Class #5797

Meri Christmas Mat

30 min - Class


Meri Rogers presents a joyful Holiday-themed Mat class suitable for all levels, incorporating a Magic Circle to enhance the festive Pilates experience. This wholesome session invites practitioners to connect deeply with themselves and potentially with loved ones through mindful movement and seasonal cheer. Embrace the spirit of the holidays as you strengthen your body and nurture your soul in this uplifting and accessible Pilates class.
What You'll Need: Mat, Magic Circle

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Merry Christmas. I'm here with my favorite elves. Thank you ladies for coming and joining us for our Christmas celebration. So we are gonna get started by just resting the ring. You may have noticed that we have rings, so you'll need one of those.

Press it into your thighs. And as you press just lightly back into your thighs, take your chest up and forwards. A little bit of back bend, counteracting the the Christmas wrapping posture come to center, take the ring forward. Raise the ring overhead. And as you raise your ring overhead, feel that you're growing into it.

You're getting taller. You're reaching up. And then we're gonna inhale and side bend. That's you wish one way and stand. And reaching over.

Oh, you're welcome and stand and bring the ring down. And let's see if we can keep our hats on as we round through the spine. Diving towards the center of the circle. I'm not really squeezing it in this moment. I'm just holding it between the palms of my hands with my fingers pretty soft, pausing to inhale as you arrive at the bottom.

Pushing down through the feet maybe a little pressure against the circle just slight as you roll up. As the body comes up, the ring will come once again against the thighs and will press and lift the chest. And come back, raising the ring up, taking the ring overhead, growing taller, taller, taller, taller, and side bend in you, pressing into the opposite foot. And press that foot down to lift up and in her reaching over and exhale to stand up, bringing the ring down, following the ring with the head, softening the knees, lifting up through the center of the body as you dive down into the center of the ring, pausing at the bottom to inhale, pushing the feet away, rolling through the spine. We're gonna do something different when we stand up.

So when you're coming all the way to up, take the ring in front of your chest. Pull the ring apart as you bring it to your body. And squeeze as you straighten. Pull the ring apart, opening the chest. Feel the mid back working and squeeze what's so funny.

And pull in. And reach forwards. This is for fun, everyone. Enjoy. Pull in.

No seriousness here and reach out. Take the arms overhead. Reach over to one side. Take the ring all around. Bend across. So you're reaching into a rotation.

Come back around. Find your side stretch. Go a little deeper and stand. And reach over and take your rotation, pushing the ring away, pulling back through the center of the body, come back around, and stand and bring the ring forward and all the way down. We're gonna come to the mat.

So have a seat. Okay. So let's take the ring just underneath the knee. So right at the base of the patella, pull it down against the knee and lift into, once again, a small upper body arch Find center, and then keeping the ring there around back. So you're pulling with your abdominals against the place where the ring is holding onto the body and then push that ring back into your knees, come up into an upright position. Continue to push it down.

I'm pulling my ring apart a little bit because I think it feels good and then find center. What if we squeeze the ring, drawing energy into the center of the body as we rock the pelvis back? And then start coming up, change the squeeze to a pole and lift the chest one more time. Round the spine, soft squeeze on the ring, I try not to get real handy here. I try use just use my the palms of my hands, but as you wish, it is Christmas after all.

So make your own choices. Lift the chest. And center. Take the ring up. We're gonna round the spine just like we did before. Feel the arms reach forwards.

Roll back through the spine. Coming down towards a chest lift position. When you're in your chest lift position, raise the ring over your head like a halo. Bring it back down. We're Christmas angels now and roll up It's my Christmas gift to you.

You're welcome and sit all the way up tall. Inhale. Exhale round the spine. Push the ring away. Roll back towards chest lift. Once you're there, raise your arms, lower your arms, push down with your feet.

Pull the heels towards the pelvis or towards the back of the basically use your hamstrings is what I'm trying to get across without very good words and round the spine one more time. Go back. Take the arms. Take the arms. Press into the ring.

Use that pressure to connect to the center of your body and sit tall, making a change. Round your spine. Go back. We're gonna drive the ring like a steering wheel towards the right and towards the center. Towards the left, and towards the center.

I have a Christmas gift for you ladies. I'll tell you what it is when we get there and center and rotate and center. It's not coal and rotate and center and rotate. And one more to each side, rotating, coming center, rotating, coming center. The Christmas gift is you do not have to roll it. Lay all the way down your welcome. Setting up for a bridge, taking the arms overhead.

