, tighten your glute 3. Give it some energy.

Push 4. Exhale, push 5, and push 6, 2 more exhale, 7. Now, we'll hold the leg straight. The toes point and do tiny circles go back 1, back 2, emphasize it back 3, and 4, and 5, and 6, 2 more, 7, 8, reverse, but keep emphasizing pressing back, press back 2, press back 3. 4, and 5, and 6, and 7, and 8. Flex the foot.

Sweep it to the front. Breathe in. Point the foot. Reach it back. Inhale. Exale 2.

Inhale, exhale 3, and sweep press back 4, sweep press back 5, forward, exhale 6, Two more, press back 7 and 8 to now. Bend that knee, place a foot in front. The left leg goes down to straight. The right foot is flat on your mat. Straightening out your left leg, pointing your left toes, lift the leg up, and down lift 2. Down lift 3.

Down raising from your inner thigh for exhale 5, exhale 6, exhale 7, and hold it up for 3, and 2, and 1, lower the leg down. The right hand goes to the mat, bend your knees. Press up onto your left forearm. Stabilize the left shoulder, lift from your waist, raise your right arm up, and send your hips up. The top leg reaches out long.

The top arm reaches overhead in opposition, and then we lower the hip, lower the arm, exhale stretch over, and down. Exale 4, and down. Exale 3. Lower the hip down, lift it up, 2, hip down, and hold the stretch for 3, reach to 1, and lower down. The left knee here stays bent. You sit up, you swing this right leg across.

And then we anchor the sit bones into the mat, lace the fingers in front of the right knee. Just pause here. Nice deep breath in, getting nice and straight and tall, breathing out. And then reach your right arm straight forward and start to follow your hand with your eyes as it goes back and back and back, fingertips touch the floor, get long and tall, and twist for 3. Rotate 2.

And one and come back to the center. We're gonna take that straddle inner thigh stretch once again. You can grab your ball. Open your feet out to the sides. Have the tops of your feet facing the ceiling, kneecaps to the ceiling. Fingertips on the ball, tuck your chin, and roll the ball forward.

And hold that nice inner thighs stretch and reach 1, reach 2, 3 scoop your abs in. Roll the spine up. Take your right leg over to meet your left leg. Put the ball next to you and roll down onto your back. The arms are gonna go down by your sides and lift your legs up into a tabletop position.

Pulling your abs and ribs are connected, belly button sinks down into your spine, take the right leg long and straight, hold it there, tighten up through your right quad, tighten up through your right glue, sink your stomach into the spine, and bend the right knee. Lengthen out the left leg. Give it some intention. Tighten your quad. Tighten your glute.

Draw your abs in and bend the knee. And just a little bit faster with an exhale reach leg out. Exhale strap Inhale. Bend. Exhale. 2. Inhale. Bend. Exhale. 3. Inhale. Bend. Focus on your form for tighten your muscles and your leg.

5. Tighten the muscles in your core 6, exhale 7, exhale 8, relax your neck and shoulders. 2 more, 9, and 10. Bend the knees, place a right foot on the mat, followed by the left, pick up your bell. Okay. The feet are about hip distance apart. Press your hips straight up, lift.

Roll that ball right under your sacrum and then settle down onto the ball. Arms are long. Feed are parallel. Now you lift your hips up. It might not even look like I'm lifting my hips off of the mat. Yours are off of the ball.

Yours might not even be lifting off the ball either, but it's that feeling of lifting by pushing into your feet, tightening your glutes and your hamstrings, and then we'll alternate heel raises. You're on the ball of the foot, raise the right heel, and lower. Switch left heel, lower switch 3, lower switch 4, lower switch 5, lower 6, lower 7. Lower lift 8. Lower lift 9. And, Tom, now the heels are down.

Sing your hips back down to the ball. Release for a moment. We're gonna move that into a bridge. Feel free to stay, with the heel raises if that feels better for you. Press the hips up and then raise one leg up lower it down, lift the other leg up, and down.

Exale 3, down. March 4, down. March 5, down March 6, down March 7, down March 8, down 2 more, 9, and and settle your hips down, down, down, heavy, heavy, heavy on the ball. Alright. The next one I love, you're gonna take your knees up and then straighten your legs up to the ceiling. So you're just releasing those hips down the ball. Pull your stomach muscles in, the right leg comes towards your face as the left leg reaches away.

Try to keep your legs long and straight, scissor switch 2, switch 3, switch 4. Switch. 5 nice long legs. 6. Reach 7. Opening up your hips. 8 and 9. We're gonna pause on 10.

For the bicycle, the bottom foot touches and skims the mat. Scrape it in, bicycle. 23, and 4, and 5, bicycle 6, bicycle 7, 8, 9, and turn reverse the bicycle, reach the foot down to now scrape it down and up 2, down and up 3, down and up 4, down and up 5, reaching lift 6, and 7. And 8, 2 more, reach 9, and 10. Lift the legs up. Bend the knees. Place the feet down onto the mat.

Lift your hips up. Move the ball to the side. And then roll your spine down, down, down, the back always feels so good after that. Now take your arms straight out to the sides wide into a t position. And lower your knees all the way over to the right.

So arms are expanding. Your eyes are straight up to the ceiling. Turn the palms of your hands up, and this one is called the pinwheel. Your left arm raises straight up to the ceiling. You're gonna pick up your head, reach your left hand, pass the right hand, then draw a huge circle on the floor, trying to keep your fingertips connected to the ground, open the left arm, big stretch, and raise the left arm up, reach it past the right hand and draw that nice big circle all the way around, opening up.

And one more pinwheel on this side. Reach the left hand past the right hand. Draw that nice big circle fingertips on the floor. Open the arms out. Y. Take a breath in. X.

It'll pull your knees through the center. Lower the knees over to the left. Settle in here. Your palms are facing up. Shoulders are down. And then raise the right arm straight up.

Pick up your head. Reach the hand past the left hand. Draw a circle along the floor. Open the arm wide. Raise the right arm up. Reach it past the left hand and circle all the way around. Nice big circle.

Last one, lift up. Reach past the left hand. Draw that nice big circle on the ground. And then exhale. Pull your knee as through the center.

And then to come up to seated, bring your knees back to that first side over to the right, and then press yourself up. And then just sit down with your legs crossed like you started class. And take a nice deep breath in, raise your arms up, hands together, bring them down to your hearts. And thank you all for joining me.


Emily F
My favorite postnatal mat routine so far! Just what I needed at 9 weeks PP. 
Caro W
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I'm not postnatal but this is the best mat class I have come across for chronic pelvic and lower back pain. Thank you so much!

I’m not postnatal, however I love discovering flexion free classes. This was incredible. I loved every single minute of this routine. I’ve added to favorites. Thank you! I already cannot wait to repeat. 

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