In here, Excel rolling through the spine, sending the arms over the chest. Hold here. Pull the ring apart as you bring it to your chest. Feel the shoulder blades sit flat on the mat as you squeeze the ring and direct your arms and then begin rolling the spine down and reaching the arms overhead again. So that's our pattern. Inhale. Prepare.

XL to roll, sending a ring over the chest, holding the body up, pull the ring, lightly squeeze the ring, focusing on the mid back shoulder stabilizers, and then rolling the spine down. And as the spine comes down, the ring is reaching overhead. So the upward rotation of the shoulder blades inhale and exhale push down in your feet, roll up through your spine. Pull the ring into the body. Change this pull to a squeeze as you stretch up and roll down, reaching overhead.

We're doing 2 more all the way into the tailbone into a neutral pelvis and lift up. Stepping into both feet evenly, pull the ring, lift the pelvis, stretch the arms, keeping the pelvis up, and roll down, sending the arms back overhead stretching in both directions. And one more time the same, exhale to lift. Feeling both feet active on the ground underneath you. Pull the ring in.

Open the chest. Light squeeze on the ring as we stretch it away and then roll down all the way through the spine. Once you're at the bottom, bring the ring back over the chest and lift the legs up into a tabletop position. We're gonna take the knees to the left for the spine twist and the arms across to the right. And center. So the ring and the arm position counterbalances as we go the other way, the rotation of the lower body.

Find center, dig deep, and inhale as we reach over and exhale as we come back and inhale as we reach over and exhale feeling the connect of the arms to the waist, the legs to the waist. So all of this is coming through the center of the body. We're gonna do one more time to each side inhaling across. Excelling to come back, inhaling across, exhlling to come back, hold yourself here, curl your head and chest up the ring goes just over the knees. I'm just lightly squeezing it as we reach double leg stretch and bring the ring back and inhale to stretch and exhale to pull and inhale to reach.

And excel to pull and reach, expand, contract, and 3, pulling back. Number 2, pulling back. Number 1, coming back to hold, second Christmas gift, ring behind your head. Let your head rest in the ring so that you're curling up with your abdominals, letting your arm support that shape right leg forward. And change and reach and reach and reach keep curling using the arms, but not pulling the neck forward and reach and 44.

You're welcome, Christie. 3, 2 wide elbows, scapula wide. 1, we're gonna take some rotation. Here we go, Chris, cross, and and across. Through center and keeping the head heavy on that ring so the abdominals have to work really hard to pull you into that position.

Last four to both sides. 33 2, 2, 1, 1, bend the knees, curl just a little bit higher, and rest. Take the legs out straight. Take the ring back into the hands, raising the arms overhead, inhale to bring the ring towards the size lifting the head and chest. Roll up. And from that forward position, we're gonna pull the ring to the body and sit up tall. We're gonna squeeze the ring as we stretch forward with the body. I'm sorry, my friends, and roll back.

You could do like a little rock and roll. You could bend your knees. You can do it as you wish. So head and chest. Maybe you rock and roll to come up and then reach forward.

You can bite your lip as you wish, merry Christmas, pull the ring to your chest, squeeze the ring as you push it forward, and roll back. We're just gonna do one more. And reach and lift up and rock and roll. And pull the ring in and stay there flexing the feet change, the pull to a squeeze. Rotate towards the right, continuing that squeeze, keeping the ring just in front of the chest and center. And rotate the other direction, sitting tall tall tall. Tall.

The ring just stays right as it is and center and lift and twist and center and lift and twist. And center and lift and twist and center and lift and twist and making a change. We go into rotation, take the arms straight, raise the arms overhead, growing the spine into the ring, take the arms back, bring the arms back. I'm pulling now and now squeezing. And rotate, stretch the arms forward, raise the ring up overhead flexing through the feet, bring the ring back.

I like to pull as I bring it to my chest, I like to squeeze as I come through center and one more time rotate and reach and lift overhead and lower back down and pull in and come center and one more rotate and reach and raise the ring up and take it back down and pull in and center and open the legs. Take the ring out in front. Lifting the body super tall and rounding the spine. So we go down. We send the ring out towards the feet. The inhale there and start stacking back up a little pressure into the ring as the spine comes up into an upright position, lift, tall, and inhale, and exhale rounding down.

Reaching forwards and in here and rolling through the spine, soft in the shoulders, light in the body, and one more rounding down. I think the ring should have pencil all the time. It would make it so much more fun and lift, all the time than it would truly be a magic circle and roll down. We're making a change. We're gonna bring the body out on the diagonal arms to the ears. Take the body back forwards and stack back up into an upright position.

Sitting tall. Again, rounding forwards. Take the ring out leaning into that stretch, flattening the spine. Take the body back forwards. And stack back up and inhale one more time, making a change at the end, rounding down, reaching out, hold your shape as you pull the ring and bring it over the top of the head and then just soft in the arms as you stretch the ring back up and pull the ring as you bring it over the top of the head. And stretch back up leaning into the stretch one more time. Pull the ring and stretch back up, diving all the way back down, sitting all the way back up, Let's bring the legs together.

Roll down onto the mat. Good news. We're gonna stay down. And turn all the way on to one side. So stretching the arm, taking the ring just in front of the torso, and resting it on its side.

So gathering energy through the center of the body, we're gonna raise the legs as we press down on the ring. And now the legs are gonna float as they go down. Could think about the ring being, like, the go button for the legs. Push down and lift and down and push down and lift. And down. So finding connection through the center of the body, press down and lift, and down, and press down and lift.

And down two more times. Press to lift and down and press to lift. And come all the way down. We're gonna rise up onto the forearm. The ring can just come in a comfortable position.

We're gonna keep the pressure down on it. Let's bend the bottom knee You're welcome. Merry Christmas. So just pressing down into that ring again flexing through the foot and go. Kick kick. Oh, mine was in the way. Push.

Kick, kick. And reach. Pressing down. Christie called me a show off. It's true. I am.

Kick, kick, and reach. Kick, keeping the spine organized nice and steady. And reach 5 more for Christmas. I'll take counting lessons. 4. 3. To one reach back reach back and hold it.

They're pushing into the arm and lift and lift. And lift and pressing the arm down. And 5, 4, 3, 2, one, bring the leg in, turn onto your back. Put your working leg into the ring, stretch the opposite leg long, stretch that leg and pull back. Then take the ring in the opposite side that the of the foot and cross the leg over the body.

You can take your opposite arm out to counterbalance that stretch if you wish. So in the moment, we're just pressing the hip in opposition to the leg crossing the body, and now we're gonna allow the hip to lift and take it a little further. You're welcome. Come back to center, both feet in the ring, stretch both legs, lift your head, kick, Shame sides. Thank you. You're welcome.

Merry Christmas. Okay. So we're down on the side. The opposite side, I hope. And the head is down and the arm is on the ring, and we've got some shoulder stabilization happening, and we're gonna push and lift both legs and, and feel the connection to the center of the body as you press and lift and, balancing, focusing, and, keeping the legs actively squeezing together and down 4 more like this, press to lift, and and press to lift 3 and down. Feel that you're pressing from underneath your shoulder blade too. Saying the numbers out loud so I don't get lost.

Last one, push lift, and done, and then rise up onto the forum. We bent the bottom knee. Take the ring so it will be out of the way for the sidekick. Press down into the arm or lift the leg into the air, and we go. Po po. Reach reach. Po po.

Reach reach, pressing down, pulling back, pressing down. And when I say pulling back, I mean, the leg, not the ring. So the ring is just staying steady. We'll do 4 and stretch away. And 3 and stretch away and 2, and stretch away and 1, and hold the leg back and go up, press down.

Press to lift, and press to lift. Feel the abdominals working. Feel the bottom arm pressing the lower waist up. What's happening? Are we happy?

Okay. Oh, the elves are having fun. I thought they were unhappy. 3. 2. We've got happy elves in the house.

That's great nails. 1 and bent. Come onto your back, take the working leg into the ring, stretch the other leg long, straightening the leg, every time I lay down on my head, it gets in the way and pulling that leg back towards the body. Taking the ring into the opposite hand of the leg and start by crossing the leg across the body, pressing down and back through the hip first, and then allow the pelvis to start to come with you. Taking a rotational stretch, a hip stretch.

It's a lot in your knee. Just soften that knee. Breathing. And then we come back And then we take both feet into the ring, and we go ahead and chest up, and we get to come up. We're gonna come onto our hands and knees.

What I want us to do here with the ring is to put it underneath of the body. So different places work better for different people for me, if I just kinda snuggle it right where my ribs come together, that's my favorite place, but you'll just figure out what feels good to you. Stretch one leg back. The other leg back. Christmas is not complete without push ups.

We're doing 10. Bending and allowing the ring to hold some of the body weight and push. Yes. We're doing a pause at the bottom. Bend. And push. Yes. It's another gift and bend and push and bend and push and halfway now and reach.

And I'm reminding myself not to let my belly rest on the ring and 4 and push and 3 Oh my god. And 2 and push. And 1 and push. Bend your knees. Was it fun? It was so fun. Come all the way down.

The ring is leaving tinsel everywhere. So we're gonna hold the ring in the palms of the hands with the hands kind of cradling the outside of the of the handles, stretching the arms overhead. Keep the ring in the arms down initially. Let your body. Let your let yourself push down into your arms and raise your chest up. Now lift the ring. Bend your arms, bringing the ring right under your face, stretch the arms back forward, rest the ring on the ground, and take the body down.

We're gonna do it again. So gliding the shoulder blades back to lift the chest, keeping the legs and the abdominals energized as you lift the ring. Bend the arms. Stretch the arms. Lower the arms, lower the body 3 more times.

Shoulder blades pull down, chest lifts up, abdominals, and the back of the legs are helping us support the back as we lift the ring and bend. Stretch the ring. Lower the arms. Lower the body. Things are really heating up in here.

Slide the shoulders down and lift the chest. Lift the ring, bend the arms, stretch the arms, lower the arms, lower the body. I think only one more. Am I right? Amazing. I could be wrong, but they're lying to me if I am.

So that's fine. So here we are. We're lifting the ring last time, bending in, stretching off forward. And take the ring all the way down. Turn now the ring so it's in an up position.

Take your hands just to the outside of that upper handle. And now we start to lift the head. So instead of pushing down a lot on the ring, allow the ring to start to tip towards the face as you lift your body. You're in charge of how high. And then articulate in a reverse on the way back down.

And we go again. Gliding the shoulder blades down. Instead of pushing down on the ring, allow it to glide towards the body's just as pulling towards the center of the ring, and then the body articulates back down, and we're there. And glide the shoulders, bring the head through. Maybe you'll choose to go a little higher on this one.

Maybe you won't. Again, it's up to you. Last two times. Shoulder blades glide. Body comes up, take the gaze through the circle, maybe a little bit above the circle, and down. And one more Glyde the arms.

Bring the head. Bring the ring. Hold here. Lift the legs. Flutter the legs. Swimming away.

Inhale flutter, exhale flutter, inhale flutter, exhale flutter, one more time, inhale flutter, and exhale flutter, and lower the legs and lower the body. Lower the ring down. Bring your arms to the mat. Press up. Bring the knees in underneath you. And sit back towards your feet.

Okay, ladies. Grab that ring. Come all the way up onto your knees. Take the ring in front of the chest, and we take an in you. On the exhale, we're gonna round the spine, sit back, not all the way onto the feet, like you're piking back towards your heels, big stretch in the spine, and pull the ring to the body and lift the body to the ring. And then push it away and round and pull and bringing the body up into that ring, really focusing on the upper back to find that arm pull and push using the push to get deeper into the abdominals and pull and 2 more rounds.

Enjoy and pulling lifting up And last time around, reach, and pull in, and lift up, and Merry Christmas. Hi.


Lynn C
2 people like this.
Merry Christmas Meredith! Woke up this morning and was super excited to find your wonderful annual Christmas lesson. This has become a holiday ritual for me. Thank you so much for this fun and festive Pilates class! ❤️
2 people like this.
I am so thankful for this wonderful tradition. Merry Christmas to all of you! 
Jennifer E
2 people like this.
Yeah! Meredith's annual Christmas class! Always the perfect way to start Christmas Day! And love the decorated magic circles! Merry Christmas!!!
2 people like this.
Three beautiful, smart and fit Christmas Angels, bringing Joy and Peace to the World! Meri Christmas to all!!!
1 person likes this.
Thank you for yet another fun Christmas class! Merry Christmas!
Julie Lloyd
1 person likes this.
My favourite Christmas class yet! Thank you lovely ladies. Merry Christmas to you all. And thank you for another awesome year of Pilates xo
1 person likes this.
Merry Christmas you too! I love this traditional christmas lesson.... It is my favorite part of holidays :) I can't imagine these days without your pilates exercise...

Tanya P
1 person likes this.
Merry Christmas! thank you Meredith Rogers ! as always, love your merry christmas mat class!
1 person likes this.
Merry Christmas! Fantastic ring class to get me moving post holiday. Thank you! 
Mim S
1 person likes this.
Mer(r)y Christmas! I've done many of the festive classes during the year and was looking forward to the new one! Thanks :)
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